Supportive Communications (from non-teachers)
Okay, truth be told, because I have never meet more than 99% of the people quoted on this page, therefore,
I don't really know that none of the people quoted on this page are not teachers, however, I'm pretty sure they are not. 🙂
I don't really know that none of the people quoted on this page are not teachers, however, I'm pretty sure they are not. 🙂
I also have supportive communication from teachers!
- 2025.02.01: "I have watched so many of your videos and your clarity of explanations is incredible. Thank you so much! You're amazing work has reached the Scottish highlands and helped this physics student survive." @chocolatehazenut
- 2025.01.29: "I found myself unable to grasp fluids since the beginning of the semester, to the point where I felt like giving up. Then I found you, my saviour, thank you for saving me 😭❤️" @pineapple5816
- 2025.01.28: "You are a very gifted teacher...This is the best video I have seen on this topic in many years. Thank you!" @stevejones3662
- 2025.01.14: "I was now a 2nd year medical student. 3 years back i watch your videos and suddenly today i remember the iconic "flippppinnnggg physiiiiics" intro and i am not disappointed to see it again after years. Thanks again sir , without you i cant enter med school and love physics" @tamilspeaker2507
- 2025.01.13: "Thank you for this explanation! Thank you so much for acknowledging and addressing the math components too! i had the same exact questions the students had. I am taking an advanced physics course but have not taken geometry yet so I am at a bit of a disadvantage when it comes to angles and trig functions. I am happy when physics teachers take some time to address the geometry components so everyone can be successful." @little_mymble
- 2025.01.13: "Mr. P, I genuinely thank you for being my light in my datlrst (darkest?) chamber. You might never know in what situation I'm dwelling in Pakistan with sheer lack of factual scholarship. Today I grasp this whole playlist belovedly, excluding gravitation part where I'll revert to when I'll be heading for astrophysics. Because of you and other dazzling teachers on YouTube, I, being 17, am teaching these notions to students who detected the brilliance transferred from you and other teachers to me! Thank you once again! I hope to see you in person in the United States one day!" @andrewjustin256
- 2025.01.07: "I love your videos, the format, the style of teaching is so so great, thank you so much for the work that you put into these" @jul32wicz94
- 2025.01.06: "Dude your video lectures are SO GOOD. I literally just read this in Halliday and Resnick and your lectures complement the reading so well it's amazing! Your presentation is magnificent and your visuals are stellar. Amazing job as per usual!!!" @advancedstudy0
- 2025.01.05: "you should get like a nobel prize or somethi the amount of work that went into this and also calling out the misconceptions is soooo good i thank you dr P" @yoihenbath
- 2025.01.05: "Omg thank you very much, you’re the only person made me understand" @its_lily183
- 2025.01.01: "The physics works indeed🎉 I’ve watched your channel for three years now and you never fail to disappoint! It’s nice to see you’re still uploading interesting content. I was previously confused how the tension could make the scale reading negative, but i sure know now. Happy new year Flipping Physics!" @vaedkamat484
- 2024.12.20: "BRO THIS VIDEO IS ACTUALLY FANTASTIC. The visuals of the three disks is an ingenious way of demonstrating key concepts in centripetal and tangential acceleration. You are actually a phenomenal teacher Mr.P!!! The best there is 😤😤😤" @advancedstudy0
- 2024.12.18: "This playlist is gold. This is me studying for my first-semester university physics final. I looked for AP Physics C videos because I noticed commonalities between example AP Physics C problems and my homework." @dorothynediak4029
- 2024.12.18: "Mr. P, you are saving me for physics at hopkins. thank you for all your hard work these past 10 years. you will never know how many students you have impacted!" @drip4175
- 2024.12.08: "We have to understand the nature of a problem to create. Your lessons are amazing. In my country I cant find videos like these. Keep going to save students like me. I actually need to understand the problems, not learn by heart formulas" @hellospacex
- 2024.12.04: "Really love your videos. They are extremely beneficial for me. I find them really handy whenever I want to just revise the topics in short time. I'm from India, and the course for Grade 12 (CBSE) is almost always the same as the American Curriculum. For us, the board exams are held in February-March. So, again, I thank you for putting your efforts into these wonderful physics videos." @MayankChoudhury-x4s
- 2024.12.01: "11 years later and this video explains it perfectly. I cannot understate how much it helped me understand it." @JoeSenkins
- 2024.11.30: "The best physics teacher on YoutTube!" @darthTwin6
- 2024.11.29: "I love how incredibly he make things understandable😮" @AbirChakraborty-hx6qz
- 2024.11.20: "This was so helpful. Nothing else clicked for me except this video. Thank you!!" @LillyHyre
- 2024.11.15: "As an electrical engineer, this just gave me a new way to think of inductance that I never thought of before" @gerardogarcia2930
- 2024.11.08: "Thank you so much for your videos!! As an AP veteran, I have never seen educational content for AP classes that is as informational and engaging as yours. You deserve all the credit in the world! Wishing you good fortune, keep it up :)" @addisonboomer9195
- 2024.11.01: "Billy I pray you keep contributing as much as you are doing to the STEM community. Love how open source we've become with knowledge today, just makes me happy to think about the potential of the future." @nickalexander2505
- 2024.11.01: "I am from India and IIT JEE Aspirant and it is really fantastic to understand concept. Thnks Sir 🎉🎉" @abdulrafai5712
- 2024.10.28: "Omg your channel is amazing and really super super helpful! Thank you so much physics flipping!" @FreeShaima
- 2024.10.15: "I’m an engineering student and it’s my first year so I am having a bit hard days in trying to fit in the university classes and every time things turn out hard I come running to your videos and they helped me so much soooo much more than you think ;) BIG thanks for you Mr b and your wife and all the working group ! -your hardworking student from Saudi Arabia" @sunriseisthebest1855
- 2024.10.06: "holy moly saying what the letters mean all the time is GENIUS! this is why i have to strain to understand when my physics prof talks because when the formulas are new to students it is hard to follow along when your brain is still trying to remember what x is!" @nosleepdelirium1214
- 2024.10.01: "I feel like you’ve heard this a few million times already, but your work is so rare and valuable. It’s FREE education, and we cant know how much time and hard work this takes, but it is SOOO nice of you to do this. We all thank you from the bottom of our hearts" @B_Bunny_
- 2024.10.01: "I am watching your lessons from Uzbekistan. You are by far the best physics teacher I have ever seen." @ShermukhammadKarimov
- 2024.10.01: "These videos will last forever man. You are a knowledge machine. You are a legend." @jjrf.7
- 2024.09.28: "Every night, my AP Physics teacher assigns us one of your videos from 2013, it’s the only thing that really helps me understand the class" @justjune1
- 2024.09.28: "Mr P is the G.O.A.T.🎉" @SmartSideFamily
- 2024.09.15: "flipping physics! thank you for all the awesome physics content; i've yet to find another youtuber that's as thorough yet concise yet entertaining as you are, and your videos helped me get 5s on all four ap physics exams last year! though now i'll be sad because now that i'm going further in studying physics, i won't have your videos to help me out :( thanks again, and i hope the new videos go well!" @t11urtle63
- 2024.09.01: "Hello Mr P I last commented on your channel 3 months ago before AP exams thanking you for putting out all your content. To give an update I got a 5 on Physics C Mechanics and want to thank you again for all the videos! You also helped me find part of my passion for Physics, thus, as a rising senior, I'm applying for an engineering major this fall. My top program of choice is the UPenn M&T program so please wish me best of luck! Thanks for all the videos! They were truly very well-made, informative, concise, and most importantly, fun to watch. You, Billy, Bobby, and Bo are my heroes." @EricWei-bi1np
- 2024.07.30: "So much better than my university class on this relatively simple subject, I loved how definitions were first shown and clear, my class relies way too much much on intuitions giving little explanations/references back to what the definition of the damn thing actually is. Thanks!" @northernlight1000
- 2024.07.08: "I first watched your videos back when I took AP Physics B (really dating myself here) in high school, our class fell behind schedule but I got ahead with your videos and was the only one to pass scoring a 3. This inspired me to self study AP Physics C: Mechanics my senior year and teach myself calculus again using your videos. I passed that test with a 4 and went on to college graduating with my B.S. in Mechanical Engineering. I now work as an engineer for a local government agency here in Los Angeles, CA and could not have done it without your videos almost 10 years ago. Thank you so much for your dedication to education and for constantly giving back to the next generation of students." @lboy9889
- 2024.06.18: "I can't thank you enough man, your videos literally saved me. Keep it up." @darshangoswami1294
- 2024.06.17: "Glad my Professor from high school introduced us to your videos! Learned so much and I’m actually wanting to review all the lectures for my personal gain. Thank you!" @user-lf5yu3rf8z
- 2024.06.16: "you are the best teacher i have ever seen, thanks so much" @user-dr9ru2gz6i
- 2024.06.14: "Wow im so happy i can finally understand this :)" @Anahitabyi
- 2024.06.08: "dude, these videos are actually so good! I've finished AP physics 1 & I felt pretty confident with my ability in the class though watching these videos gives me even more insight since no fact is hand-waved away & all assumptions are laid out" @cupostuff9929
- 2024.06.02: "9 years ago, your content is what let me pass my AP Physics 1 exam my sophomore year. Since then, I've earned a minor in physics, and I tutor physics on the side. I still use your AP Physics C reviews to refresh my physics before every new student. Thank you so much for what you've created. Your passion for physics makes me smile and laugh every time I watch your videos again 😄" @michaellozano5796
- 2024.05.28: "Wow😭 can’t believe how good this video is" @Jawadalishah69
- 2024.05.26: "THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I AM NOT DUMB I UNDERSTAND FINALLY!!!!!!!!!" @aqeelaamir4720
- 2024.05.24: "i just want you to know that i appreciate you" @shors5841
- 2024.05.24: "I'm so honored I got to be a student in your very last traditional physics class. I am so grateful for everything you taught me this year and for the AP prep you provided. Even though it's sad to see you go, I'm glad you'll be able to teach more people all around the world. Best of luck with everything! - Indigo" @Indigo-1aisy12
- 2024.05.24: "I just wanna say that your AP physics I videos helped me prepare more than anything else could have for the exams." @shadowknight2485
- 2024.05.22: "The comedic nature of explanation really aids in understanding what is being told! Loved it and cleared any doubts that I previously had" @Shogun507
- 2024.05.13: "Hey Mr. P, it's been a year since I last commented about my AP Physics 1 exam, and how your videos helped me get that 5!
Now, in a few hours, I'm going to be appearing for the Physics C Exams. Thank you again for all your help, and hopefully we'll have a round 2 of success!!" @dabossbabie3605 - 2024.05.08: "THIS VIDEO WAS EXTREMELY HELPFUL" @youtubeessentials2996
- 2024.05.07: "At the moment, u r my favorite person on this whole planet . Feel so ready to take on AP physics 1 exam.( Never have i ever thought that is sth i would say lol. ) can't thank u enough for everything" @Zwel-ym5oc
- 2024.05.07: "got a 90% on the exam thanks to you. please never stop pumping these high-quality videos out" @skappa-134
- 2024.05.07: "Freshman in college but your vids have gotten me thru my 2nd year of physics. Thank you so much!!!!!" @mansisharma8572
- 2024.05.06: "Hey Mr. P, I'm in college as a freshman, but watching your videos helped me get 4s and 5s on all the AP physics exams I took. Thank you for being funny and a good teacher over the last few years of my life." @CamoLoTiProd
- 2024.05.06: "Thank you so so much Mr. P! You have really been a big reason for why I love physics in the first place, and I want you to know that!" @gl00my_days
- 2024.05.06: "Thank you Mr. P! You were an integral (haha!) part of opening up the world of physics to me and for me to discover my passion in it, whether it be through engineering or pure physics, only god knows where the wind will take me. But regardless of what I decide to do, and regardless of whether I (and I am assuming many other of your students) do well on our AP exams or not, we will always have an outstanding debt to you Mr. P!" @sultanalhammadi1687
- 2024.05.06: "Mr P!! you've always helped me in physics ,whenever I felt disheartened by a problem , watching ur videos energized me. They're not only informative, but also entertaining and interactive! I'm sure you've spent lots of hours on them and I can't thank you enough. I could see ur passion and care for us students through them. You're truly an AWESOME TEACHER : ) ❣❣" @bananamilk.__.4344
- 2024.04.26: "that 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 joke actually made me remember this so well, I'm so grateful of Ms. P, I learn so so so well with him :D" @Miranzinha_the_miranha
- 2024.04.17: "What a masterpiece. Big respect for your efforts devoted in each video 👍🏻👍🏻" @user-ng4lm1ir2b
- 2024.04.07: "Thank you so much! I bought the ultimate review packet and the YouTube videos combined with the URP make my learning much easier! Especially concerning how my teacher rarely teaches in detail. ... And we are only a month away from the exams and I still do not understand many topics my teacher didn't teach in detail. This really helped me review most efficiently and effectively!" @user-ip6ru3gh8t
- 2024.04.01: "Your videos are absolutely amazing. You are so so underrated." @Hcs586
- 2024.04.01: "this is awesome in ways I cannot explain. YOU are awesome in ways i cannot explain. THANK YOU FOR MAKING SENSE OUT OF STUFF THAT DOESNT MAKE SENSE!!!" @mybabyalulu
- 2024.03.25: "this is actually one of the best videos I've watched, thank you so much for this explanation and the effort you would have put into making just a 5 min video. its really interesting and made me understand this concept. thank you s o much ! It was Flippin fantastic XD" @asthavora9046
- 2024.03.22: "I love your courses because you not just answer those things on the book we repeat every day. In the end of this video you asked a question what is charge. Im very content with your explanation and I think we should be more curious about what these things essentially are instead of just learning some concepts from the books. Thank you for making realize why I need to learn Physics." @eghitdegreehugrhurricane
- 2024.03.22: "This video is so wonderfully specific for exactly what I needed. Watched the whole thing, followed along - and the production is so above and beyond. Thank you for making it fun and followable. At the end I checked and saw that the video only has 4k views, I thought “for something that took this long? totally deserves more attention!” hope your video helps more people as much as it helped me:)" @DryEyeBuilds
- 2024.03.21: "Hi!😄 I just came on here to thank you for the vids you make. After my (rather questionable) experience learning the theory with the Physics 1 & 2 lecture sequences, I was feeling rather shaky in the concepts for the lab portions. You have really saved my butt these since last August. Thank You and please keep making these vids!! You put so much effort into them" @leahra6920
- 2024.03.14: "After 4 months, I watched EVERY single AP Physics 1 video in your playlist & Website. I have taken notes for nearly every video. You became a regular part of my day, and your teaching and enthusiasm and your righteousness like donating to charity is so amazing. I couldn't have asked for a better teacher. I wish to major in physics, so I used your teaching material to learn and grow, and next school year I'm taking AP Physics! You are my first step into this field, and I can't wait to try new problems and eventually learn Mechanics and E&M from you. Your effort on this channel is amazing, and I love your style of teaching. I loved Billy, Bobby, & Bo and I miss the swing reverse and you fading away at the end of each video. Can't wait for what I'll do next with physics" @eaglepizza512
- 2024.03.08: "I have always dreamt of having these kind of experimental demonstrations in class, mad respect for Mr p 🫂🫂" @MemesHub...
- 2024.03.01: "I just love you, I'm an engineering student and you provide best videos ever. Thank you" @irpiyaprach9555
- 2024.02.29: "This is the most unique channel for learning physics. I always find those questions that roam in my head and i don't know how to even ask them, i find them answered here already. The amount of effort and the "classroom vibes" you put in these videos provide a perfect environment for learning. I remember in the first semester i literally watched every single video i found about acceleration and did not understand the topic fully until i came across the bicycle video on your channel and i was really impressed of your ability to convey information in this unique way. For this topic, Clearing misconceptions, having students with different personalities and point of views, simplifying the subjects yet still not oversimplifying them that they don't lose their purpose, the amazing notes that you put while explaining are the most helpful thing that when i look back at my grade 11 textbook (holt physics if you care to know) i find these little notes summarizing the whole topic, i am really luck that i came across this channel, and grateful for the efforts you put in these videos!😊" @as2ria
- 2024.02.20: "Mr. P, your teaching style is unparalleled! No one can emulate you!! Thank you. ... We do enjoy learning with you, Mr. P!! ¡¡Nosotros sí disfrutamos entendiendo contigo, el señor P!! ... And Mr. P, I would like to genuinely thank you for being my teacher! At first glance at the inductance equation, I felt like someone ferreted it out in the past, but little did I know that it is oozing out from Faraday's, Lenz's and Ampère's law!" @andrew justin 256
- 2024.02.17: "Thank you so much for making all of these great videos, AP1 was a rude awakening for me and your videos are extremely helpful!!" @dharunnaga
- 2024.02.12: "Loving your videos lately. Always coming to your channel to clear my concepts. U r doing a major help. Thank you so much ❤.......LOTS OF LOVE" @nagalakshmipallam3115
- 2024.02.09: "i would marry every single one of your videos if i could, you are the only reason i have passed any physics exam ever. thank you so much from a future engineer in Argentina <3" @AndiDays
- 2024.02.08: "hey Mr. P, you are the first physics channel I have watched where I learned and was entertained at the same time. I cannto express how much I enjoy these videos and how valuable they are to my understanding. You not only teach but also understand the common questions that we as students may encounter when hearing this for the first time. Thank you so much man!" @zacharnold123
- 2024.02.01: "you make my day better you teach me so much and actually make it enjoyable thank you 💯" @eleni3373
- 2024.01.29: "So beautifully explained! Actually Physics is about observing and experimenting what you saw in nature and nobody can understand it without visualisation." @JaiM07
- 2024.01.25: "After a lot of hard work on this topic.. I finally found your video and my doubts are crystal clear! 💌" @basukumarsingh8969
- 2024.01.22: "Such an incredible video. Truly helped me understand the topic. Thank you. God Bless." @user-op1hq1pc7w
- 2024.01.18: "I watched this guy because it was required in highschool physics every single day. Now I watch him because I will graduate Mechanical Engineering soon. I will have to donate to him for what he's done" @MountainStew02
- 2024.01.18: "your videos are SO adhd friendly and I love that. thank you so much." @samilbiskin4347
- 2024.01.13: "Hello! I just wanted to say that I got A+ last semester in physics with the help of your videos. Thank you very much, and please keep going! This is the best physics channel on YouTube." @Phymacss
- 2024.01.13: "What??? Usually when I watch physics I get distracted because how intense the topics can be, I literally watched the video with full interest. You are awesome and thank you so much I will go ahead and watch more videos!!" @copenvor2869
- 2024.01.13: "too much comedy" @mypage9331 😬
- 2024.01.10: "ı got two 5s on my both ap physics C exams last year just wanted to thank you you were life saver ❤"@armert2688
- 2024.01.09: "This is the best video worth million views.. Thanks a lot.. Lots of respect from india." @goodmomentsgoodthoughts3236
- 2024.01.09: "I thank you so much I could cry" @brylerweidemann3197
- 2024.01.08: "Have you ever watched something that's kinda cringey but in a really wholesome and sweet way so you can't decide whether to love it or be weirded out? Yeah naw me neither. I just love this." @peanutbutterandgravy1370
- 2023.12.22: "Some of the best teaching I've ever seen, hands down." @catharperfect7036
- 2023.12.20: "WTF this man is literally the best teacher ive ever met in any subject on anywhere. I actually understood it all without writing anything down!" @DN-ps4bn
- 2023.12.10: "This video is better than my Physics teachers combined" @dynasty1827
- 2023.12.10: "Thank you so much for these videos. This topic was not taught very well in class, and the book did not go into depth. You somehow always have a video that is just what I need, but is also high quality, and welcoming as well. Keep it up!" @MediocreMachining
- 2023.12.05: "😭😭😭😭❣❣Thankyou so much for your videos I can't even explain how much they help me!!! I was struggling to understand how centre of mass works and why it is important our teacher directly started with derivation instead of explaining the concept thankyou a million times!!! Once I get a job, I will definitely donate for your help!!!" @Sumdumb
- 2023.12.05: "What a fantastic video dude, I loved you had so many examples. I have looked more than 10 videos about this and I finally understood. I would find it very helpful if you do one in the 3D dimension. Thanks again greetings." @juanruizalonso5294
- 2023.12.01: "Omg what a magical way 🤭 our teacher never taught this to us 🥸 you are amazing iam watching your ap physics 1 playlist right now.iam studying ap physics 1 from home and iam a little bit scared but you are helping me 😊" @titicandysshorts8709
- 2023.11.20: "It really is a great teaching strategy 😄👏"@LimitDoesNotExistTutor
- 2023.11.10: "You had me at flippin physics" @MongoosePreservationSociety
- 2023.10.30: "bro deserves way more money, views, and subscribers" @ishaannitturkar8539
- 2023.10.20: "Mr. P, I discovered your channel midway through my Physics 1 course and just need you to know: NOT ONLY are you the reason I turned my grade around and finished with a solid B, but you're also the reason I'm maintaining an A in Physics 2 right now!!! 😭 Literally my hero - when I get my degree, I'm framing a picture of you next to it sir ♥" @loggingtomatos
- 2023.10.11: "I can't believe it ! I really understood the concept. ❤ i couldn't understand it from any other source! Great sir" @sameernaz5100
- 2023.09.23: "Thank you so much for this video! I was able to get a 100% on my quiz thanks to this. I really appreciate your clear examples and were able to answer all the questions I had! Thanks again❤❤" @simplekaka
- 2023.09.15: "I love your videos. You were the reason I passed my AP Physics 1 Exam with a 4, 8 years ago. Now I have a minor in Physics and I am preparing to tutor my 4th student by watching these videos again. Thank you" @michaellozano5796
- 2023.09.09: "Hi Mr. P! I found your videos last year when I was taking AP Physics C and I loved how well you explained concepts and gave clear definitions and whatnot. It really helped me build intuition and understand physics a bit more. Even though I'm not taking physics c anymore (I got a 5 on both physics c's so thank you, I couldn't have done that without your videos), I still watch every video that you release and I was wondering if you planned on continuing to upload videos on the AP Physics C: E&M curriculum? But anyway, I just wanted to thank you again for all the hard work you put into these videos and to let you know that they really are making an impact. I always enjoy learning with you!" @ScytheCurie
- 2023.09.01: "i just want to say thank u so much for the energy you put into these videos. i really appreciate the time and effort you put in! im buying your ult review packet. keep up the amazing work!" @gl00my_days
- 2023.09.01: "Legit one of the best physics playlists ever." @chopin6087
- 2023.08.30: "I found your channel looking for videos to help my son with his physics A level, and now at 57 years old I’m seriously thinking of doing the A level myself as well, thanks to your brilliant teaching. Such a great combination of entertainment, practical instruction and creative presentation makes it - sorry for the cliche - genuinely inspiring. Walter Lewin - eat your hat. If I wasn’t retired I’d donate more." @Kujiranoai
- 2023.08.30: "Very underrated. You are an amazing resource that simply has not yet been exposed to the world. I'm confident that from a youtube perspective, having an UR Packet will help, and I hope people utilize your generosity more!" @dabossbabie3605
- 2023.08.22: "Hey, I loved your videos last year for physics 1! My teacher has a really low 5 rate, but with your content I managed to pull it off. Thanks for all you do" @laceypeycke9532
- 2023.08.11: "why arent you the richest man on earth??????//////" @introvideo5064
- 2023.08.11: "hey just want to say thanks! review for the AP for my class was pretty independent, and i was unfortunately lazy as a second-semester senior — but i bingewatched ur videos and got a 5 on both mechanics and e&m! thanks for your content!" @defnotpatience9906
- 2023.07.28: "Mr P, you are so pationante, deliberate and frank about your job as a person in this world! May God bestows every blessing to you what you truly deserve!" @andrewjustin256
- 2023.07.02: "I hope you know how valuable of a resource you are to so many students in various AP physics classes. You not only present concepts clearly, but with a precision that is too often ignored by many other learning resources. I wish you the best, and have a great summer!" @olivermaynard6481
- 2023.06.28: "Omg...the Flipping Physics resources are amazing! I finally understand. The ability to truly teach is blessing." @caseybrunson2442
- 2023.06.10: "You've helped me a lot with your videos! Especially the AP Physics C ones! I just wanted you to know that one more student is getting a 5 on their exam because of you!!" @aurelia8340
- 2023.05.09: "This is so great! I learned AP Physics online this year, and didn't really have a teacher or any lab demonstrations. These videos make me feel like I'm actually sitting there in your class and participating in the discussion. I really appreciate everything you do." @astro_penguin_
- 2023.05.08: "Mr P, you are changing the world, I certain that the next Einstein of my generation will have felt inspired by your videos. I myself plan to get a phd and you have helped me get the first step along the way. You are giving your time energy and wisdom to us all from the good of your heart and the love of education. I mean it when I say you, Mr P and your 3 students are changing the world! Thank you so much I hope to do my best tomorrow; I’ve completely self taught sence February as my school dosnt have AP phys 1 but it’s been the best learning of my life!" @owenraymond7608
- 2023.05.07: "bro, I could not have done this without you. Thank you so much I literally LOVE you. your amazing <3" @abirdeol7632
- 2023.05.07: "You are the insane goat of all teachers. I understand more from you than I do from prep book paid books. Your videos take so long to make. I have learned a lot this year and am so happy to gain knowledge" @anishlakkapragada3530
- 2023.05.07: "A hundred people have already said it and I’ll say it again. I can’t stress how much you’ve helped us all. I feel fully confident for the tests tomorrow, and that is partially thanks to your videos. I decided to self study the course because I liked physics, and having everything laid out the way you’ve done has been very helpful. Thank you so much for all that you’ve done, the amount of effort you’ve put into these free videos is reflected in them. This is probably where I’m done with flipping physics now that I’ll be going into university but it will remain as my top recommendation to others." @ibraheemtrabulsi4309
- 2022.12.21: "I'm not even taking physics as a subject. But the way your videos demonstrate the lessons are so interesting and simple that I decided to want to watch every single video lesson in order" WeissMann 1310
- 2022.12.20: "Still using these in college ;-; thank you for your videos. saving me rn hours before my final" Faith Villarreal
- 2022.12.14: "this channel is a gem for jee aspirants who want clear crisp straightforward content .. just the way i want it" planeloverpilot
- 2022.12.14: "your videos are so awesome! We appreciate all the time and effort it takes for you to make these videos. You are saving so many students! Seriously, thanks so much!" Chake
- 2022.12.13: "You are a very talented teacher, omggggggg....your explanation, and the flow on how you bring about the information, how you go through the thought process of learning, is sincerely perfect, all the question I had in my head is the exact same the ones mentioned by the 'students'. I hope you succeed in this channel. You are a cheat code for learning. Lmaoooooo. I love learning physics using practical examples." RyanKoh 1210
- 2022.12.09: "I've learned a lot today. Thank you. 💜" BlueStarEgo
- 2022.12.07: "Thank you for continuing to make these videos! My Physics teacher loves to incorporate your videos into his classes. He calls info like the stuff you put out the "green grass," and that we have to eat it if we're hungry enough (to do well in his class ;) )" Stomp
- 2022.12.05: "You guys inspired me to get into physics in general thanks" Yubel Terror
- 2022.12.04: "Absolutely beautiful lesson, magnificent work!" dominic cirineo
- 2022.12.01: "I am an international student from Peru, and thanks to you I am learning AP Physics C on my own. You are incredible, and the dedication you put into your videos is unique, when I'm in college I'll become a Patreon." Hans1304
- 2022.11.30: "Thanks so much! I'm self studying both Physics C exams this year without having taken a prior physics course, and your videos have helped me a ton with explaining the reasoning behind equations / summarizing everything we need to know" Arjun Pemmasani
- 2022.11.30: "Your videos constantly make me have "aha" moments. You explain things super well. Thank you!" Olivia Branson
- 2022.11.29: "These videos are so funny and high quality, for physics lectures. I absolutely love them, and the dynamic between the 3 students. I never realize that they are all played by the same person." Rishab Tirupathi
- 2022.11.29: "god knows how much we are a part of or even at different continents but I still find that your explications are rather better than my college professors, Thank you so much also I really appreciate the other characters' questions it is really keeping me on track and asking the same question as what we might've asked. 😄" Mr.ahlag Uchiha
- 2022.11.21: "I found a treasure when I found your channel, Mr. P! Thanks from India!" Shreya Anish
- 2022.11.21: "As a junior in college physics, this man is better than any physics professor you will ever have." and "This helped make moment of inertia actually make sense!! When he said "wait that was too fast" I was like wow facts I am still lost, AND THEN HE EXPLAINED IT PERFECTLY- THIS MAN IS A PHYSICS GOD THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO." Lilah Effron
- 2022.11.15: "In my opinion, this is the most underrated educational youtube channel ever .. keep going ❤❤❤" M Ghost
- 2022.11.11: "Thank you so much. And I'm enjoying the video so much, it's not making me sleepy at all. Instead it's so funny and fun to watch."
Mpilenhle Mkhize - 2022.11.10: "Your the goat 🐐" Jack Meoff
- 2022.11.10: "thanks for helping me prepare for the ap physics c exams🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 your videos are really funny and entertaining😎" sabi
- 2022.11.08: "Thanks! I used your videos when I was going through my physics degree and now years later, I am a university professor myself and proudly share your videos with my students. You are an inspiration and I hope your patreon is flooded with new support!! Thanks for all you've done and still do." eric welch
- 2022.11.01: "Concepts with amaging animation loved this too much my concepts get cleared in visual form thanks you from my core of heart" Mrs guddu mama
- 2022.10.30: "I can not thank you enough for clearing this up for me. Wow." Mia Turley
- 2022.10.29: "Practical demos helped me a lot in understanding this😊 Thanks!" Akash Hera
- 2022.10.20: "I love the way he makes us feel that we are in a classroom" Isha Kawade
- 2022.10.15: "Thank you so much for this! I love that you made it fun! As a tutor, I am working on understanding calculus better to upgrade my tutoring skill set. You made my day helping me understand this at a very core level!" Studio Math Tutor
- 2022.10.15: "I love your passion for what you do and I hope you continue to make physics a little more enjoyable for everyone!" Bryan Zhang
- 2022.10.10: "You are such a great teacher. This took a lot of work, but makes these concepts clear with excellent visual examples. Thank you!" Amanda Moore
- 2022.10.09: "you are literally an angel, thank you so much for making these" Zella H
- 2022.10.08: "Your videos are just amazing......" Nidhi Arora
- 2022.10.03: "Thank you so much for this. I wish there were videos like this back when I was in high school and university. My grades would have been much better 😅. Big up from Trinidad! 🇹🇹" Kevin Francis
- 2022.10.01: "Physics god" Nate
- 2022.09.29: "Thank you sooo much, 8 years later and your videos are still amazing and a lifesaver" The Ivin M. Koshy
- 2022.09.29: "Hello mr.p (figured that's what you're called now😄) i used to watch your videos around four years ago I think? I remeber being very astonished with how physics could be explained in such a fun and easy to understand way. ... I suddenly came across you again as I searched up physics post graduating high school. I will be giving my neet this year. I've been preparing for a few years now so I felt like I shoukd seek your wishes before I go for it. Thank you for all you've done to help me😄❤️. I shall forever continue to learn from you." There was once a cat named me I'm cat
- 2022.09.20: "Being one of your previous students, I can safely say you’re one of my favorite teachers I’ve ever had, I will continue to support you through your videos because of that, you’re the best JTP😁" Bud
- 2022.09.10: "Hello Mr P i learnt a lot and a lot from your teaching and i am still watching your videos they are still very useful i wanna thank you from the bottom of my heart and i hope you more and even more success in your life you are a true volunteer !MASTERPIECE! 💪😀" Hussain
- 2022.09.10: "I just want you to know that you’re a legend and that you’re very greatly appreciated. Thank you for all your videos." Luis Rodriguez III
- 2022.09.09: "Great! Mr. P. I deeply love your work and and your videos. I am currently studying in highscool and hope that I can improve my Physics by seeing your videos. I just started seeing your videos around 2 weeks ago and I absolutely love them. I just want to thank you for all the work you do. THANK YOU! MR. P" Kool Benz
- 2022.09.01: "Hi Mr.P! It's always pleasant to see a video from your channel :) I just wanted to thank you in general, before your videos my physics work was unstructured, I wouldn't write my equations out, didn't use mathematical notation, and did not as you do in every video, break the question down into very digestible parts. Not only do I make far less mistakes because of that now, the entertaining factor of your videos and the passion which you bring to the subject is contagious, it reignited my passion and love for physics and the first video I watched I couldn't believe what I was seeing! I'm immensely fortunate as a student to have found your channel, and continue to recommend your channel to my friends who also study physics. Mr. P you have changed my physics career for the better, and I'm very very much grateful for the time and effort which you spend making these videos. When I am able to, and earning more as a student, I'll make sure to come back and up my patreon donation from the measly 1dollar to something much greater. You are one of the humans who truly make this world better. Thanks again! (I'm a little tired so I guess I didn't hold back :p)" phymax
- 2022.08.25: "Entertaining and interesting video... First of all I hated physics subject and felt it's boring...but after watching video 😩 aaahhhhh what to sayyy..I started loving physics.... Thank youuuuuuuu for this amazing video sir!❣️" Nikki
- 2022.08.20: "You are great. Still, I just imagine this, Video was uploaded 8 years ago but the style of narration is pretty. Seems like new and I really salute your effort to record of each video. Thank you so much and Take love from Bangladesh🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩" rakibul hasan
- 2022.08.11: "This is best channel for physics! Which teaches us physics in physics way! Not just some chunky formulas" Manik Kapoor
- 2022.08.01: "This man is an angel sent from heaven" emma
- 2022.07.29: "Physics with mr p always make my day. Lot's of love from india 🇮🇳🇮🇳" Munni Devi
- 2022.07.27: "you're the best goodvibes plus there is humour in your videos which makes one watch till the end it's the first time watching 2 of the 30 minutes videos without a break plus you look like those scientists in moves you're awesome" Mmatlou Morifi
- 2022.07.20: "Mr P, you’re saving my education💛" reindeerchai
- 2022.07.15: "I' m a very late subscriber but absolutely love your videos. These videos are amazing and really think you're a brilliant mode to physics teachers around the globe, including as an early career physics teacher myself - you really model what is best practice and I've definitely taken a lot of inspiration in your explanations and demonstrations." Joseph Murphy
- 2022.07.05: "I took AP Physics last year and I failed lol. But when I took it again this year and I discovered this channel in the beginning of the year. I studied with Billy, Bobby and Bo whole year and I do not regret this because I got a 5. Thank you so much Mr. P" Shoya
- 2022.07.05: "I started watching your videos when I was in high school! I ended up getting my undergraduate degree in physics and finished a master's degree already, likely going on to do a phd now (in physics or applied math), and I still subscribe to your channel because of the impact you had on me. For as long as I love physics, I will be subscribed to Flipping Physics. You're an inspiration to many, keep up the great work!!!" Andrew Tuma
- 2022.07.06: "I got a 5 thanks to you!!!!!! Self studied the whole thing! Flipping physics is officially flipping awesome 😎😅" Victoria Corcimaru
- 2022.06.30: "Im in university studying computer engineering in italy and now i have oral exam which i need to make proofs and i REALLY dont know how i would do if you didnt make those, you really make big changes and totally best at it!!!" Oğuzhan Enes Işık
- 2022.06.27: "Hey Mr.P Thank you so much for this series!!! These videos finally cleared everything up for me and the practical demos were super helpful!! :)" Randula Manorathna
- 2022.06.20: "Learning physics on my own and I've found your videos very helpful for learning the basics in a visual way. I get to see alot of the concepts acted out in real life. Gives me some ideas to try to formulate my own experiments to internalize the concepts better." Mario Ronci
- 2022.06.10: "You're the best teacher. Thanks a million 👍" Kennedy Nzomo
- 2022.06.01: "sir you just saved my physics project exam! i was about to calculate energy of a flywheel by calculating the w=d*f equation, with a steam engine, but your video and the previous made me realise that i need the inertia! I genuinely cant thank you enough, this might legitemately be what made me pass!" Asbjørn Larsen
- 2022.06.01: "this format of "students" discussing and figuring it out, ESPECIALLY about that last part of the moment of inertia of a single particle being THE SAME as a thin hoop. I view it now as just a large particle where the distance to the axis stays the same, except that it's just more massive... The students observe and ask the right questions. Thanks!!!!" arisoda
- 2022.05.25: "What a disgrace. Shape up." K Åkeby - Just checking to see if you are really reading these!
- 2022.05.19: "Wow the class was amazing, I didn't understand anything about torque in my University but now I've realized is pretty interesting and kinda easy. Ty so much" Miguel Andrade
- 2022.05.10: "I really want to say, you’ve outdone yourself, I’d rather these beautifully detailed videos you made for us than the basic rundown most channels make." Areli Celestin
- 2022.05.10: "It’s crazy seeing how far you’ve come and all the hours and effort you put over the past 10 years…" Hi OK
- 2022.05.09: "I thought it was Newton's YouTube channel when I first saw you. Loved the lesson✌️❤️" Kavee M
- 2022.05.09: "i love you flipping physics." Audrey Zhang
- 2022.05.09: "this guy is a legend, I graduated high school long time ago but I watch his videos to understand science more" Water Realm
- 2022.05.09: "the work you do is amazing! My physics teacher attaches your videos to her lessons and your reviews of past Mechanics tests made my practice score go from a 3 to a 5. You’ve helped and will continue to help thousands of students not just survive but thrive in physics, keep it up" Madeline King
- 2022.05.09: "Your videos have carried me through E&M. Our teacher started in March due to COVID and getting back to school after the pandemic, and I swear I couldn’t even understand what an electric field was until I started watching your channel again, just like for AP Physics 1. Thank you so much for the free content; you’ve saved countless classes, and those last few missed videos are small in the grand scheme of things!" Nikhil Veeramachaneni
- 2022.05.09: "I'm from across the pond but this has been incredibly useful for my physics A level exam coming up soon. Thank you so much for this video!!" Joseph Hartley
- 2022.05.09: "you’ve helped me a ton throughout the entire year and especially for the last week leading up to the AP exam, you deserve my thanks 🙏🏻! Keep the good work up for future AP Physics students, i know they’ll appreciate it all as much as i have!" UniJack_Black
- 2022.05.09: "Thank you so much for everything you have done you saved my life in AP Physics 1 last year when I did not have a teacher and the sub we got could not teach. I have been self-studying for AP Physics C Electricity and Magnetism and your comprehensive reviews were very helpful in clearing up misconceptions. Again can't thank you enough for being here on Youtube you have no idea how many students you have helped." Angel Hernandez
- 2022.05.06: "Fliiiipiiing phyiiisiiiics" noobcelot
- 2022.05.05: "So well explained with all variables involved with y and x variables, exterior and the interior system and the motion in relation to the earth vs. motion in relation to the center of the mass of the boat. Without having all these details included in the explanation, physics can be confusing! ... your channel is unique where your contents have the academic rigor while you are able to carry some components of entertainment to deliver the physics concepts. Your sacrifice of your teaching career in order to deliver such high standard physics contents on YouTube platform is very much appreciated." Joan Yoon
- 2022.05.04: "Why on the earth your channel is not yet 10 million subscribers !!! You make physics make sense. This is a superpower." شيماء صلاح
- 2022.04.30: "thank you so much for all the work that you do. I am currently in ap c, and your videos have been such a great help to me. I always recomend them whenever anyone asks about review materials. Your videos are very comprehensive but also are not hard to follow/too info dense to follow. Keep up the great work!" Devin
- 2022.04.30: "Thank you so much. I now realize that I can actually understand physics through watching your videos that are so easy to understand." Oscar Ramirez
- 2022.04.29: "Thank you so much for the amazing help throughout physics. I am sadly taking my last physics class required in my major next term. You have seriously made an impact on my learning. I appreciate your hard work and care that you put into these videos. You are an amazing human thank you." Walker Jones
- 2022.04.22: "I honestly couldnt have gone through college without your videos (Mech engineering student here). You deserve so much more subs and I know itll only get better from here. Congrats again dude and i hope for great things for you 🎉🎉" StickyRice
- 2022.04.21: "I'm sure a lot of people would agree that you made our academic life much easier with your greatly helpful videos and equally great personality. Thank you very much for it all." Sergio
- 2022.04.20: "Do you dumbbells really think that honking voices and plonking phrasing add ANYTHING to this subject? Try working on your metaphors and images---you may then find you're actually teaching." John Strawb (just checking if you are really ready these. 😬)
- 2022.04.10: "How are you so awesome?? Your vids are perfect and I’m feeling confident going into the AP physics 1 exam bc of you" Nick Hartley
- 2022.04.08: "AWESOME VIDEO!!! Thank you so much for making these videos, they help me a lot with learning and reviewing the content alongside with what my teacher gives us. Good luck to all those taking the exam like me!! We all appreciate these videos!!" Darsh Khandelwal
- 2022.04.07: "ur amazing !! i discovered this channel yesterday while i was studying mechanics and i've already watched 7 or 8 videos maybe lmao. cant stop, the way u put things it makes them look soooooo much easier. big thanks, luv<3" tishi
- 2022.04.06: "Your videos are absolutely my favorite way to study and review. Best concise, understandable, and engaging way to give the information. Oh and that sneeze left me laughing for a while! Bless you haha" Rachel Schulz
- 2022.04.01: "After seeing this Im actually feel the Standing wave how to be work! Love you sir! U r awesome always 🔥❤❤" Emam Mehedi
- 2022.03.30: "I am applauding 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏" PattiJ39
- 2022.03.22: "Greetings from a student that's anxious about the AP C elec exam a month from now, I had huge trouble connecting the concepts together and your video helped tremendously, please keep uploading! ... I really love your content, sir you are literally my hope." Zhao Ryan
- 2022.03.15: "thank u so much u save my life=))))" Minh
- 2022.03.10: "The most underrated channel" History Guy
- 2022.03.08: "So dedicated, amazing , marvelous teacher . Deserving a award of best teacher of physics . May Allah bless you and your all wishes come true. Love from india 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳" A.M.I.
- 2022.03.07: "What a fantastic approach to learning science.Just the way it should be done by asking every question that crosses your mind as you naturally try understanding the subject.These days science teaching in higher grades is mostly about memorizing a bunch of formulas to crack SAT and the like. One is much better off not taking that path as it simply kills our curiosity and enthusiasm towards learning this beautiful subject."
Shaila Kamath - 2022.03.05: "This is by far the TOP physics explainer channel I have found in Youtube. Thanks a lot!" John Celorio
- 2022.03.05: "I have been out sick from my physics class, this youtube channel has been a godsend on keeping up with my work. leaving a comment to boost you in the algorithm good sir!" Truffle Shuffle
- 2022.03.05: "I can honestly say this is the best channel for me on youtube. And you are the best physics teacher i have ever saw. You really really help me. I wanna say thank you very very much" Devrim Blup
- 2022.03.04: "Sir IAM watching your videos for 2 years're doing so much hard work and teach us with supreme level of determination ....we all know that .....hope the best luck to your financial situation now ....we all understand you sir deserves this .....we ll definitely check your patruon link....💟💟💓" Koki Youtube Channel
- 2022.03.03: "whoa! discovered this super amazing channel right before my exams! Watched a couple of videos and I am addicted! Love your easy demonstrations of hard topics. This channel+Walter Lewin lectures are surely gonna get me full marks in any exam :)
Thanks man! Hats off👏👏" Star Dust - 2022.03.03: "Wow! Although I easily aced physics, your videos have brought a whole new dimension to my understanding of everything I have reviewed thus far. Than you, again." Cassie Knight
- 2022.03.01: "Seriously, thank you so much. I've learned more in 12 minutes than I have in a week. You really break it down and make it easy to understand concepts that usually fly over my head. Exactly what a teacher is supposed to do. I hope you continue doing this. I can tell you put so much effort into these vids. Again, thank you." Keila B
- 2022.03.01: "I really enjoyed this video - it made me laugh, and also was really informative" sinbad77
- 2022.02.28: "I came into this video being distressed from feeling constantly behind and misunderstanding physics to being incredibly soothed and cared for. This video completely (cosine) 180'd me. You changed me." Rina Newhouse
- 2022.02.27: "This type of physics not exists in our india and we only care about marks and leave the beauty of concepts , rotational dynamics is considered as one of the toughest chapters in physics for 11/12 but in depth, its far better interesting than anything, ij bw thanks for the wonderful interpretation, keep going mate🎊🎊" Fan of Abd
- 2022.02.25: "Thank you so much for this awesome and in-depth explanation!!!! Can't express enough I love this channel and your videos!!!" Maria Truong
- 2022.02.20: "Back when I was in AP Physics in high school, I praised you as the greatest physics tutorial creator on the internet. I've got to say: I still stand by that! The videos are of astounding quality and get the job done better than anything I tried. I'm now studying as a first-year Aerospace Engineering student, and the skills and basic understandings I had back in secondary are still with me. Some things you never forget! Thank you for your hard work. Thank you for your sacrifice. Thanks for everything. I truly feel that I wouldn't have been able to do it all without your selfless dedication to helping your students by any means possible. You never gave up, and—I swear on it—I'll do the same." Skylark K64
- 2022.02.15: "This man has helped me to understand physics time and time again, and for that I am grateful. May both sides of your pillow be cool tonight sir" Zander Pimenidis
- 2022.02.15: "Glad I came across this channel, probably no one from here (India) could've explained this concept with this ease." Tony Stank
- 2022.02.14: "I can't thank you enough for making all of these free. You have pulled me and many others out of some pretty sticky situations with these videos. My deepest and most sincere thanks." A Voziyan
- 2022.02.13: "These videos are great! High quality visualization with precise and detailed explanations. I was struggling with this derivation for a long time. Your videos really help me out." Tronzen
- 2022.02.13: "Thank you sir...I was stuck with this problems for two days but now it's quite simple with the assistance of your skillful explanations..." Thuthu Aye
- 2022.02.09: "One of the greatest channel I ever found on youtube . Thanks a lot. 😊😊😊👏👏👏" Akarsh kumar
- 2022.02.05: "Thank you for this absolutely wonderful video. Got the answers to all my questions and queries. Flipping Physics is great!" Lavanya Bhatnagar
- 2022.02.01: "Thankyou so much...I understood ,it is crystal clear explanation 🔥... something I watched worthy today , thankyou bro" Madhumitha
- 2022.01.29: "Everybody brought mass to the party 😎🥳😎" hey i don't know u
- 2022.01.28: "I'm homeschooled by your videos and i'm learning ap physics a lot better than my friends who are going to schools , the reason is because you've tought me learn but they're being tought to memorize thank you" Arta Highmore
- 2022.01.25: "This guy spends hours preparing his videos literally explains every point , shows demonstration , writes notes, solves problems
He should receive way more recognition" Hamza Salloum - 2022.01.22: "Thank you, Mr. P. You explained so well. I thought I was misunderstanding many mechanics concepts and your videos have helped me give strong foundation. Thank you very much!!!!" Sanjog Gurung
- 2022.01.18: "I LOVE YOUR VIDEOS, I was working on a project and your videos helped me review some things and they was extremely helpful. Thank you very much 😊" Mike M
- 2022.01.15: "Sir if u cut ur hair u will be more appealing to audience" ram david (Checking to see if you are actually reading these!)
- 2021.01.10: "Thanks. Earlier i just used to cram the meterial written in books. But your videos helped me imagine what actually physics is ! Thanks for your hardwork. Lots and lots of love from india 🇮🇳" Bhavy Saini
- 2021.01.06: "Absolutely stunning explanation 😍" Shalini Bagwe
- 2022.01.01: "Wow, thank u sir.. U literally blew my mind. I'm sharing this with all my friends." TAPAN BARAL
- 2021.12.16: "I truly appreciate the hard work you put in your videos! You are a life saver Mr.P." devika s.
- 2021.12.22: "Sir really sir you helped me a lot iam glad to study with help of your channel.... I don't only study physics but can now feel it also.... Love from India 🇮🇳" dhruva kumar soni
- 2021.12.21: "Hard work, great quality. I'm watching your videos from Brazil. Go on!" Alex
- 2021.12.17: "I like how Billy Bobby and Bo are just there for the lectures without losing any enthusiasm since 2013 hahah" bora akari
- 2021.12.16: "Your videos are so helpful, I wish I had access to these types of videos when i was in high school and university. I have a BSc. in Physics but honestly i never understood a lot of things in Physics at university and high school. I got through university mostly by cramming and memorizing what to do when questions are structured a certain way. Started private tutoring just to make some extra money but when students asked me certain questions there were times where I was not able to explain to them because i never understood it myself. Your content helps me to understand all the things i never understood in Physics and when you truly understand something you tend to remember it for a longer time. So thank you for sharing and big up from Trinidad!" Kevin Francis
- 2021.12.15: "as a physics major in college this is still the best midterm/final review I've found" Sasha Van Deventer
- 2021.12.11: "Hey, I was searching for videos explaining directions of velocity and acceleration and I found this. I am really really so glad I did. This video is awesome, you have put a lot of effort into this with real life example and interactive questioning and really good explanation. I cannot believe that all this was 8 years ago and I am quite surprised that this video or your channel hasn't grown much. Your channel is seriously underrated and you have earned a new sub. Thank you from the bottom of my heart." Ranjit N
- 2021.12.07: "Your videos make learning so fun. I appreciate the effort put into your videos." Nikita Danvill
- 2021.12.03: "Thank you so much master you are such a great tutor that I have met . Your class is enjoyable and really effective . Thanks for your effort . And wanna see your more videos on physics related content ❣️❣️" Salana Rana
- 2021.12.01: "Just want to say thanks Mr. P for everything you do! I always watch your videos to review for tests and quizzes. Always super helpful and I always enjoy learning with you. - AP Physics student from CT" Heather Wallace
- 2021.12.01: "I like how students' questions are being asked while he is teaching, kinda like I'm in a classroom with my teacher and classmates and they all have the same faces." Shierwin Juan
- 2021.11.28: "I am actually enjoying learning physics! I never thought this day would come!!!!" Josephine Altman
- 2021.11.28: "I don't understand why this channel has so few subscribers, it's insanely good, it's funny, it entertains and it's actually extremely well paced and ensures that it gives multiple perspectives you could encounter when tackling a problem. I tip my hat to you Sir!" Matias Santacruz
- 2021.11.25: "Wow! I really loved these videos!!! Amazing work! Thank you so much for putting so much effort into these! I love hiw the "students" interact with each other! Really helps the piece it together in the brain!" Zardillian
- 2021.11.25: "The students all have this chaotic passive aggressive feeling, its great" Milo Tura
- 2021.11.20: "Holy, I can't believe I just finished the Motion in Two Dimensions playlist! Considering that I didn't understand much of our introductory projectile motion course back in 9th grade, I felt quite scared entering this flipped classroom. Having finished the playlist, however, I must say that I learned so much watching these videos and solving problems here and in other external sources, and honestly, your visualizations and explanations are top-tier. Really. Thank you so much, Mr. P. I've never felt this jovial and ecstatic studying introductory physics (ha, and I'm sure one day physics will get harder, oh well), to the point that frankly, I am more excited to watch your physics tutorials than I am to attend my classes. Now, onward!" Rocks
- 2021.11.20: "thank you for making this videos, you make me love physics again." Frank R
- 2021.11.17: "this video dried up my tears!! thank you so much!" KC
- 2021.11.17: "Regardless of what physics topic it is, you are always the most helpful! I always get the "Aha!" moment with your videos! Thank you so much for helping all of us!" V M
- 2021.11.15: "Oh I am so happy I'm crying. Thank you" Natural Milk Honey and Zen Retreat
- 2021.11.14: "Hands down, best video on the subject!" Victoria Corcimaru
- 2021.11.14: "6 years later and you sir are still saving student's lives! It's my last year of HS and here in my country, this year we choose what subjects we want to study... choosing physics for me has been hell until now that I have discovered your videos. I've done my lab research on friction coefficent and took a perfect score just because of your videos!! And now I am finally able to understand the free body diagrams! I'm sure I'm gonna do amazing in physics just because of you!! Honestly I love your videos ! ❤ They have motivated me to learn again because they give me the cozy vibes I'm not able to get in class, such as the student interacting. THANK YOU SO MUCH !" Lona
- 2021.11.11: "you are the most entertaining teacher I have ever seen. what a great work !!" abdulsalam yousif
- 2021.11.10: "I'm a video producer, and Im also in a college level physics class. This is so impressive on both fronts!" Tyler Cadenas
- 2021.11.09: "Dedication at its peak!! U are really an inspiration for many students. Lots of love <3" FLANKER KNUCKLEHEAD
- 2021.11.09: "Best physics teacher u r giving us free and quality education very much thanks for this sir and the hardwork you do behind each video is very much appreciable" RAHUL DUBEY
- 2021.11.08: "Love love love!! Well thought out and helpful. Thanks for these videos!" Bianca N.
- 2021.11.07: "Thank you physics Jesus" tenzin tsepak
- 2021.11.07: "This is the best example I've seen on youtube. It really helped me for my school. Thank you very much sir. Keep up the good work!" Khondoker Arshad Kabir
- 2021.11.03: "You're amazing. I'm telling everyone I know about your channel. So insightful, you were answering the questions I was having right as I was thinking about them." Alex Garcia
- 2021.11.02: "I'm only a high school freshman (taking AP Phys 1) but love your videos. You do such an incredible job of making intuitive and visual guides, which, belive me, is worth a lot. As someone without any income or capital, there's not much i can do to help, something I'm sorry for. Just wanted to leave this comment to know that I, personally, appreciate you. I can't speak for others but it's obvious that I'm not the only one. Thank you so incredibly much for what you do." Levtus
- 2021.10.28: "you are just amaazing... its so funny to learn ... easy as well due to your kindness... keep it up.. love from Pakistan!!" Mohammad Bilal
- 2021.10.22: "Hey Flippin. I know you get bombarded with thankful comments, but I have been using your videos for the past 3 years now. I found you when I took AP physics 1, and I have came back to your videos through AP Physics C Mechanics, E&M, and now I'm in college rewatching your videos before my physics test. Thanks again for your honest work." Matthew Bianchi
- 2021.10.20: "I just want to say that you have helped me so much through high school with physics and that knowledge is currently such a big help in college. So thank you and I will donate to the best of my abilities:)" Stephanie Kim
- 2021.10.10: "You are a hero, and will live in Eternity. Thank you for your dedication to humanity, sir." Carl Huffman
- 2021.10.02: "I like your channel because unlike others, you are not afraid to explain it from the bottom up, to go from the simplest and stupidest of things, all the way up to the most complex of equations. For this, I can't thank you enough..." Sami Siddiqi
- 2021.09.30: "I literally want your channel to have millions {and} billions subscribers. They way you are explaining things are out of the globe 🔥🙌 Thanks Hommie!🙌👑❤️" Dhruv Chauhan
- 2021.09.28: "You do not know how THANKFUL I am for you!!!" Bobogan Bobogan
- 2021.09.25: "Thank you verrrryyy much! You are the one of the best physics teacher I've ever encountered!! 🤗🤩" Greeny
- 2021.09.23: "this was LIFESAVING, 2 minutes in and already half my questions were answered, it's crazy how helpful you are" tokumii
- 2021.09.21: "This video is still helping us in 2030" Jake Nisira
- 2021.09.20: "The way he makes the students make common mistakes rlly helps when some people get confused." rylan daly
- 2021.09.19: "very excellent videos to learn concept from beginning .the way you approached to solve problems like a beginer makes to connect with you very easily.keep rocking" Aravindhan 4002
- 2021.09.15: "Thank you very much! I am a 13 year old student from Japan, and I began to love physics only because of you! I had my examinations recently and was struggling with rotational physics- and I found refuge in your videos! I am eternally grateful :)! Physics is indeed the most beautiful subject!" Nathan A
- 2021.09.12: "Wow man, you are amazing... Uhhhh... Maybe not as amazing as physics, but yeah, you are amazing..." Pasindu Ravimal
- 2021.09.11: "I am from India. I loved your work. After watching this video. Now I am following your videos. Thanks a lot 🙏🙏" M Gireesh Reddy
- 2021.09.07: Rated "Best YouTube Channel for AP Physics 1" on a Reddit thread.
- 2021.09.07: "Hats off to your teaching skills sir...your animated videos as well as the demonstrations of tough topics in an easy way makes physics more interesting..thanks for your hard work sir" Krishna mani Tripathi
- 2021.09.02: "Constantly amazed by your wonderful animations, experiments, descriptions!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!" Top Tutors GA
- 2021.09.01: "These videos are part of our homework in AP physics in highschool. I love the comedy that you seemlessly integrate with the learning. I'll always remember that we do math and not magic because that would be my first thought and it was so funny the way you reacted. Thanks for making these videos." nivek
- 2021.08.31: "This channel offers best explanations on youtube. Thanks so much , Love respect from India" Tiger Sharma
- 2021.08.25: "re-watching this series. I also thought you should note that the physics class I took was 100% taught by these videos, and everyone in my class loved it. Most of them got 4's and 5's on the exam from this content alone. Thank you for that!" Hayden Filsinger
- 2021.08.25: "This series carried me through Physics 1 and now it's carrying me through Physics C. I can't thank you enough, Mr. P!!!!" Cheetah
- 2021.08.25: "You did what the entirety of my university's Physics department (head TAs, prerecorded lecture videos, live lecturing from my Professor, TAs from Office Hours/Discussion, textbook written by department) could not: make me understand torque, and in 10 minutes. I feel like all of the equations thrown at me didn't make sense until you covered them the way you did so THANK YOU." Tremy Woods
- 2021.08.19: "I definitely enjoy learning with you too. Just wanted to thank you for the immense help your videos give as well as how they just put a smile on my face when I see them." Somebody
- 2021.08.12: "My major is in Physics Education, and I'll be a student teacher teaching high school physics in a couple of months! I use your channel to help me practice explaining concepts. You've been a huge inspiration, and it's fueling my purpose to teach in a high school setting and reach students to enjoy physics." Uwek
- 2021.08.10: "I have taken physics 3 times (AP physics once and college physics twice) and you just taught me more in 30 minutes than I learned over 4 semesters." TheMathamax
- 2021.08.06: "this man just understands students and their way of understanding and teaching itself" Random Things
- 2021.08.01: "your channel and teaching style is so underrated. you deserve, the coolest teacher award 🏆, Highly inspirational work, my friend. love from India! ❤️" Aryan Raj
- 2021.07.30: "I love your channel Mr. P and now I've decided to tell all my friends who face difficulty in physics to visit this channel. Thank you for this great quality content." Aasim Ali
- 2021.07.30: "Perfect as always. Best wishes to the best Physics teacher on the internet. Love from Egypt 🇪🇬" Omar Wael
- 2021.07.23: "It's like u have worked bloody hard for your students,thank u so much n lots of love from India.🥰🥰🥰🥰" A Shahida
- 2021.07.21: "Mr teacher I think I found the best physics teacher on whole YouTube. I am from India and love your videos and even my physics teacher he is an [Indian] also talk about you. Love from India make videos like this and don't stop of making videos." Briefing shyam
- 2021.07.20: "No words to say...ur channel is just awesome 🤘💯" Rahul vikram R
- 2021.07.04: "Love you sir ....and very very thank you sir...I am see your channel before 2days...I am surprise.. That wow what's amazing approach to explain concept and animation.... Very very thank you sir..." KARAN VISHWAKARMA
- 2021.06.30: "A great thanks to these personalities from the heart . A nice work done by helping other. I like your behaviour how you express something as like nothing . I like your animation which gives a bonus for me why we are studying these thing and what are they and where they are used???,.in simple word feeling anxiety, curiosity, charming, loving, developing a something unique or amazing interest to physics. LOVE FROM ME." ashraf malik
- 2021.06.28: "Best Physics lectures ever on youtube" Rocky Shahu
- 2021.06.27: "I just discovered flyping physics today OMG y didn't i know u guys all along . I've always thought other famous tutors which i wont mention here were the only good ones ,it turns out u guys are amoung the best .I mean i can literally Understand and remember coz u show real life demonstrations and also are funny😍😆" Izukanji Gondwe
- 2021.06.24: "Superb and amazing animated videos for easy understanding I love this❤️. Thanks a lot " Learn with me
- 2021.06.20: "Mr Palmer's Flipping Physics is something so unique and special that I can only admire him for dedicating so much of his time and passion to this project. He is truly creating much needed original content complete with high/quality academic standards. Thank you soo much from the bottom of my heart, to you and to your family who are engaged first hand in almost all your videos. I'm sure Mr. P knows that many people are watching these videos almost exclusively to pass exams and many are not purely interested in the subject matter. Unfortunately a large chunk of society has turned its back on the pursuit of knowledge, Mr. P's videos should be in the millions of views not in the thousands. I personally am enjoying these videos and learning only because of the pleasure it gives me. I am in my mid 40ies and started to study in a more systematic manner since the pandemic hit last year. As always, a good teacher makes the subject all the more interesting and engaging. Mr. P. and Flipping Physics is an excellent resource in this respect. Looking forward to learning with you in the next video! Thank you!" T2
- 2021.06.15: "2 years ago your videos helped me through AP Physics 1, and now they're going to help me through a summer class I'm taking in University Physics 1 (Equivalent of Phys C Mechanics). Truly has come full circle, thanks for all you do!" Uhkneerudh
- 2021.06.11: "From other sources, all I know is to understand the concept a bit then doing the exercises ... But there are a ton of small questions that I don't even know how to ask (Because of all of the assumptions in Physics, I believe), but, the way you taught, you clear it all.
And once again, no other resources can do that. 🙏🙏🙏 Hat off to Flipping Physics." Trung Phạm - 2021.06.08: "I seriously love this. Real physics and comedy=Fun. It made my morning. Thank you so much!" Ferdinand Verbeke
- 2021.06.07: "here in Brazil to say that physics works and I learn more here than in a classroom." Ludmilla Lima
- 2021.06.02: " I'm taking HS physics 1 and my teacher loves using your videos as a soft introduction to a new topic followed by us actually deriving the equations, and then usually a lab to test out our knowledge. Your videos are very well made, thanks for adding to the knowledge of the internet and my brain." Zander Chierici
- 2021.06.01: "I swear that I learned physics more from Flipping physics than my entire first two years of college." Bo Zhao
- 2021.05.30: "Man, really, your vids are like contact lenses for me - you make my vision of the world clearer. You've got yourself a permanent patreon. Cheers." Albert
- 2021.05.26: "Thank you for all you’ve done Mr. P! This was my first year taking an AP science class and it was really daunting at first, but your videos really helped me! They were also really entertaining to watch which helped make it less intimidating." Yems in the blanket
- 2021.05.26: "Omg , I never thought my concept would get cleared just in 5 mins ......thank u sorry that really helped a lot .....happy that teachers like u exist :)" Meena Supnekar
- 2021.05.26: "This easily has to be the best physics video on YT. Well played to all 4 of you." nadav fedida
- 2021.05.26: "Thank you so much. I am an incoming freshman engineer at Purdue university, and everyday I watch and take notes on one of your physics videos to keep my physics knowledge in tact. These videos are beautiful as they bring calculus and physics into one big picture. I cannot thank you enough. Thank you so much for helping me survive ap physics in hs and now prepping me for engineering school. Keep up the good work!" Sam Yang
- 2021.05.21: "woww!!!! What an animation....really it clears the concepts easily.....thank you so's a very very difficult animation specially at the end when there we have to find velocity of edges...very nice..." TS's FloraLove
- 2021.05.20: "wow. you deserve so much recognition for the amount of people that learn from your videos. you have a crazy talent for teaching. you can understand the perspective of the student and literally clarify/answer any questions i have in my head. can't say enough how much i appreciate your videos. you almost make me want to switch my major to physics .... almost lol" s sam
- 2021.05.19: "thanks for all you do to provide a great education for completely free. i struggle on some topics in my physics class and i always get excited when i see you've done a vid on it. i appreciate it more than you know! keep up the fantastic work" poke
- 2021.05.17: "recently found your channel, and was regretting why I've not seen your video before. Highly blessed with this wonderful content of yours😇😇😇💖" Aryan Raj
- 2021.05.12: "Wow i was really struggling with this concept, but you explained it so clearly with the ball analogy and then it clicked for me! Thank you!!" Jennifer Nguyen
- 2021.05.05: "Mr. P! Since day 1 in physics we used your videos as a part of our flipped classroom. No idea what I would’ve done without them. Took he exam today and felt super confident" Judd Berman
- 2021.05.06: "Hello Mr. P, Im not sure if you will see this, however I just wanted to thank you for everything you’ve taught me. I started physics without even knowing what significant figures are and now I took my first AP exam. Your videos helped me get motivated and learn more and more about physics. Would there be a way to donate to you as I am really greatful for all the free material, and would like to give something back to you since you gave so much to me." adhi gami
- 2021.05.06: "I did AP Physics I today 05/05/2021, and your videos have been great. I think I did really good. I was really thankful of the videos you made they helped me understand and efficiently self study and answer greatly. YOU ARE A GREAT HUMAN. Students legit need more teachers like you who put the commitment and the effort for the sake of benefitting others." mohammed abu sadeh
- 2021.05.05: "Im in University Physics and you've helped me so much. I take my final in a few days and I need at least a 65% for an A. I am so relieved and the pressure is gone. I'll be able to get into my engineering program." FuinOhtar
- 2021.05.05: "Thank you so much Mr. P!!! Your videos have been the only reason I am passing my AP Physics 1. I can not thank you enough. Your videos just teach so much and they are really entertaining. You really managed to capture the beauty of physics in all of your videos. Thank you so much for everything!" Bit Boi
- 2021.05.04: "Mr. Flipping physics you are saving my life. You are doing so much good for physics students around the world, and I hope you know that we appreciate your hard work." Nick
- 2021.05.04: "My teacher (regular physics) always shares your video with us, and they are so fun!! Thank you so much for making those wonderful and fun stuff for us students, we are really grateful!!! :D" rc_woshimao
- 2021.05.04: 'You're going to make me cry Mr. P, I've literally been struggling with motivation and your words have given me more motivation than any of my peers. Thank you for everything you have done and wish me luck on my five exams this year." Selegine
- 2021.05.04: "Thank you so much! I’m extremely nervous and scared and I’ve been watching flipping physics for every unit after school everyday since school has started and you’ve helped me so much. Thank you so much. I’m going to watching videos like crazy until it’s the exam May 5th 😭😭😭" Lisa Pham
- 2021.05.04: "Thank you so much! I self-studied AP Physics 1 using your videos and I know I'll be prepared for this year's AP exams thanks to your videos!" Pragya Natarajan
- 2021.05.04: "I was initially pretty nervous going into physics this year, but with the help of your videos, I’m feeling more prepared than ever! Thank you so much for all you have done❤️" Harrison Chung - YouTube Comment
- 2021.05.04: "Mr P... this comment is for you. THANK-YOU! Every hour and effort you put on each video pays off. My entire class watches your videos, and you make physics more likable and so much fun. Don't even stop believing in what you can achieve!" Valeria Escobar - YouTube Comment
- 2021.05.01: "After learning from you I am feeling confident about my concepts .. You are awesome dude.. Really awesome👍👏😊.. I can't explain my feelings to you... I really appreciate your hardwork behind making these videos..and I realized that there is only few people in the world who is making something beautiful & impactful In this world by their work and you are one of them🙂." Akash Kumar - YouTube Comment
- 2021.05.01: "Thank you so much for putting your effort to into making these videos. I wouldn't have had this much confidence for the upcoming AP physics exam without you!" Garland Gip - YouTube Comment
iykyk #apphysics #apphysics1
— Alex-luia, SHBOL â–¡ (@aglc2022) May 5, 2021
- 2021.04.28: "As a hs student and even now, I always valued understanding of a concept above simple memorization of test materials. Hence, I really love how you answer all these questions that aren't necessary for school, but help comprehend the phenomena intrinsically. As a student learning physics, I've always had deeper questions than what my teachers used to teach in class, but could only think of them to myself most of the time. Watching your videos truly quenches that thirst and fuels my "joy of understanding". I really appreciate your work and enthusiasm." n n - YouTube Comment
- "2021.04.27: "i love your videos soo much, you give real life examples, that clear my questions. lots of love and respect from pakistan................" saad zubair - YouTube Comment
- 2021.04.26: "Man, you are awesome! I never comment on YT videos, but this is the only explanation I have understood fully thus far. Not to mention, the student skits are hilarious haha Bo always trying to be the cool one. P.S : I tried organic chemistry tutor but just following the formulas blindly didn't really help me solve any problems on my own :(" Jason Morales - YouTube Comment
- 2021.04.21: "Good God thank you so much for the explanation!!!! Youre amazing and a total blessing" Kay_ Lyv_ - YouTube Comment
- 2021.04.21: "I found your channel just a couple days ago and not gonna lie, your videos got me through my college final today. Thankyou so much for putting out such great content and not expecting anything in return. Youre a true winner, Sir." vivansh - YouTube Comment
- 2021.04.21: "Just wanna say, I really appreciate the time and effort you’ve put in to better educate us the last few years, especially in content areas some of us may struggle in. And for that I thank you" Buzzer Beater - YouTube Comment
- 2021.04.13: "Add a fourth chair in the classroom please. Another Physics lover wants in !" Aasim Ali - YouTube Comment
- 2021.04.09: "Sir there are not enough words in the English alphabet to describe how helpful you have been" Andrew Parsons - YouTube Comment
- 2021.04.07: "you are an amazing teacher. I am sure many many many students are going to benefit from your videos and your easy way of explainations." Muhammad Junaid Akram - YouTube Comment
- 2021.04.02: "Thank you so much for all the effort of making these videos easy to understand and funny! I wish I have class with billy, bobby and bo!"
少陌 - YouTube Comment - 2021.03.31: "If you were in India a temple would have been built in your name XD. Can't believe how underrated this channel is. One of the best for CONCEPT CLARITY 💯" Aadrath 123 - YouTube Comment
- 2021.03.30: "Congrats! You helped me get through physics in high school and are a big reason I decided to study it in college. From me and all my classmates, thank you for your high quality teaching!" Ethan Beacom - YouTube Comment
- 2021.03.30: "Hey man just wanted to send some love your way, as education becomes more public & easy to access, the greater we progress as a race, people like you are the backbone of that progress. Thank you for the time you've dedicated to making every become less "scared" of physics and more accepting & exciting about physics. - Shervin Habibi" Lala Jaan - YouTube Comment
- 2021.03.30: "Sir, i am from Bangladesh. I always see your tutorial. You are so great teacher i had ever seen. You may live long. You are like Professor Walter at MIT(Massachusetts Institute of technology). Thank YOU sir." sheikh sarwar jahan Azom - YouTube Comment
- 2021.03.29: "I really appreciate you. 6 years ago you made this content and still know it's helping students and the system you used for making content that's unique and cool. Love you from Bangladesh." rakibul hasan - YouTube Comment
- 2021.03.28: "Someday if I ever make real money the first place I’m throwing a huge donation to is towards you, for helping me so much with many physics concepts throughout college. Thank you, your work is appreciated" internet S - YouTube Comment
- 2021.03.24: "I just want to say that YOUR videos are absolutely terrific at getting information to a student in an engaging way. Your use of multiple "students" posing questions allows us as the viewer to feel as if we are being talked to rather than talked at. When COVID-19 closed down schools and forced people to online learning, of all the resources provided to me, of any class, I probably learned the most from your videos. You should be very proud of the impact you made on not only the students you personally taught, but the millions of us here watching your videos. Thank you for the hours you put into these and the things you sacrificed to be here. I hope you continue to enjoy putting these out for the foreseeable future. Just know this: Your contribution to our success as a generation is thoroughly appreciated. Thank you again for all that you do. -A grateful AP Physics student." NATHAN SWANSON - YouTube Comment
- 2021.03.24: "Hi mister P!, you are really a great physics teacher; you have this gift of simplifying the physical phenomenon using simple illustrations and this new technique of using three students each of whom has their own vision of seeing and analyzing the problem. Thank you and good Luck"
Physique et Chimie du Secondaire - YouTube Comment - 2021.03.24: "You're the coolest teacher I've ever known!! Never thought physics could actually be fun. Thanks for everything Mr.P I really adore your passion in physics and teaching. I literally dont even know how i can really express my gratitude for you since im not a native speaker, but i did try i guess. (oh and also, i totally didnt tear up in the last part!!) Greetings and much love from Turkey!" Cemre - YouTube Comment
- 2021.03.24: "Not to get too heavy but I had to learn physics on my own with just a text book and not ever example used in the text book made sense to me the learner, especially the math questions. But when I found your channel, without being melodramatic, it was a god sent. I just think your great ✌️" Aaron Marsh - YouTube Comment
- 2021.03.24: "The day I accidentally turned out to this channel.... was really miraculous😇.... I was vibed to immediately subscribe it...& Now it's an ' Anchor' for me while trying understand the depths of physics...#thank you FP # from India" Rutuja - YouTube Comment
- 2021.03.24: "Really love this video Mr. P ! I've been a subscriber since I was in high school in 2015 and your videos helped out a lot to get me both through high school and university mechanics courses, and even now I love tuning into your videos. I relate to that lack of projection of university scholarly passion onto to the actual world as I was primarily a computer science student and only got immersed in studying that I didn't picture what would my future job entail when I get my bachelor's. Luckily now I have decided to work a small Tech job whilst I prepare and study for my master's degree in parallel in hopes of teaching as well, as I do find the joy of acquiring and sharing knowledge in relation to computers and a tad bit of physics to be my one true passion :) Thank you so much Mr. P for all the videos you have shared so far ! I look forward to your upcoming videos !"
SalmonKing - YouTube Comment - 2021.03.24: "you've made my understanding of physics to the level I wanted and keep going Sir ,you've made education interactive and accessible to each and every part of the world. Thanks Sir,pls continue your work.Hope you gain the subscribers and views you deserve ,you're truly underrated." Harikesh Ajith - YouTubre Comment
- 2021.03.23: "I am online for university and struggling with physics... but not really anymore. I saw your videos the first week of class and have been enjoying them ever since. This is my third time taking physics, and my first time taking physics online. I finally feel like I am learning something. Thank you so so much Mr. P!!!" FireEmblem27 - YouTube Comment
- 2021.03.21: "today i am feeling like i took lecture by walter lewin sir , sir you are great from INDIA..THANK YOU" Aditya Sharma - YouTube Comment
- 2021.03.21: "love your videos Mr. P. been watching them for my honors Physics class and they have helped clear concepts and have helped me solve difficult problems. SO THANK YOU LOTS!!!!!!! (p.s.I also sometimes watch your calculus videos like this one cause I know some calculus, It's fun!)" Muhammad Khan - YouTube Comment
- 2021.03.20: "THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS i was having soo much trouble trying to understand this concept but you made it a LOT easier to understand!! (^0^)/" Reinzyl Bonto - YouTube Comment
- 2021.03.19: "THIS IS AMAZING!!! Thank you, from a university student in NH moved to online. (And when I say 'thank you', it is for ALL of your amazing content, not just this song, which was superb by the way!)" FireEmblem27 - YouTube Comment
- 2021.03.18: "one of the best educational YouTube videos I've seen in the last decade" zalxder - YouTube Comment
- 2021.03.18: "Your dedication and commitment unmatched sir...hat's off to you sir" Mahantesh Maths - YouTube Comment
- 2021.03.15: "My man! I finally understand it and I want to study more. I’m finally excited learn more and do more problems" Lillian Sullivan - YouTube Comment
- 2021.03.10: "If I’m being honest I used to hate your channel with like a passion because I was associating it with the hours of work found in my physics class. I have however had a change of heart I started paying attention and watching your vids not just to pass the class but to learn and now I really enjoy them. So thanks!" Utah Supercars - YouTube Comment
- 2021.03.09: "this man loves what he does" MegaXTay - YouTube Comment
- 2021.03.09: "Sir, I'd just like to say thank you for the effort that you are taking to make these videos. Sincerely indebted to you a lot. I finally understood significant figures today!" Shreya Prakash - YouTube Comment
- 2021.03.09: "👍👍👍👍👍🙏🙏🎉🔥❤️❤️😎😀😂❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️I have no words ❤️" Anurag Arya - YouTube Comment
- 2021.03.08: "This is kind of an academic sitcom. Laughed out loud with your impersonations. Great job !!!" TopCatPlus - YouTube Comment
- 2021.03.06: "Mr. P : Please do not stop making these amazing and interesting videos ever. Lots of love for your channel and physics. Thank you so much." Aasim Ali - YouTube Comment
- 2021.03.06: "How are these videos not more popular? I just started taking physics and every video doesnt EXPLAIN stuff and you do! Thank you so much!" AvaMiele - YouTube Comment
- 2021.03.04: "the amount of work you put into one video is insane. ive taken physics 101 TWICE. u have no idea how much i enjoy learning physics since my teacher started incorporating your videos into our lesson . I FINALLY GET IT !!" s sam - YouTube Comment
- 2021.03.03: "Thank you so much bro. You are helping students very much. I am from india and preparing for medical entrance NEET exam. I was finding it difficult to understand this concept but you just made it clear with your knowledge and super animations. Thanks again keep making awesome videos like this. God bless you..." Rushikesh Lahane - YouTube Comment
- 2021.03.02: "Is it just me- or does anyone else just binge watch these for fun because he actually makes learning fun?" Anna - YouTube Comment
- 2021.02.25: "If at the end of the day no one extensively appreciates the genius of this tool you've created... just know that I will do so because you've made me one very happy AP Physics student" aji - YouTube Comment
- 2021.02.24: "I just have to say, thank you so much for making these insanely informational and conceptually simple videos. They make it so easy to grasp the information and I have never seen such a clear cut and detailed explanation jam-packed into an easily watchable video. This video has come in clutch for my upcoming test, and I have to say I owe the majority of it to your videos for giving me that first step to being able to solve problems that I never could have otherwise. :)" Zorok PAD - YouTube Comment
- 2021.02.23: "Not only super helpful, but also super entertaining! (Billy's little confused bit in the middle was truly beautiful :)" Skunky Wild - YouTube Comment
- 2021.02.18: "I started taking AP physics this year, and man, when throughout months I had no understanding, which turned my interest to dust in physics. Every day, I was on the verge of giving up, which then turned into frustration and indifference with the subject. But you, you, are changing that" Wild Putin - YouTube Comment
- 2021.02.17: "Thank you for making me love physics" shaden - YouTube Comment
- 2021.02.17: "love your teaching method, and i have same questions that your student asks from you.lots of love from pakistan. keep it up sir." saad zubair - YouTube Comment
- 2021.02.16: "You're the physics teacher everyone wishes they had" Zaki Wali - YouTube Comment
- 2021.02.08: "Mr. P, I am now on video number 68 in the "AP Physics 1" series. I just want to say it is a joy to watch you editing skills improve over the time you have done this. I can see how you constently improve your videos, via editing that is." and "Mr. P, I will say that was a very good video. It is direct and cleared up my privious thoughts of the thrid law. Also, I hope you get the time to read my comments. I think it will be very interesting for you to see. I am watching through your AP 1 playlist to pass my college class. Having this play list is allowing my to pass physics even though COVID effected all of us, for me it is preventing me for being in a class room. Just know even in 2021 you'r videos are still helping students. Thanks again." Kenneth McNeil - Two YouTube Comments
- 2021.02.05: "Awesome way of demonstration..... ✨😇✨ Thank you so much... It feels really lucky that I know this channel....." Rutuja - YouTube Comment
- 2021.02.03: "you people are at a higher level at teaching in physics even when i compare with crash coarse physics but their views are huge and also in some videos millions but your views are not even more than 400k man i am really sad and its been happening since i have started watching your videos about 2-3years i guess you deserve more" Ahmad yaseen - YouTube Comment
- 2021.01.29: "Thank you so much. I have been watching you since you had around 1000 subs. You have helped me ace the AP physics 1 final with all your videos relating to AP Physics 1. Thank you so much for taking your time and making these videos. Much love ❤️👍" rakshen venkateswaran - YouTube Comment
- 2021.01.29: "I was crying because i wasn’t getting this. You saved my life THANK YOU THANK YOU 😊" Krish Sharma - YouTube Comment
- 2021.01.24: "you make difficult concepts so easy to understand - thankyou for these videos - best on youtube 🤍" faiz begum - YouTube Comment
- 2021.01.24: "you are a perfect and an excellent teacher who can make anyone understand the information easily and you are from the reasons that made me love physics ,keep going and do not stop and thank you" Walid Medhat Al-Sayed Ahmed Al-Essawi - YouTube Comment
- 2021.01.23: "This is one of my most favorite physics channels!!contents are just amazing!Really appreciated your hard work sir!!May Allah bless you." sayma tasnim - YouTue Comment
- 2021.01.18:"I believe in you sir you are honorable and will remain ever in in my mind you are so respectful personality and passionate and hardworking person" Jyoshna Kale - YouTube Comment
- 2021.01.12: "Wow you never cease to amaze me with your teaching ,thank you for the wonderful content🎉🎉" Harikesh Ajith - YouTube Comment
- 2021.01.11: "OH MY GOD . THEY SHOULD TEACH LIKE THIS IN UNI" mani vaziri - YouTube Comment
- 2021.01.10: "Physics with feelings...... I will never forget this lesson this way..... Brilliant...!" KARTIK DEORE - YouTube Comment
- 2021.01.07: "Dude huge fan from India. Just because of you I got interest in Physics , thank you so much for this type of explanation , and also clearing our misconceptions like in real class. BETTER THAN REAL CLASS." Harmeet Singh - YouTube Comment
- 2021.01.05: "Dude you're like the Neruda of physics lessons- thank you." Joan Ferreira - YouTube Comment
- 2021.01.04: "Thank you for putting so much effort in creating this video. Amazing animations and as always your explanations of Physics concepts are to the point and easy to understand. Now I know I can roll without slipping." John Wilson - YouTube Comment
- 2021.01.02: "I was crying because i wasn’t getting this. You saved my life THANK YOU THANK YOU" Lyrics Videos - YouTube Comment
- 2021.01.01: "I appreciate your dedication in helping high school students like me learn Physics the right way. Thank you so much, sir." NICK SINGH - YouTube Comment
- 2020.12.31: "Learning plus entertainment = Understanding Physics. Flipping Physics A+++++++" . - YouTube Comment
- 2020.12.28: "This is the Best Moment of Inertia explanation I have heard / read. Flipping Physics is the best. Great content along with superb explanations. Thank you." sanjay Singh - YouTube Comment
- 202012.27: "I just want to say wow wow wow" Bharti Dubey - YouTube Comment
- 2020.12.23: "Do you know sir you are one of the greatest teacher equivalent to walker writer of Resnik hallieay." Veer Singh - YouTube Comment
- 2020.12.22: " have full of respect for you sir, always am understanding physics easily because of you're Great and easy explanation . And I would like to say Thanks a lot sir" Asefa Gete - YouTube Comment
- 2020.12:21: "you're the reason why I stayed in ap physics as a hs sophomore when I was struggling with all those stupid kinematics equations , and you're the reason why I choose to study hard and got a 5 on the exam, and you're honestly the reason why I kept going with science and now at Berkeley studying computer science. Your channel really means a lot to me and I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate what you've done :)" Tuketuke73tf - YouTube Comment
- 2020.12.21: "You are doing a marvellous work.Great effort.Your explanation is very clear.God bless you.." Karthekeswari Karthigeyan - YouTube Comment
- 2020.12.20: "I never comment on videos but your brilliant explanation forces me to tell u that ur explanation and efforts are amazing ...." Radha - YouTube Comment
- 2020.12.16: "im so happy that i found ur channel, i really want to ace my foundation studies this year, your videos reignited my passion to strive for the best grade for Physics, my finals is in 12 weeks, wish me luck hehe" IWANA PUTRI GUNTOR PUTRA - YouTube Comment
- 2020.12.16: "this video allowed me to understand perfectly a concept that my textbook does a terrible job at explaining. I guess I'm now gonna be binge-watching your videos from now until my final" Daniel Sun - YouTube Comment
- 2020.12.15; "wow this video literally saved my entire physics grade for my final. thank you very much my good sir" Salvador - YouTube Comment
- 2020.12.15: "Thank you. I really appreciate your time and dedication to this content. You helped me really understand physics calculations." Kyoko Kirigiri - YouTube Comment
- 2020.12.14: "I just wanted you to know how much of an effect you have had on my life, I never would've guessed I would've wanted to take AP Physics but even less pursue Physics in college and moreover a physics channel made me do that! There's just something about your teaching method and videos that really makes people interact with your videos, keep doing what you're doing, I don't know where I would be without you!" Rithvik Yagnamurthy - YouTube Comment
- 2020.12.13: "this video was soooooooooo helpful !! Thank you for putting this effort for this! The result is amazing" The Nightshade - YouTube Comment
- 2020.12.13: "Best visualization ever possible! I totally loved your work. 🔥" Miah Mariam - YouTube Comment
- 2020.12.13: "I love your socks and you make learning fun!" Teara - YouTube Comment
- 2020.12.10: "Thank U So much sir 🙏 - Very Useful for my preparation 🙏 - Ur Effort deserves more views 👏 - No words to desribe my gratitude 🙏 ❤ - Love from India (Madurai) ❤ - A NEET Aspirant ..." sachin prabu - YouTube Comment
- 2020.12.10: "So clear, and funny at the same time. I really didn't felt the 12 minutes passing away . This is an excellent video. Thank u, so much." Creuma Kuzola - YouTube Comment
- 2020.12.10: "my UBC prof is using your videos to teach us physics he thinks you’re awesome:v" No. 444 - YouTube Comment
- 2020.12.09: "Great job.awesome teaching skills with entertaining. Useful for jee aspirants. Love from india🥰🥰" Harsha telugu info - YouTube Comment
- 2020.12.09: "Thank you for the explanation, been struggling for a bit with these vectors. Probably the best explanation video in vectors I've seen. Love the characters btw!" Hi Tacos - YouTube Comment
- 2020.12.01: "I aint gonna lie sir, so many times have I wanted to drop out of physics but your videos have saved me time and time again. esp. with this pandemic its real hard to focus, but ur videos always make me laugh and keep me interested. tbh prolly would be failing my physics class it it weren't 4 u... trynna give u all the adsense money cuz u deserve it king 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊" Caoilinn Hardy - YouTube Comment
- 2020.11.27: "love love love love love love love your videos. I'm so surprised these videos have so little views... such quality content with engaging set up!" Google Account - YouTube Comment
- 2020.11.21: "You’re brilliant seriously I always come to your videos before my test because it clarifies so much that was missing in my understanding. I appreciate the work and passion you put into teaching us. You deserve way more credit. 🙏🏼🤗🙌🏼" LEI ITIS - YouTube Comment
- 2020.11.21: "I'm awed by thinking of the effort which goes into the making of these videos. Great work Mr. P and thank you very much, the visualizations and demonstrations made me understand the concept better. Also all the other demos about waves were so useful." Kage - YouTube Comment
- 2020.11.15: "Man, that is pure dedication and determination towards your work. Sir you need some more recognition . You are deserving. I have been watching your videos for quite some time and I find the topic really easy to understand. And now I will definitely recommend your channel to my other classmates , I hope they find it amazing. You are the Real Hero everyone needs and to be inspired of. 🙇♂️🙇♂️" Kushagr Sharma - YouTube Comment
- 2020.11.10: "Mannnnnnnnnnnnn ! i don't know how to explain but you're just awesome ! you did hard work to explain this to us... and your examples was so solid and so easy ! i'm just so impressed from the way you teach ! <3 i wish every student get a teacher like you ! i don't know why this channel is underrated it deserves millions of subscribers...wish you a very best luck for your future" Zayn Ali - YouTube Comment
- 2020.11.05: " Thank you so much for teaching physics! I couldn't understand the center of mass and thought I would never until I saw these videos! Thank you so much!" Meghna Is the best - YouTube Comment
- 2020.11.02: "My AP Physics teacher had us watch your videos to help us complete assignments and now I watch you in my free time because of how interesting your videos are. Thank you for helping me enjoy physics!" Fake Cartier - YouTube Comment
- 2020.10.28: "I'd been trying to wrap my head around the right hand rule for a while, and this made so much more sense than anything else I've found. I didn't realize it was this simple and was overthinking it for sure. I commend you on creating a very informative video that accomplished the goal in less than 6 minutes. Thank you so much for making videos like this." Juniper Lund - YouYube Comment
- 2020.10.20: "once again, u r helping me survive my first year in college. ur videos saved me too on high school. thanks for your effort, really appreciate it!!!" Lorie Ann Almandres - YouTube Comment
- 2020.10.19: "I just had an AP Physics 1 exam on forces. My teacher assigns your videos during this distance learning period and I think I just got at A+ thanks to you. Not only are your videos very insightful, but also quite funny. Thank you." Hi - YouTube Comment
- 2020.10.15: "I want to give u alot of's just the easiest way to learn... thanku so much SIR 💖💖💖💖" H. Saira Riasat ali - YouTube Comment
- 2020.10.15: "I know you will never have millions, but I hope the value that each of these thousands have it´s of greater magnitude for you since we are probably students or people wishing to learn, for which, you are so valuable." Sirris Mendoza Sunless Realms - YouTube Comment
- 2020.10.15: "u know i never understood this till i saw this video - i'm serious - now i understand it very well" Juniya Steffi - YouTube Comment
- 2020.10.14: "Thank goodness I found your channel. I have searched for someone who can explain waves in a way that I can actually understand and retain the information. Thank you so much. You’re an excellent teacher 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻❤️" MARINA WILKINSON - YouTube Comment
- 2020.10.13: "Can we take some time to respect the students in this video (they know everything 😅😅😅)" Udith R Nair - YouTube Comment
- 2020.10.10: "I love ur videos sir I felt like an actual teacher is explaining to me, I had a classroom like feeling with my headphones on ... The way you explain the concepts is like loading my brain with phy without me realizing that I am studying ... Thank you so much" Mithran Sriram - YouTube Comment
- 2020.10.08: "Thank you, a lot of work goes into these videos and it helps a lot. My ap physics teacher posts your videos quite frequently and it helped with my understanding!" harter d - YouTube Comment
- 2020.10.07: "i wish my university would donate to your patron... they be usin your videos to teach us physics and each person of 300 students be payin $550 per course" gamer2125 - YouTube Comment
- 2020.10.03: "This is genuinely the best physics content in the world, right now. Dear Mr. P, The amount of work and conviction that goes into each one of these videos is evident. My heartfelt gratitude to you. Love you loads!!" Udbhav Kansal - YouTube Comment
- 2020.09.29: "I love the way how you try to bring out the mistakes commonly made by students while solving such questions. For me, watching the three boys do a mistake kind of serves as a concrete memory of the ways not to proceed to do the question. I really love this idea. Keep up the good work, Mr. P!" Bhawna Mehta - YouTube Comment
- 2020.09.29: "thank you so much I cry in happiness" Luna Zhou - YouTube Comment
- 2020.09.29: "The last medical school/MCAT prerequisite I need is physics and my professor uses all of your videos as our lectures as we move through the topics and then just supplements with his own examples during the remote classtime. After taking so much biology and chemistry, physics has definitely been a totally new learning curve for me and it has been challenging! But, your videos help me so, so, so much. Thank you for making these videos! I just watch them for fun even when my class hasn't gotten to the topic yet! :D" Megan Apple - YouTube Comment
- 2020.09.28: "I really like this style of teaching. The student environment and forming questions is such an excellent idea i hope you never stop!" Google Account - YouTube Comment
- 2020.09.28: "Amazing explanation and demonstration. No one ever teaches phy6 this way cept fr u" Priyantha Dissanayaka - YouTube Comment
- 2020.09.25: "With the the whole online learning shenanigans, learning has been rough. But this video is AMAZING, great graphics, great explanations, and overall it was easy to follow along. I can't express my self enough , but I do want to say thank you for your AMAZING channel." KvnRr - YouTube Comment
- 2020.09.24: "Hats off to you. Really incredible videos and awesome and effective way of study. Thankyou Sir😍" Mohammad Umer - YouTube Comment
- 2020.09.24: "Wow ...very good explanation .... when I see ur videos ...I understood everything thanku so much....lots of love from India" Sahil Dhaliwal - YouTube Comment
- 2020.09 23: "You’ve made my Physics class so interesting and fun ^u^ Thank you so much Mr. P! 🙏🏼" Raziel Yza Ardaniel - YouTube Comment
- 2020.09.23: "Ive been strugglimg with this seeminly simple topic since the start, and youre the only one who presented it to me SO CLEARLY!!! THANK YOU!!!!" my display picture doesnt share food!!! - YouTube Comment
- 2020.09.22: "You're teaching is the best. So humble and well explained. I'm happy I found your channel. This was a pleasure to watch." Ferdinand Verbeke - YouTube Comment
- 2020.09.17: "why haven't I seen this guy on snl" MichaelTPercussion - YouTube Comment
- 2020.09.13: "I absolutely love all of the effort you put into these videos. Your explanations (and teaching) is better than my college professor. You're getting me through college physics." xXWhatever13Xx - YouTube Comment
- 2020.09.13: "Appreciate the work that you put into making these 🙏 Hats off to your dedication 🙏🙏" PhysicsFun IITJEE - YouTube Comment
- 2020.09.09: "Thank you so much for this clear and well-explained video. Actulally in this 8 minutes, you explained a 90mins lecture hahahha. Love from Canada <3" Naheed Haidary - YouTube Comment
- 2020.09.09: "Dude , you are like the most Metal physics teacher I've seen. (and I mean that as a great compliment)" Kicapan Manis - YouTube Comment
- 2020.09.09: "Wow this is phenomenal content! Thank you for sharing this. I watched multiple videos, but this one finally clicked for me to understand it. The visuals were really helpful." Jenn N - YouTube Comment
- 2020.09.09: "this is the best physics video i have ever watched" Katie Hansen - YouTube Comment
- 2020.09.08: "Even with CollegeBoard's own new videos for AP classes, your videos remain number one in every aspect Mr. P!" fariha Ahmed - YouTube Comment
- 2020.09.08: "WOW WHAT A GREAT WAY TO TEACH PHYSICS...." Sivenathi Nathi - YouTube Comment
- 2020.09.06: "You are a great teacher!I always understand whatever u teach" Ahana Lahiri - YouTube Comment
- 2020.09.04: "Great job mate! Physics made simple! Subbed. Officially not a student anymore and science isn't my domain but love knowing the laws and rules. Love your dry wit too. All the best." rituraj chakrabarti - YouTube Comment
- 2020.09.03: "i just got chills...these graphics are dope" Karena Garcia - YouTube Comment
- 2020.09.03: "this guy is just normal al yankovic" гопник TV - YouTube Comment
- 2020.09.03: "Your channel helped me get an A in physics 1 and 2; and then my A in physics helped me get into medical school. Thank you for your hard work !" Carlos Negron - YouTube Comment
- 2020.09.01: "Thanks a lot for what you’ve done for the AP physics 1 community! I couldn’t have done well on the test without watching your videos!" Ben Daniels - YouTube Comment
- 2020.09.01: "This is actuallly mind blowing!!! So good!!" Tariq Rasheed - YouTube Comment
- 2020.08.31: "I wish I had found this at the beginning of the Semester." Ilias C - YouTube Comment
- 2020.08.31: "Thanks I thought I could never understand this....😁" Jasleen Kaur - YouTube Comment
- 2020.08.28: "Amazing, just awsome, thanks for the Beautiful demonstration.. 😇😇" Agnibha Chowdhury - YouTube Comment
- 2020.08.27: "this video helped more than my 2 weeks of virtual class" Suk - YouTube Comment
- 2020.08.27: "Just here to say thank you for the videos you did in 2013 you're saving me in physics" Jonathan Schmidt - YouTube Comment
- 2020.08.26: "It felt like I'm in my class. I'm like Bo. Forgetting sign conventions and directions and units and the whole class including the teacher, trying to fix it." and "Omigosh! how can anyone make such perfect videos? You nailed it. I got everything at once. You truly are a magician. Can't thank you enough." Bhawna Mehta - Two YouTube Comments
- 2020.08.25: "Today, after 14 years finally I understood the concept of Torque. Thank you." Aditya Mahat - YouTube Comment
- 2020.08.25: "THIS MAN IS CRIMINALLY UNDERRATED" and "THESE VIDEOS ARE THE BEST THING EVER! You TRULY are like a god to me!!!!! Thanks a lot sir!!!!" OWEZ NERO - Two YouTube Comments
- 2020.08.25: "This is the only channel where i can find complete demonstrations as well as theory , just what i want !" Dalchand Sharma - YouTube Comment
- 2020.08.24: "Awesome! I live this channel's uploads and this is a topic I've been anxious to see. The best instructor, tutor and three classmates combined in one person ⚡💡⚡ ... Aaand there's a physical circuit implemented as well; this guy almost makes circuit equivalence too easy 😂 Truly one of a kind" Daniel Trusty - YouTube Comment
- 2020.08.24: "Really easy to understand. I started loving physics after watching these videos." Gautam BS - YouTube Comment
- 2020.08.24: "I haven't taken a Physics class in 2 years, but I woke up this morning with the "FLIPPING PHYSICS" jingle in my head." CramTime - YouTube Comment
- 2020.08.20: "Omg your style of teaching is very very awesome sir . I am from India and we are mugging up the concept because of not correct understanding but now i finder your channel . Keep posting more videos sir . ❤️ From India , Tamil nadu ." Tamilan da - YouTube Comment
- 2020.08.19: "My god ...You came as rescue for me in this lockdown period to understand physics in detail 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️" sheik m Farooq Farooq - YouTube Comment
- 2020.08.19: "i'm heading to college this fall as a physics major, but coming from a high school that didn't have an available physics class. THANK YOU so, so much for all your wonderful time & effort on these videos. I'm already feeling much more confident about this fall !!" Jane H - YouTube Comment
- 2020.08.18: "You need recognition mam I am so glad how much I learned from you. I am a student of class 9th in India where our teacher doesn't reach these topics better and like you explain with showing us practically, in here no one give this much time. Thanks a lot 🙂😊 for this type of different (as I saw this type of learning first time)" Yogesh - YouTube Comment
- 2020.08.16: "You're one of the best teachers over the world. I love your lessons." Spencer BCE - YouTube Comment
- 2020.08.13: "DAMN!!!! Your videos are so FUNNNNN!!! Thanks!" Harry Haghany - YouTube Comment
- 2020.08.11: "one of the most brilliant professor I have ever encountered in my entire life of 18 years!!!! Thank you very much sir!!!! Lots of love from India" COOL EDUCATION - YouTube Comment
- 2020.08.09: "Im super glad that i found this channel. Thank You sooo much. This channel prove that learning is fun. Kudos" Veronica Vigilla - YouTube Comment
- 2020.08.09: "This video is perfect! Thank you for your brilliant craft. Appreciate it so much." Jeal - YouTube Comment
- 2020.08.07: "WOW I am seriously going to cry. I've been studying for the MCAT and could not understand standing waves for the life of me, but you just made this crystal clear. The voices were saying verbatim what the little voice in my head was saying lol THANK YOU!" mildapprehension - YouTube Comment
- 2020.08.07: "I had Mr. P in high school for physics. His teaching style is extremely memorable. I'm personally not a physics guy but this man made it interesting. Which speaks volumes to me. When I have kids one day, I will show them this channel for their physics classes. Hope to see continue growing and striving and reaching more kids who need help in this important subject. Thank you for Mr. P. Blessings- Shawn" Shawn Panjwani - YouTube Comment
- 2020.08.01: "Newton in 21st century" Anubhav Kalita - YouTube Comment
- 2020.07.30: "Wow! it's so amazing to get such a videos like these, please never making it continues progressively and thank!" Chak Kuneng - YouTube Comment
- 2020.07.22: "Our professor links your videos to our classes all the time! Super thankful for your videos!!!" Erratum - YouTube Comment
- 2020.07.19: "i am only halfway through this video but i have been watching your other videos and they help me clear up my concepts so much. I am taking calc based physics 1 in the summer semester of my college and during COVID-19 too, so basically through remote learning which isn't helping me at all and my eye had problems at the beginning of the semester due to which i could not focus in my lectures either. Now i am trying to clear up my concepts and practice as much as i can, two weeks before my final, and your videos are providing me that atmosphere of an engaged classroom which HELPS me A LOT and I just want to say thank you so much for doing this and teaching this way, it is really helpful !!" darktower - YouTube Comment
- 2020.07.11: "I can tell you that your videos are incredible. Thank you so much for your sacrifice. I will be telling future Physics students to watch your channel!"
RossNate Berntson - YouTube Comment - 2020.07.11: "All of your videos are awesome, you've helped me to really understand how physics works and how every topic is linked to the others, things, here in Mexico teachers don't pay to much attention to. Thanks for all your efforts, certainly you're the best teacher all over YouTube!" Natt SC - YouTube Comment
- 2020.07.09: "Your videos have seriously uplifted my confidence in ap physics 1 and has helped me understood multiple concepts. During the “quarantine” I have been using the school physics textbook provided by my teacher and online sources to learn things beyond what we learn in high school, such as nuclear physics, quantum mechanics, particle physics, special relativity, electromagnetism, etc. (the basic, but vital concepts and equations) in which I have realized that I actually enjoy learning science more than I thought. But the gateway for this was Ap Physics 1, and you have helped me learn so much about it, and helped me realize that I want to take my career route of being a physicist more seriously now (I wasnt too sure in the beginning of the 2019 school year). Thank you so much for your immense and spectacular dedication in teaching." Skrrt - YouTube Comment
- 2020.07.09: "Hi! I just wanted to let you know (although people have already told you this hehe) your videos are truly phenomenal. I am currently a secondary 4 student (equivalent to 10th class) and I attend physics Olympiads which require A level knowledge (equivalent to 12th class). Since my scholarship l does not have a separate programme for Olympiads, I have to self study all the syllabus and this wouldn't be possible without your channel. I know that sometimes it can be difficult to reach a wide n massive audience especially when making educational videos because the general public seems to be more attracted to time-wasting and attention-grabbing videos. Nonetheless, I can assure you that your channel is one of the best physics channels on YouTube and more importantly, your level of passion cannot be matched by anyone. I sometimes wish that you would come to my school and start teaching here HAHAHAHAHA but only to realise that that would be very selfish of me. I think the beauty of your channel lies in the fact that it makes educational content so much more accessible to everyone. People from different parts of the world just like me now down to you and your dedication. I know this is an awfully long message but just wanted to let you know that this whole community truly respects you and I your channel is FLIPPIN amazing. tldr; this whole community truly appreciates your efforts for building one of the best physics channels on YouTube :D Enjoy your summer break!" Kimaya Wanjari - YouTube Comment
- 2020.07.08: "Your videos are the only reason I survived AP Physics 1 this year !! I missed over 30 days before covid19, and these always helped me catch up and understand the material !! Thank you for saving me !! :)))" Chaney McKnight - YouTube Comment
- 2020.07.08: "This channel was my go-to for physics lectures when studying for the AP Physics 1 exam when I was a junior in high school. The content and problem solving approach covered on your videos was much more helpful than what was taught in class. Without your help, I don't think I could have scored a 5 on that exam. Fast-forward three years and I am studying engineering in college, being at the top of my physics class! I'm very thankful for the work that you do and the level of commitment you have to making these videos." Nick Kowalski - YouTube Comment
- 2020.07.08: "Greetings from Brazil! Sir, I'd like to thank you for all the effort on putting together this amazing series of videos. You must be some kind of genius! Most impressive channel I've seen so far..." AMG 77 - YouTube Comment
- 2020.07.05: "OMG!!!!!! This is a really good video! Made really easy to understand :D Plus I like the humor" Stove Games Games - YouTube Comment
- 2020.07.02: "Totally flipping physics! I LOVE this channel. Thank you so much for the amazing teaching style, content, and enjoyable personality. Can’t wait to return to school with electrifying energy." Ana Karen Hernanedez - YouTube Comment
- 2020.06.30: "This is legend, amazing passion for teaching!" Sean MacNeil - YouTube Comment
- 2020.06.29: "I'm an IIT JEE aspirant and your videos help me clear concepts and revise certain definitions, I really appreciate your work!" Kanishk Banker - YouTube Comment
- 2020.06.29: "i was very confused in the examples but after seeing your videos my all doubts get cleared. thanks a lot sir" The Warriors club - YouTube Comment
- 2020.06.17: "I can't believe it! I'm taking physiycs for 4 years in my country, which includes electiricty lessons, and I just learned that electrons actually lose their energy along the way. We just learn the basic formulas on the paper, and that's all. Thank you Mr. P, this video and all the animations were the biggest enlightnment i've ever had! I'm really shocked that we don't have any teacher that as good as you are. Thanks!" Umuthan Özel - YouTube Comment
- 2020.06.15: "Great videos, I admire your passion. I also should note that you are probably far the best one I've seen among various youtube lecturers, who focuses and cares on little tiny details and handles them carefully and successfully. Nice!" Yusuf Aksel - YouTube Comment
- 2020.06.15: "At first, I watched this because I was doing my lab report but then I start enjoying your videos. Thanks! Haha!" Farina Parveen - YouTube Comment
- 2020.06.13: "Sir you are incredible.....your physics classes are just amazing.....respect from India🇮🇳" MANODEEP CHAKRABORTY - YouTube Comment
- 2020.06.11: "You are an awesome physics teacher as well as an awesome human being. Thank you for infusing your work with passion, tenacity, and lots of love. We as students really pick up on all of these, especially the love you put in it. You're efforts truly do extend beyond making physics videos the generally just making the world that much nicer, brighter, lighter, and beautiful. All my 5's in AP Phys I can directly credit to you and if I get through Uni Phys it will be through knowing that there is beauty and love in the subject as you have shown. Thank you again." Njeri Njoroge - YouTube Comment
- 2020.06.11: "Hey man, I just want to let you know that I am in a top 40 US university and your youtube physics videos are currently being used as required watching for our online Physics class. Great job, you explain everything very clearly and it helps a ton. Watching this right now in preparation for a quiz!" T J - YouTube Comment
- 2020.06.11: "Awesome 👍😊, I actually understood sometimes I've been struggling with for months in a minute, coooool 😎🤓" Manasseh Eyram - YouTube Comment
- 2020.06.10: "Absolute KING. I'm about... 5 years past when i subscribed for help on my physics C exam and still watch every single one of your videos. You are a phenomenal person, thank you for everything you do." Christian Flores - YouTube Comment
- 2020.06.10: "Thank you so very much! I am a 1st generation Hispanic college student studying engineering. I knew it will be a great challenge since my parents only work minimum wage jobs and do not know nothing about the U.S. education system from high school and college. I always watch your videos and rewatch to understand the concept and with your help I ended up getting an A in Physics Mechanics! Thank you for simply giving time to produce your amazing content." Rodolfo Orellana - YouTube Comment
- 2020.06.10: "Best physics teacher I have ever seen" SHUBHASH AYUSH -SHUBHASH GURUKUL - YouTube Comment
- 2020.06.10: "Thank you so much for all you do, you deserve the world but the world doesnt deserve you 😭😭😭" noTQuynhTon - YouTube Comment
- 2020.06.10: "As an physics student who used almost all of your videos as review for this years test and as an African American teen, it means a lot by you recognizing this and doing something to help everyone regardless of color. I passed with a B thanks to you. I have a genuine interest in physics and can see it in my world even without the problems thanks to you. So really, thank you. I hope you and your family continue to well and mirror what you display on your channel; genuinely nice and good. Thank you, and I enjoyed learning with you. 👌🏾🙏🏾" James Morrissette - YouTube Comment
- 2020.06.09: "I am a high school student from Turkey and your videos help me understand physics properly. Maybe your goodness and skill reach far beyond you expected. Thanks for all!" just a little gom jabbar - YouTube Comment
- 2020.06.09: "You have helped me so much taking ap physics this year. I'm so glad we have your support through everything that's going on right now. You make learning so much fun and have pushed me to add physics to my college major. Thank you for teaching me I enjoyed learning with you." TARO - YouTube Comment
- 2020.06.09: "The internet allows for the spread of ideas that where concentrated to the people who where able to afford it. Your work allows me and others who come from backgrounds where education was an afterthought and surviving was a necessity the ability to grow and develop the world around us. Thank you." Salim Karimov - YouTube Comment
- 2020.06.09: "in other videos im just learnt how to handle the rules but this channel clearly clarifies why the rules ae different , what is the basic idea behind them, LOVE YOU FROM KURDISTAN" HASIBA KHAN - YouTube Comment
- 2020.06.09: "Wow!😆 Your way teaching physics is SUPER AWESOME!!!! Keep on making similar videos!" Muneeb Khan - YouTube Comment
- 2020.06.05: "thank you so much! your animation and explanation were so clear and were much easier to understand than a 3 hours lecture about waves." ophir arad - YouTube Comment
- 2020.06.04: "I'm new to this channel but your videos are the reason im surviving physics in undergrad right now. Thank you for the hard work!" zakia tabassum - YouTube Comment
- 2020.06.02: "I just want to say I absolutely love your videos!! For me I always learn better in a classroom group setting and when you have “different” people answer questions, describe concepts and add in on each other... it helps me learn and understand the concepts so much better! Thanks for everything!!!! I’ve always loved science and thus year I took an AP Physics class ONLINE.... I couldn’t have done it without you! Thanks!" Just Random - YouTube Comment
- 2020.06.01: "This was an enjoyable series. I stumbled across it while trying to get visuals on what actual waves inside a wind instrument look like and decided to stay for the other videos. Most diagrams only show you a string-style standing wave oscillating up & down with nodes & anti-nodes but your depiction of the longitudinal oscillations of the spring and the pressure waves inside an air filled tube were quite useful for understanding" Nutbunny - YouTube Comment
- 2020.05.21: "I love you and your lectures a lot! thanks to your efforts that we are able to get such a high quality education of physics by you. I believe that surely you are a scientist because the real demonstrations of all these things i had never seen in my bookish life of physics but you teach us experimentally which only a scientist can do. a lots of love...........................thanks" Tanmay - YouTube Comment
- 2020.05.15: "God bless you Mr. P. I just took the AP1 exam and your videos were my chief study resource throughout the review process and the main reason I feel confident about how I did on the test today. You truly help make learning all this stuff enjoyable and I always felt like I had an ally. I know you get a ton of these comments but I think that is just a testament to the great work you do. Thanks so much!!" Ryan Moore - YouTube Comment
- 2020.05.14: "Thank you Mr. P for believing in me and carrying me through my first AP class. I really appreciate all the time and effort you put into your videos. You’re awesome for dedicating hours and hours to helping us high schoolers achieve a bright future for ourselves. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. <3" Brian LeCocq - YouTube Comment
- 2020.05.14: "I just want to say than you very very very much. I know I said this before so many times but I really appreciate ur content. Your channel motivates me to keep trying. Even if I fail, I can proudly say that I tried my best. Thank you so much😭🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏" Bunny Banana - YouTube Comment
- 2020.05.13: "Wow, I'm binging these and I really can't believe I haven't seen them before, I already understand these topics but these videos are so fun to watch and they're really helping to reinforce these ideas in my brain. Thank you!!!" Chris T - YouTube Comment
- 2020.05.12: "your vids r so interesting! im watching them bc the ap exam is in two days, so i didnt really go into them from an interest perspective, but literally i actually like physics now!!! i often find myself pausing in the middle of vids and telling my family, "hey, guys, did you know that [x application of physics concept in the real world]?" and trying to demonstrate said concept (to which im often met with, "we don't get physics! just study!" as i keep trying to explain forces and torque HAHA)" and "after five days of watching nonstop (with breaks for eating and sleeping and stuff OBVIOUSLY, plus pausing to take notes, but otherwise i havent been doing much else).... only ~6 hours of ur ap physics 1 playlist left.... thank u for ur service king im ur number 1 fan for real" Haidar Kabbani - Two YouTube Comments
- 2020.05.10: "These videos clearly take so much time, so many takes, and they are SOOOOO good. I guess that if you do it perfectly the first time you'll never have to do it again. Thanks 🙏" ClementHilty - YouTube Comment
- 2020.04.23: "Hi! I just wanted to thank you for your awesome help. I'm actually self educating in physics because my school doesn't have a program until the last 2 years, but I really like it, so thank you for this possibility!" Your Average Grammar Nazi - YouTube Comment
- 2020.04.21: "You are absolutely amazing and the most important thing for being amazing is that your way of visualisation of topic is fantastic. Well done bro. keep it up. Best wishes from INDIA." Vibha Rani Srivastava - YouTube Comment
- 2020.04.20: Thank you so much for what you do. You helped me in high school to pass the AP Physics 1 exam, and you helped me further in college in reviewing topics for my mechanics physics class. Even now, I continue to rely on your videos to review physics topics I covered a long time ago. Your demonstrations and explanations are amazingly clear, and your enthusiasm for physics shines in every video. Again, thank you so much for helping me and many other physics students." Pacific Thrills - YouTube Comment
- 2020.04.20: "Hello, I was sent here by my Physics teacher Mr. Ellis, he uses your videos on ED Puzzle, and your videos deserve a HELL of a lot more credit. You put so much dedication to helping others understand the physics behind every situation. Keep up the good work!!! 💖💖" Funlalabryant - YouTube Comment
- 2020.04.19: "this is undoubtedly the most effective, beautiful and intelligent way for studying physics!🙌🖐️🙂🏳️" koushik Santra - YouTube Comment
- 2020.04.15: "THANK YOU SOO MUCH <3 this just helped me understand waves in like 10mins? wowow my teacher summarise the textbook for like 30mins but i still can’t understand ... but THIS. GODSEND 🤩🤩" onigiri puff - YouTube Comment
- 2020.04.14: "The way you explain everything with examples is incredible!!! Just what we need for physics." Alejandro matamoros - YouTube Comment
- 2020.04.14: " Your videos are much more helpful than Khan Academy. It reduces my studying time by half. Thank you :D" Melinda Rayon - YouTube Comment
- 2020.04.14: "Thank You Sir , your videos are just way too good !!! Love from India ❤️" Subhankar Layek - YouTube Comment
- 2020.04.13: "how do you not have a greater youtube presence, you're literally a god. I'm sure that a great influx of subscribers and views will soon come. keep up the great work man." Nidhish Sharma - YouTube Comment
- 2020.04.06: "WOW! I have never learnt physics in such a way. Thank you for making the concepts simple and fun." swati devi - YouTube Comment
- 2020.03.30: "I usually never comment, but I just really wanted to express my appreciation for all of your hard work. I'm a high school sophomore currently studying for my AP Physics exam and just recently discovered your channel after my teacher recommended you. You have helped me finally understand physics and I am so grateful for that. The fact that you've been putting out videos so consistently for over 7 years and for FREE is amazing. Every time I watch one of your videos I'm amazed at how much work has been put in to make such high-quality videos and can't even begin to imagine the hours upon hours of setting up, filming, and editing that goes into a single video. I've seen some of the nasty comments but I just wanted to let you know that there are hundreds of other teachers/students like me that recognize your work and truly appreciate it. Thank you!! and stay safe!" Jenny Lu - YouTube Community Comment
- 2020.03.30: "Keep up the good work . Indian education industry is has become so big ... with our content on Indian exams like jee neet etc. and in such an amazing way ..You gonna have a boom in your income. Just do not stop .. your hardworking from last 7 years years will soon pay you(Indian students) ." Mask Man - YouTube Comment
- 2020.03.28: "vine buscando cobre y encontré oro" Pau Martinez Rios - YouTube Comment - Google Translate says this is "I came looking for copper and I found gold"
- 2020.03.27: "Sir, your videos are incredible! You do a great service to the entire world, by making them." Alex Strong - YouTube Comment
- 2020.03.27: "Seriously, this channel needs more reviews! Such awesome explanation! He does so much work for us (here and in his website) and he deserves to be recognised!" Subikksha Kumar - YouTube Comment
- 2020.03.26: "Ur videos r jst AMAZING Sir😊" Lila Tandi - YouTube Comment
- 2020.03.26: "The world needs more people like you. thank you!" Jim Von Steen - YouTube Comment
- 2020.03.26: "I have to be honest that the introduction to wave in this video is many times better than khan academy." NAW NAW - YouTube Comment
- 2020.03.26: "Thank you, Funky Physics Man, for making physics a joy to learn :)" Kelly Luong - YouTube Comment
- 2020.03.25: "his is beyond helpful! thank you!! love from Malaysia <3" Faiz Yah - YouTube Comment
- 2020.03.25: "This was so fun to watch. I actually learned a lot too. Thank you! Keep up the great work. (:" NadiaGoldstar - YouTube Comment
- 2020.03.25: "Most underrated channel ever" Hemant Arora - YouTube Comment
- 2020.03.24: "This is my first time watching a video by you and I have to say, I loved it. The animations were so clear and I instantly understood your explanation. The skit and the acting made it so much more engaging and fun to watch too! I will definitely come back to your channel and recommend it to my peers. Thanks a lot! :)" Kevin Liang - YouTube Comment
- 2020.03.23: "Oh man... U r freaking awesome 😊" Nazmoon Nahar - YouTube Comment
- 2020.03.22: "Just wow! Now I am clear about the concept :-)" fahim abrar - YouTube Comment
- 2020.03.16: "You're amazing, you helped me through my class next year in ways unimaginable. Congratulations on this!" Richard - YouTube Comment
- 2020.03.15: "I just want to say for the record, Flipping Physics has helped me through high school physics and continues to help me through college. Thanks" Kayla Kim - YouTube Comment
- 2020.03.15: "Thank you for all your hard work, your videos was a great help in highschool and they continue to be a great help in uni!" Kar FAX - YouTube Comment
- 2020.03.01: "This channel is so much underrated. This actually shows what a student needs to be shown while dealing with physics. Thank you so much for your great efforts sir!" KANIKA GYAMLANI - YouTube Comment
- 2020.02.27: "Oh my god, you are a legend sir. These videos might get me through physics yet!' TheSamurottCracker - YouTube Comment
- 2020.02.25: "Awesome job! You made this very confusing problem seem pretty doable after all :)" Cuprous - YouTube Comment
- 2020.02.25: "Thanks for the content! Currently in Calc based Physics 2 and your videos are second to none. Thanks, man!" Jose Hernandez - YouTube Comment
- 2020.02.24: "As a Neet aspirant... that's awesome way to explain the theory than teaching on blackoard which is done by most the Indian teachers. Thank :))" Neuroprotective Fungicide Ascariasis - YouTube Comment
- 2020.02.23: "this saved my life, thank you so much for your thorough explanation!!!" Leah - Ojog - YouTube Comment
- 2020.02.23: "The best physics teacher EVER. The videos are amazing." Chanbin Park - YouTube Comment
- 2020:02:17: "I am addict your lectures , a great thanks for you from india" Devi Kumar - YouTube Comment
- 2020.02.16: "GREAT VIDEO, AN AMAZING EXPLANATION. Super Clear and straight to the point, I loved the style too, keep up the great work my dude! :)" Alejandro David Rodriguez - YouTube Comment
- 2020.02.16: "Dude, the timing of your "students" dialog is amazing. I'm not sure if many of the viewers understand how difficult a task that is." Make Build Modify - YouTube Comment
- 2020.02.15: "Sir I am in Tamil nadu south india lived in small village your lucter more help for me" Bharath Chikku - YouTube Community Comment
- 2020.2.14: "Thank you very much for your work, time and humor! I was learning with KhanAcademy but I found videos way too long and honestly, boring. I enjoy a lot your "lecture environment" method and find it very useful as well. I'm grateful that people as you made this kind of effort. If I weren't so broke, I would support you on Patreon, for the moment, like and subscribe." Nicolás Gómez - YouTube Comment
- 2020.02.12: "This is amazing . . I just let my friends know about your channel. So watch out your channel is going to be invaded by tons of Indians !!! You deserve more subscribers .i just subbed and thanks loads😃" Akshi Kothuru - YouTube Comment
- 2020.02.11: "OMG! This is the best educational youtube channel ever! I find your videos so interesting, and funny! This is the definition of a creative and unique educational channel." Galina Babeshkova - YouTube Comment
- 2020.02.10: "Thank you for all of your effort Mr. P! I have watched you for years, I watch your videos as much or more now that I am a physics teacher as I did when a was a college student. Thanks for sharing your great teaching skills and style with the world! Youtube would be a much poorer place without your content! Congratulations!" KBAZ100 - YouTube Community Comment
- 2020.02.08: "Hello I am from India and These all lectures made my concepts very clear when compared to lectures of our Indian boring teachers...😁😁" Abhik kumar Jha - YouTube Comment
- 2020.02.08: "Thank you sir for the awesome videos! I came across your channel when I needed help the MOST, recommended your videos to all my friends too :)❤️" Saakshi Samant - YouTube Comment
- 2020.02.03: "Sir! Your videos are really awesome! First when I started learning physics , it was [terrifying] and I couldn't understand I began to watch your videos and now all my basic concepts are clear and now I am able to solve numerous jee questions and all credits goes to you without any doubt....thank you so much for your videos....I have suggested your channel to my classmates also..... please don't stop making videos..thank you so much for your help!" Subhashini Srinivasan - YouTube Comment
- 2020.01.31: "I cant understand why you don't get the amount of views and subscribers you deserve. Your channel is full of videos containing quality education and I am grateful for the work and energy you put in your videos. I am ashamed to say that right now I can't do much to support you but I am spreading the words about your channel. Thank you Mr. P you are a teacher I always wanted." Pushkar Sharma - YouTube Comment
- 2020.01.30: "I like the way he explained physics.... He gives practical demonstration of each topic and make it interesting to learn.... I wish I could have teacher like you.....😍🥰🥰👌" Aman Tiwari - YouTube Comment
- 2020.01.29: "One of the best reviews and study material ever, thanks :)" Rith27 - YouTube Comment
- 2020.01.28: "You are the best at teaching physics. Even my college teachers make us see your videos as home work :) Thank you sooo much"
Adriana Gil - YouTube Comment - 2020.01.27: "Awesome way of teaching..... love it😊😊" Riddhipratim Chatterjee - YouTube Comment
- 2020.01.26: "you don't know how thankful i am to you sir ... I am 27 years old yet thanks to you I restored the faith in physics again cause you make it so easy" الميكانيكي - El Mekaneky - YouTube Comment
- 2020.01.25: "Amazing video sir. May i tell you that the ease with which you explain some concepts is really hard to find any where else. Keep up the good work." Amar J - YouTube Comment
- 2020.01.24: "This animation is so helpful! You saved me from banging my head against the wall 🙂" bokk choyy - YouTube Comment
- 2020.01.14: "'“Teacher who make physics boring are criminals .' But you are the police .👮 ... you deserve a golden eagle badge." Adarsh Pandey - YouTube Comment
- 2020.01.13: "Thank you so much❤ you are the best👍🏻" Only Student - YouTube Comment
- 2020.01.10: "finally someone, thanks god I found you.... everyone else is just spitting up the formula without any physical meaning behind it"
STOJAN Barbaric - YouTube Comment - 2020.01.09: "Thank u very much sir for uploading such conceptional videos for free.I think the thing which u r doing is real "online learning", because nowadays the online learning apps aren't even free of cost....Thank u 😊 once again...I'm a student of class 8th from India"
Nikhat Perween - YouTube Comment - 2020.01.07: "Your teaching techniques are awesome I like it and importantly I understand it very well...... Thank you so much"
Farheen Shaikh - YouTube Comment - 2020.01.01: "Sir i have best wishes for work like "to build a bridge over the sea" that is to explain the lengthy topic with in few minutes thank you sir." Dilawar Khan - YouTube Comment
- 2019.12.31: "Sir this is mind blowing. Yes it's really good for even India's IIT JEE standards.i was just exploring and i came across from India❤" and "Sir these videos are really good even as Crash Courses and quick revision purpose. Love from an Indian Jee Aspirant❤ ... I'M SHARING YOUR ENTIRE JEE PLAYLISTS TO MY CLASS GROUP:)" Shrikantiah TDR - Two YouTube Comments
- '2019.12.28: "You are soooo kind. I am not adulating. You are an inspiration. Thanks a lot! 😭😭 (Tears of joy). With gratefulness from India!" Journey of a weird Homo Sapien - YouTube Comment
- 2019.12.21: "You are absolutely awesome! I love your videos and I was able to learn so much. Thanks to your videos I passed my AP physics final and I actually know the stuff rather than just having it crammed in my head for a day for the final. Thank You!" Shahab Besharatlou - YouTube Comment
- 2019.12.16: "Man screw my textbook, this just explained everything to me so easily and clearly in 10 minutes" i like tacos - YouTube Comment
- 2019.12.14: "Wow, excellent video! I love your channel, makes me love physics more! The effort you put in your videos is incredible. Keep going!" Lakshman Radhakrishnan - YouTube Comment
- 2019.12.10: "Thank you so much for ur videos, Mr. P! They help me so much in physics! Not only that, they are very enjoyable too; always make me smile :)" Киска Маруся - YouTube Comment
- 2019.12.09: "Why is it so easy to understand what you are teaching? I read 2 books about beat frequency, my lecture notes, my professor's notes and still didn't get it... I came to see your video and now I finally got it!! Thank you very much Sir!" ke m - YouTube Comment
- 2019.12.08: "This channel is so awesome... like a 3 minute video cleared my basic concept of this topic in a very interesting way.... Many thanks." Atif khan - YouTube Comment
- 2019.12.06: "this makes me emotional. This much hard work to just help people learn. Most people are just lazy. You are different!" krishna varma - YouTube Comment
- 2019.12.05: "dude you're freaken awesome, keep the great work up!! thank you for the knowledge, time and effort you put in these videos" Manny Lemus - YouTube Comment
- 2019.12.03: "Mr.P, your videos never cease to clarify concepts that I've had trouble with. When I first started self-studying for APP1, some of the more basic concepts were tricky for me to grasp having never seen them before. I reread my textbook and took to Khan Academy multiple times without being able to fully conceptualize everything I saw. That changed when I entered "AP Physics 1 Review" into YouTube and found your Kinematics review video. I've been watching your videos and reviewing your lecture notes since then, Thank you for taking the time out of your days to create these unique and entertaining (in a good way) videos for the entirety of the internet to view for free! (Hopefully more people begin to take note of the fact that your videos exist, they help even for regular physics classes!)" Iron Squid - YouTube Comment
- 2019.12.03: "How do you never look a day older, even after all these years!, Just wanted to say thanks for helping me with undergraduate physics and applied physics. I'm now in med school but watch all your videos regardless, thanks again!" Chris McGowan - YouTube Comment
- 2019.12.03: "Any proof that was really a feather. You are basing that on faith that what they had was an actual feather. That could have been an object looking like a feather made out of rubber or aluminum, thus making it heavier or a lot less restricted by air. Simple people, anyone can fool the sheep. Moon landings are 100 percent fake. Look up astronauts falling on the moon." Danny Luna - YouTube Comment (I added this comment, just to see if you are paying attention. 🙂)
- 2019.11.30: "Wow....thank you so much....u cleared my doubt so such a less time....really thankful to you sir...ur content and presentation was just next level" TANMAY ANAND - YouTube Comment
- 2019.11.24: "Very good practical demonstration followed by the physics. Why can't everyone do that?" Snowball9245 - YouTube Comment
- 2019.11.23: "Thank you for making me LIKE physics" Jelena Do it - YouTube Comment
- 2019.11.21: "Man!!!... your videos are like oxygen for a person like me !... God bless you !" saif lodhi - YouTube Comment
- 2019.11.21: "This video couldn't help but make learning torque hilarious and considerably MUCH less painful than it was before ! Thank you!" Rachel Bacaner - YouTube Comment
- 2019.11.21: "I cant understand why there's few views......i appreciate u r hardwork. Dont you tag u r videos ......why they are getting very less views? ......u deserve millions of subscriber. ... dont worry buddy...... I believe one day this channel will be preeminent. Just dont stop u r work......ill share with all my friends. U r vedios are simply awesome but requires more duration per topic." Sujay Menezes - YouTube Comment
- 2019.11.21: "Thanks bro. Now I can explain this to my seeds and pass the vibe I caught off you. 🤯.. now we talking physics👍 ... that's sympathetic vibration . Bruh I moved off your passing energy 👍. Real world model." yoza L - YouTube Comment
- 2019.11.19: "Thanks for your videos the effort has been in the videos is not describable it's really the best thing I ever watched." Mohammed AL-Baqir Khalid - YouTube Comment
- 2019.11.16: "BIG THANKS FOR TEACHING BETTER THAN MY TEACHER! Lol, u should have my tuition" Max Starr - YouTube Comment
- 2019.11.15: "This is so amazing. I thank you a lot. I understood this intuitively!" Journey of a weird Homo Sapien - YouTube Comment
- 2019.11.14: "hi sir I am from India and I love your videos ,your way of demonstrating experiments is just so cool and interesting,it helps me learning the concept very easily , also I don't go to tuitions and I study from YouTube watching videos of you and other educational channel. Thnx sir and love from India😚. May God Bless You. Thnx once again." Tech boy Zeeshan - YouTube Comment
- 2019.11.14: "sir. you are a blessing. whenever i see that you have a video on a topic i don't understand i am so relieved. thank you" Trevin Calliste - YouTube Comment
- 2019.11.07: "Your video explains the topics in a interactive way,I'm pretty new to this channel,U r one of the reason for students go for physics in undergrad including me,pls continue ur work sir. Love from India..🇮🇳" Hari Ajith - YouTube Comment
- 2019.11.05: "I realize now why my physics teacher loves you so much ... cuz your videos are an amazing way to learn a lot and it’s easy to learn and interesting, you’re a good teacher, and your videos are fun and cool" Plow - YouTube Comment
- 2019.11.04: "Hello sir , i think you are really best techer. Love from lndia 👍" Harsh Pratap Singh - YouTube Comment
- 2019.11.01: "You sir is a legend 💪.damn you would be supper super famous if you were to teach in India.and yes insanely rich as well.great teachers get huge respect and bucks in here." Shivpratap Singh Sengar - YouTube Comment
- 2019.10.31: "I just found your video of a class where you play the guitar and theach the phisics behind sound.... Iam from Bolivia!! in south América... (sorry for my english) I just can say your videos are {redacted} amazing!!!! You are underrated {also redacted}... Keep the good work!!!!" Neyvick Zalles Cardenas - YouTube Comment
- 2019.10.31: "Wow... In 2 minutes, I've cleared something my teachers and books failed" Keos Intal - YouTube Comment
- 2019.10.30: "Your pedagogical skills are really amazing. I never get bored in your lectures." Lakshya Tiwari - YouTube Comment
- 2019.10.29: "Brilliant brilliant brilliant... there isn't another video on the internet that I've seen that goes into as much detail as this for longitudinal waves. It really is tough so times for students to grasp the relationship between different animations and representations. Thank you, this is spot on!" huntingresonance - YouTube Comment
- 2019.10.22: "I hope I catch you on this comment Mr. P, I love your videos so much, you helped me pass my test today after I’ve been struggling with the subjects of WPE and Momentum, I haven’t stopped watching them and at this point it’s pretty much like a Netflix Binge except I’m learning, I love your videos!" Uncurled Ink - YouTube Comment
- 2019.10.22: "your videos are a godsend, thank u :.D" Lorena Sosa - YouTube Comment
- 2019.10.21: "The effort you have made to teach us physics is something to be respected. I’m living and studying in Eastern of Turkey. My classes are 100% English, and I cannot say that we have enough resources here. Thanks to you, I have just started to understand physics with fun. I respect your labor forever. Thank you so much. I wish you continued success." SyReus - YouTube Comment
- 2019.10.09: "your videos are amazing and are really helping me learn and understand physics in a fun and entertaining way! Love the effort that you put into them! don't think I could do ap physics without these vids" noe shinner02 - YouTube Comment
- 2019.10.03: "Hey, i just found you channel. And is very impressed by your videos. Should have found it sooner haha" The Harshil - YouTube Comment
- 2019.10.02: "How does this channel not have infinitely more views, you're amazing dude!" notmac1853 - YouTube Comment
- 2019.10.02: "Mr. P, I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you so much for everything you've done. I wish you the absolutely best for everything and we shall help you to the best of our ability." Skylark K64 - YouTube Comment
- 2019.09.28: "Thank you!!! I prefer these over Khan Academy and even Crash Course Physics." Tammy Combs - YouTube Comment
- 2019.09.23: "Good sir your videos are Really helpfull. Good conceptual approch with outstanding animations..Thank you God bless you. Huzaim From Pakistan." Huzaim Khan - YouTube Comment
- 2019.09.18: "Sir...Thank you so much for making my concepts crystal clear😊 I used to be so afraid of physics but now I'm loving it ;) Please keep up the good work we are always there to support you🙏 Love from India🇮🇳 ... Sir do you know that our physics teacher played your video on projector in the class and told us to go home and check out your channel..that's how i am here😊" arushi gupta - YouTube Comment
- 2019.09.18: "Thank you! You always have made physics fun and interesting and have helped me through multiple years of classes. Cheers!" Andynightsky - YouTube Comment
- 2019.09.18: "truelyy.... ur helping many students like me thankxx a lot mr.P LOVE U SOO MUCH in love with physics becoz of u...." Dhanya Shree - YouTube Comment
- 2019.09.17: "Mr. P you are really amazing. I have watched many of your videos in the past like AP Physics 1 Rotational Motion review and AP Physics C thorough review of mechanics. Ever since I watched your videos I am just amazed by the amount of time and commitment that you put into each video and how helpful these videos are for me. I am currently taking AP Physics C ... and it feels wonderful that your videos have got my back and are saving my grade right now :). I feel that you review Physics Wayyyyyyy better than some of the many other educational YouTubers out there and you do not know how much I really really REALLY appreciate you from the bottom of my heart. I really want to help you out in return for helping me understand Physics with so much clarity so I have decided on something. While I cannot help you out by donating on patreon I will make sure that I watch each and every one of the ads in your videos and click on every ad at least 20-30 times so you can generate more money to help your family. Do not ever worry about funds Mr. P because you have thousands of fans just like me who are willing to help you out. Just do what you are doing. Thank You Very Much for your help to all students who want to learn physics!!!" Aditya Sivaraman - YouTube Comment
- 2019.09.15: "I appreciate your videos!!! They’re amazing :)" Jamie Rowland - YouTube Comment
- 2019.09.12: "Thanks🙏 for your lovable😍 physics...we will help a happy teacher ever Mr.P💁💁💁" m.muthu palaniyappan. - YouTube Community Comment
- 2019.09.11: "Sir you are really nice teacher..the way you explain things is so clear (I would never forget what is mass actually in my entire life)I am loving mechanics because of you." ASTHA TIWARI - YouTube Community Comment
- 2019.09.11: "Your are such an incredible and talented teacher. Keep going bro!! Love from India ❤" Sugandha verma - YouTube Comment
- 2019.09.11: "you are my best physics teacher youtuber. I will support you!! as an educator, I am inspired the way you teach physics in a fun way :)" RM - YouTube Community Comment
- 2019.09.07: "Thank you very much, Sir.With all your efforts, I'm able to learn physics from zero level.I As per Einstein's words," The supreme art of the teacher is to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge."This saying truly fits into you.Thank you very much..." Prabal Acharya - YouTube Community Comment
- 2019.09.05: "Not all heroes wear capes! I wonder why you haven’t hit million subscribers yet whereas all the trash channels gain million million subscribers! Such an unjust. Nvm, pearl always stays hidden deep down the ocean!😉" Razia Sultana Shushanta - YouTube Community Comment
- 2019.09.03: "My physics teacher said she would rather meet you than the president of the United States. So would I. Thank you sooo much, for everything." Charlee Alexander - YouTube Community Comment
- 2019.09.02: "you are truly a legend btw I have been a loyal student of yours for years now and I was in high school back then when I discovered your channel, now I'm accepted in the best medical college in our country (also one of the best 600 universities in the world according to QS ranking ) because I got 99.57% in our final exams and 100% in physics and guess what you are one of the main reasons. And to be fair there is no way I would have achieved this without you So yes i can guarantee that your channel will change people lifes as it does to mine, Again THANK YOU FOR YOUR INCREDIBLE EFFORTS 🌷🌷❤❤" Nasir Khalid - YouTube Community Comment
- 2019.08.27: "hello, i have a physics quiz tomorrow and your videos really help me a lot in understanding the concepts. I love the visuals too! It makes the concepts so much clearer. Thank you to your channel 💗" and "aaaahhh i love this channel so much!! they even provide lecture notes! thank you so much" HAN JISUNG THE BEST BOY - Two YouTube Comments
- 2019.07.23: "Thank you! You helped me pass both Physics C exams and I had a ton of fun reviewing your videos. Thanks for all the help and great vids" Charlie Schnell - YouTube Comment
- 2019.07.12: "I just failed my first quiz in physics because i don't know how to translate my fbd into a solution then came back studying because as we go on in lessons, it always have these forces. Now I clearly understand it. Thank you so much!!" Alpha Lopez - YouTube Comment
- 2019.07.02: "Actually love this guy, your videos are hilarious and educating, thanks for helping me out in AP Physics" Meir Schochet - YouTube Comment
- 2019.07.01: "HI MR. P!!! I was just able to access my AP scores early through my college portal and I got a 5 on both Physics C Exams! I cannot thank you enough! Please know that what you are doing is so important and you are appreciated, no matter what." Yoncé - YouTube Comment
- 2019.06.26: "Thank you so much, Mr. P, for all your Flipping Physics vids. They really helped me review (at my own pace) what I learned in class and make my own notes! I like that you asked and answered frequently asked physics questions for each topic, too. Now I understand physics!" Harmonious Cacophony - YouTube Comment
- 2019.06.24: "Thankyou sir. Your effort is changing the world, proud of you sir." CHANAKYA SINHA - YouTube Comment
- 2019.06.23: "I've always loved chemistry and biology, but never really understood the appeal of physics. The math made my head spin. My high school has a physics requirement that can be exempted with an AP exam score, and I wanted to exempt it so I could take more chemistry classes instead of having to take physics. I came across your channel when I was looking for ways to self study the Physics C: Mechanics exam other than the impossible to understand AP review books, and thanks to you I was able to get a 5 on the mechanics exam with less than two weeks of studying. But your videos have been so fun and engaging that I didn't just stop watching them after my exam. I've watched every video you've put out since then, and I've started to love physics, both thanks to your explanation of mechanics and my fascination with astronomy and modern physics. I recently competed at the national science bowl, and one of my specializations was in physics, which I never would have thought a year ago, when I specialized in biology and earth science. I'm going into college this coming year and I'm planning to take physics as a second major, partly thanks to your help in making the fundamentals less tedious and more fun. Thank you Mr. P!" Anirudh Hari - YouTube Comment
- 2019.06.19: "Thank you for these amazing videos! They are just outstanding! It got me to understand in the best way possible. Greets from Brazil !!!" Daniel Zimermann - YouTube Comment
- 2019.06.17: "we indians got all techno schools, e-learning and concept based schools. and we all know is a definition of traingle law of vectors. we had no idea why do we this until now. im so glad atleast now i could learn real physics. thanks mr.p" Mohammed Saifuddin - YouTube Comment
- 2019.06.11: "I love the touch of humor that you put in your videos -- it really seems that you enjoy making these. Thank you for the gift of knowledge you impart to all of us, Mr. P!" - Technium - YouTube Comment
- 2019.06.08: "Very helpful, I'm studying for my finals and this video honestly made me solve lots of problems immediately. Thanks" soso cute - YouTube Comment
- 2019.06.06: "This channel should have billions of subscribers. Best ever channel to learn physics." "Best teaching and cool diving and cool high school video. 1000 likes for each of them. You are simply the best." learning is ecstatic - YouTube Comments
- 2019.05.19: "Mr. P, you never cease to amaze me. I started watching your videos as a sophomore when I took Honors Physics 1. Your videos helped me score a 5 on the AP Physics 1 exam. You made me love and enjoy physics so much that I decided to take the AP exam without taking the class. Next year, I will be taking AP Physics C as a senior. I cannot wait to continue my physics journey with you. ❤️" lovejilly7 - YouTube Comment
- 2019.05.14: "Dude, you brought back my love for physics, I'm grateful" Lea Mongatane - YouTube Comment
- 2019.05.12: "your videos are so sick. they show where each equation comes from plus they cover so many different concepts for each unit. please keep making videos forever, they've helped me immensely. thank you!!!" ryan m - YouTube Comment
- 2019.05.07: "i cannot apericiate your videos more. I recently got a 93% on my test by studying using your videos. your videos really connect the wires in my mind!" Ahmad Karim - YouTube Comment
- 2019.05.07: "Im a high school student and I just discovered your channel when I was preparing for my AP physics c exam that will be next week....Thank u so much for your wonderful work and effort, I really appreciate and love your way of teaching. And if I got hopefully a 5, it will be because of your videos! thank you so much, love from Dubai💓" Haruhyuu - YouTube Comment
- 2019.05.06: "Man! You actually work really hard to teach us for free. I truly appreciate your dedication. The way you demonstrate physics, is what students need to understand physics. This is how physics should be taught; not just writing on board and explaining it! I bet, no teacher would jump in water just to demonstrate physics to his students. You don't know how much your videos helping me to visualize and to understand boring physics. Wish I found you earlier. YOU ARE AMAZING!! Wishing you the best journey ahead NOT ALL HEROES WEAR CAPES <3" Razia Sultana Shushanta - YouTube Comment
- 2019.05.06: "Have physics 1 AP exam tomorrow. Your videos are truly a gem. I had to self study through the whole physics 1 course because my school did not provided one, but you really helped me to go through the material and the concepts. With your videos I felt like I was in a real legit physics lecture, with some goofy classmates(your acting is fantastic btw). Wish me luck on the exam tomorrow. Your videos inspired me to get into the joy of learning physics, and I can't wait for more!(Perhaps I will self-study for Physics C this time :) have a nice day, and keep up your great work. Love from Korea <3" 고재민 - YouTube Comment
- 2019.05.06: "Ever since the first video, I have been amazed at how great the clarity of,not only the video, but the explanations too are! Albert Einstein once said “If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.” I think you are an amazing person in today’s world. Thank you so much for your service to society" MemesAreHealthy - YouTube Comment
- 2019.05.05: "Thank you so so much for making all these quality videos! Thank you for showing physics in action in real life! Your videos have been super helpful for me in reviewing for my AP Physics 1 exam." Aoey (Pawan) Wirawarn - YouTube Comment
- 2019.05.02: "Hello! I am taking the AP Physics 1 Test next week, and I have been watching your videos constantly to learn the material and refresh myself. They have helped so much, so thank you very much for the work you put into these videos! They really help." Potluck5 - YouTube Comment
- 2019.04.30: "You deserve more! Your channel is the best in teaching physics, you've made me love physics as i never thought i could, thanks a lot, i enjoy learning with you :)" Sebastian Varon - YouTube Channel Comment
- 2019.04.29: "Your videos are very useful and entertaining in the sametime, it’s so friendly, thank you for creating them and say hi to my three classmates 😎😎" Hawzhin Blanca - YouTube Channel Comment
- 2019.04.29: "You’ve literally helped me survive all year and probably my favorite teacher bless 🙏" Tim YooShin - YouTube Channel Comment
- 2019.04.26: "I have been self-studying for the AP Physics C exam and I was stuck with Gauss's Law. Your videos made it so much easier for me, thanks a lot! :)" Bilge Deniz Kocak - YouTube Comment
- 2019.04.26: "Love your videos big fan I depend on you to help me when I have no idea what's going on in my class" Caleb Meeks - YouTube Comment
- 2019.04.25: "Dude you are so awesome. You deserve better. Thank you so much." Soumya Rawat - YouTube Comment
- 2019.04.23: "I can honestly say this video helped me understand so many concepts of SHM than a week of class did." Emil K. - YouTube Comment
- 2019.04.22: "Best!!! Visual representation helps a ton to understand. PLEASE NEVER STOP MAKING VIDEOS!!!! You make physics Fun" Razia Sultana Shushanta - YouTube Comment
- 2019.04.21: "Finally, I understood what was going on in Physics class" soso cute - YouTube Comment
- 2019.04.20: "mr physics i just hope you know youre a godsend" deischno - YouTube Comment
- 2019.04.19: "Thank you, sir! The more videos of yours I watch, the more confidence in physics I get!" CHANGMIN PARK - YouTube Comment
- 2019.04.12: "This is so entertaining and I'm actually laughing while learning physics! Thanks for explaining everything so clearly." lizzymicpoo - YouTube Comment
- 2019.04.08: "You are AMAZING!!! I am going to tell all of my friends about you!" sirqueque - YouTube Comment
- 2019.04.08: "this is very helpful for visualizing the basic relationship between the two, having an actual movie in your head is worth a thousand pages, thanks v much." Luke Nilsen - YouTube Comment
- 2019.04.06: "Your content is worth of million dollars .. everything goes directly in brain" Madhav Anand - YouTube Comment
- 2019.04.04: "This helped me so much! you're teaching style is the best I've seen! keep up the good work" and "I love this so much! best teacher ever!" a c - Two YouTube Comments
- 2019.04.03: "WHY ARE MORE PEOPLE NOT WATCHING THIS AMAZING SHOW????" and "This show is just brilliant, the production quality is amazing; i can't get enough of it. Makes me sososo sad that there aren't more views" and "
I like how the show doesn't just teach you the concepts; it also teaches you how to think and ask questions which is equally important." Cosmic Kitty - Three YouTube Comments - 2019.04.02: "Wowww!!! I am from India...and watched the whole video it was simply awesome!!! You explain the concepts crystal clear👍👍 Remarkable video :) Keep up the good work.." Rekha Gupta - YouTube Comment
- 2019.03.28: "you're truly a whole god on earth mister." NSITF MCPE - YouTube Comment
- 2019.03.28: "Fantastic video as usual! These are the sort of channels that make me want to keep learning all about these subjects even after I get out of AP Physics." Kevin - YouTube Comment
- 2019.03.25: "Studying for a physics test and just wanted to say this help me also it was entertaining too! Really enjoyed that teaching style done really well" Kyle Gorny - YouTube Comment
- 2019.03.23: "This is extremely similar to the demonstration Professor Walter Lewin did for Physics World in July 2014. The biggest different is you provided a far clearer explanation coupled with simple and elegant mathematics that allows people to understand the theory as well as giving people the power to predict how objects will behave in similar experiments. No calculus required 👌" Mark Andrews - YouTube Comment
- 2019.03.17: "Thankyou for such structured way of explaning the concepts..... 😍 Love from INDIA... Enjoyed learning with u sirr🙂☺🤓" Gayatri Pundir - YouTube Comments
- 2019.03.11: "I used to watch this channel 2 years ago when I had AP Physics 1... your channel was one of the reasons I passed the exam! Thank you :-D" Nader Nabil Naguib Nabeh - YouTube Comment
- 2019.03.07: "Laughed hard and learned at the same time. Awesome video!" 4G&ness - YouTube Comment
- 2019.03.07: "you guys are a life saver! Thank you so much! I didn't understand Tangential acceleration until I found this video." Diana Garza - YouTube Comment
- 2019.03.06: "You always address the most common questions that students have about a particular topic and give awesome explanations. Thank you for your videos!" Yashaswini Joshi - YouTube Comment
- 2019.03.02: "I love watching your videos, you are an inspiration, keep on creating these great videos! " Geeth's Maths Tutorials - YouTube Comment
- 2019.02.20: "There are some beautiful people on YouTube; people who just love teaching and helping others, and wanna do so in the most fun, engaging, and efficient way possible, and use the platform that’ll give them the largest audience. This is one of those people. It’s honestly such an amazing thing, and I among many others are so grateful for their existence." joey kopp - YouTube Comment
- 2019.02.19: "When Bobby was correct about the force applied to the book but changed his answer because of Billy and Bo I died laughing. You make learning physics fun man!" Neil Smith - YouTube Comment
- 2019.02.17: "i love this channel!! The hard works shows my man!" Tammy Smith - YouTube Comment
- 2019.02.15: "The physics teacher students truly deserve!" Bhumika Upmanyu - YouTube Comment
- 2019.02.15: "Thanks have an exam tomorrow you are better than my teacher. Hope i pass. Massive thanks from france" Barça Edition - YouTube Comment
- 2019.02.14: "Just wanted to say thank you for always saving my butt in physics class." Courtney Kramer - YouTube Comment
- 2019.02.14: "YOU'VE SAVED MY PHYSICS GRADE AND MY JOB" 殺してくれ - YouTube Comment
- 2019.02.07: "The greatest thing of this video is that this is not just ,,eh you put this and this to the average velocity formula and voila", but instead this video gives an idea of how students should approach, access and get closer to solution. I'm a Junior HS student and a Politics guy, but these videos really made me interested into the field of physics. Keep up the great work!! Love from Korea :)" 고재민 - YouTube Comment
- 2019.02.03: "Your videos are so helpful. I like the characters a lot. I clicked on your video out of whim after watching couple of physics channels and not understanding fully due to my horrible attention span. I'm surprised that I was able to grasp materials easily. I know it takes a lot of effort to make these videos. Thank you so much." Saya Estavenez - YouTube Comment
- 2019.02.03: "You must be really passionate about these videos because holy cow you and PatrickJMT teach way better than a lot of my professors :D" codyriceandothers - YouTube Comment
- 2019.01.29: "YOURE [sic] SUCH A BLESSING I WISH YOU WERE MY TEACHER" Megan Dunn - YouTube Comment
- 2019.01.26: "Most of best teachers on earth.😘" Brijesh Kumar - YouTube Comment
- 2019.01.25: "Really helpful for those who want to know physics properly... thank you very much for making physics fun." Mayesha - YouTube Comment
- 2019.01.23: "I really love your videos. The fact that there are students in your classroom make it more interesting to see that [sic] the other videos. I love your uniqueness." SCRIPPO LYRICS - YouTube Comment
- 2019.01.20: "Very entertaining and easy to watch, this coming from a student too!" Kiara Sheldon - YouTube Comment
- 2019.01.16: "My Ap physics c exam is in few months and I am having bad time with physics but your videos are helping me by taking some weight from my shoulders . Many thanks to you!" Abdulrahman Alzaabi - YouTube Comment
- 2019.01.14: "oh man i love to watch your lectures its cool,funny,intersting and knowledgable Thanks a lot!" Vinit Tiwari - YouTube Comment
- 2019.01.08: "I wish there were videos like that when I was going to school. 🙂" Quick Fix - YouTube Comment
- 2019.01.04: "Great video as always! This really helps (especially the extra Frequently Asked Questions that Billy, Bobby, and Bo ask even after the answer is found)." Harmonious Cacophony - YouTube Comment
- 2018.12.31: "This was amazing! Thank you so much. I can’t thank you enough for your videos. They are so helpful and so well done." itay nevo - YouTube Comment
- 2018.12.31: "You're the best sir! Got an A in my physics test and I owe it to you!!" Tharun R Prakash - YouTube Comment
- 2018.12.28: "Now this is called creative way of teaching and even i could understand the whole video🤟🤟🤟 ... sir i could feel that how much hardwork u have put in making these videos more creative and interesting as well as easy to understand, u could have chosen simple borad and marker method but u tried something new, that's why u can count me as your fan👐👐🤟 " Prashant Singh - YouTube Comment
- 2018.12.24: "I appreciate your hard work. It has helped me immensely." mummumprime x - YouTube Comment
- 2018.12.24: "thank you very much for laughing with me today, I enjoyed laughing with you." FlyingSpaceDog - YouTube Comment
- 2018.12.23: "Honestly, you guys are amazing! I went from not having any confidence to feeling good about my Midterm tomorrow THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!" The Closet Indian - YouTube Comment
- 2018.12.22: "This video is amazing. I especially love that you have the student characters asking common questions as you go, thank you so much." Ian Arko - YouTube Comment
- 2018.12.20: "This is actually some of the best editing I've seen on youtube, especially in comparison to other high school-level educational videos. You're doing a hero's work by making these videos. Keep it up!" Spencer Nichols - YouTube Comment
- 2018.12.17: "You are one of the best lecturers I've ever seen on YouTube. I'm actually passing my physics class in college because of you. Even though my class involves integrals and derivatives, I learn so much from your AP Physics 1 videos. I showed my friend your videos and she really likes them. ☺ I feel like you've went through the struggles that a lot of physics students have because you teach in a way that anyone can easily understand and relate to. I wish there were more high school teachers like you." codyriceandothers - YouTube Comment
- 2018.12.16: "This is actually some of the best editing I've seen on youtube, especially in comparison to other high school-level educational videos. You're doing a hero's work by making these videos. Keep it up!" Spencer Nichols - YouTube Comment
- 2018.12.06: "Sir you are one of the best teacher in the world because you edit creating videos for us absolutely free and high quality US teaching. Sir very thank you." WWE collections - YouTube Comment
- 2018.12.06: "Hi I am from Sri Lanka. This is the best physics lessons at YouTube" Shashi Jayasuriya - YouTube Comment
- 2018.12.05: "do you realize how amazing your teaching style is? You are giving me a genuine understanding of the formulas I have just been plugging numbers into for class! All college physics 1 lectures need to be replaced with your videos and the money given to you to make videos for all of physics!" Helan - YouTube Comment
- 2018.12.04: "Hands down, the best online teacher I have ever witnessed." Pepe - YouTube Comment
- 2018.11.29: "this channel already carried me through IB physics, but I still watch it because Mr. P actually makes me see the fun side of physics in every new video!" Bryam Ayvar - YouTube Community Comment
- 2018.11.29: "I'm in APPhysics 1 this year and this is so incredibly helpful! You are so incredibly considerate and throughtful about your students and I wish all teachers were as passionate, caring, and as dedicated as you are. Thank you so much!!!!!" lindagrib - Instagram Comment
- 2018.11.27: "Sir you are very intelligent. You are not like my teacher who teach physics as a subject. Salute. Thanks for your videos. Keep making there are so many people like me who also cannot afford education like this" WWE collections - YouTube Comment
- 2018.11.25: "thank u so damn much for all your videos. it helps clear things up. u put 2 hours for a min of every video!! i dont think i can ever thank u enough for your efforts and time and for my friends bo billy and bobby" niroo s - YouTube Comment
- 2018.11.20: "This channel is the hidden gem of YT. It's not your average monotonous information physics video or the video that has nice graphics but limited information, it's the combination of both." Lima Funla - YouTube Comment
- 2018.11.18: "You are the reason I'm passing my college physics course. I've taken pages of notes on your videos and I wish I would've watched you sooner back when I was struggling with projectile motion a couple months ago. How do you not have tens of thousands of views? You deserve so much love and respect." codyriceandothers - YouTube Comment
- 2018.11.13: "Probably the best moment of inertia explanation I’ve seen and I finally understand it. So grateful for people like you" campinglamp - YouTube Comment
- 2018.11.12: "you are a m a z i n g. i wish i had you as a teacher at school. anyway... i suppose i can say that you are my teacher now, and a better one than any of those that i ever had! i am so glad i have found your channel, i want to be able to one day to say to myself that i've learned everything you had to teach in all of your videos, because i really want to see them all. i wish this had more views. it is obviously true that you put a lot of effort in this. thank you so much, in other words! cheers from portugal!" Bernardo Ferreira - YouTube Comment
- 2018.11.12: "Initially I subscribed to your channel for this unique type of presentation. Later I found it quite helpful ( I'm from "Mathematics" & Love "Physics" too ). This 11/12th standard topics help me a lot to refresh my memories. However, I admire your hard work & Creativity (also willing to see more innovatively). And please don't regret for low number of subscriptions. This deserves a lot and surely will do but may take time. ... Best wishes." Siraj - YouTube Comment
- 2018.11.11: "Love your channel so helpful and clear, I'm finally understanding this stuff!" Ruby Richiez - YouTube Comment
- 2018.11.11: "you may not see this but your videos have helped me so much and you deserve way more subs and likes. Your videos are so clear and informative and fun. Not all videos are like yours. Continue the great work and my love for physics has grown simply because of you. I cannot thank you enough for making a complicated subject more easy and fun to learn and study. love from asia :)" justsatisfying - YouTube Comment
- 2018.11.10: "Thank you so much. I am currently taking University Physics I, but my professor does not know how to teach. He skips doing problem, and just explains the basic stuff. Then, I have to teach myself, go through a lot of information to learn by myself. Please keep doing more physics lecture and problems, it will help me and other people. I appreciate your work!!!" Vu N. - YouTube Comment
- 2018.11.10: "I just found your videos and am currently on your explanation of free body diagrams and just have to say that the way you broke it down and added yourself as different people asking questions is brilliant. Thank you for making it easy to understand." Dealth0525 - YouTube Comment
- 2018.11.09: "You're awesome, sir. Keep up the good work. One day, everyone will know about you and you'll get the proper recognition you deserve. ❤" Ornob Zaman - YouTube Comment
- 2018.11.09: "WTH NOT FAIR!!! I WISH MY PHYSICS TEACHER WOULD'VE BEEN THIS COOL!!!" Bryam Ayvar - YouTube Comment
- 2018.11.08: "It pains me to see the number of views on your videos, you deserve so much more! Making physics so entertaining for a person like me is really tough. Lots of love from Slovenia!" Luka Vnuk - YouTube Comment
- 2018.11.04: "I think you have no idea of how the way you present your videos is BRILLIANT. I mean, you manage to boil down the problem to its core aspects, clearing out any misconception/ambiguity. And I think the characters you created here helps for that. It helps to clearly identify what to expect from a question, just by knowing who's answering it. Man, definitely, this will become one of my favorite channel." Jean-Nay Mar - YouTube Comment
- 2018.11.01: "Thank you so much for your hard work! It really takes a noble soul to do all this. I hope you get all the recognition that you so clearly deserve. I love your videos and I only hope that every physics teacher could be like you." Yashaswini Joshi - YouTube Comment
- 2018.10.31: "Dude.... best explanation video for students preparing for a test ever, you get straight to the point while also explaining the important videos" BurntChicken - YouTube Comment
- 2018.10.26: "You’re an actual legend. God bless you for your passion. Students around the world NEED teachers like you. Keep up the hard work... because it is not going to waste at all." Pinak Sharma - YouTube Comment
- 2018.10.25: "You r really a amazing teacher I hope every teacher should like u 😊😊" Akash Gautam - YouTube Comment
- 2018.10.24: "You deserve a hundreds of thousands of million views. Very nice teaching." Mahesh Kumar - YouTube Comment
- 2018.10.17: "THIS VIDEO SAVED MY LIFE THANKYOU!!!!!!!" Roza sirwan - YouTube Comment
- 2018.10.15: "Started watching about 6 years ago in high school physics, about to finish out my bachelors in mechanical engineering. Just wanted to thank you for getting me so excited about physics in the beginning and getting me through the rough start I had." Seannov29 - YouTube Comment
- 2018.10.14: "You have helped me in understanding physics a lot, especially due to the visuals that you provide and the hardwork that you put in making such amazing videos, it means alot! Really thanks to you sir! :) " Maleeha Aamir - YouTube Comment
- 2018.10.07: "I'm learning more from this guy than I am in my college physics class." Connie Clausen - YouTube Comment
- 2018.10.06: "You are the best teacher of planet earth." Navjeet Singh Romana - YouTube Comment
- 2018.10.04: "Whoa you have a very unique and special teaching technique I just love the way how you made everything so much interesting thank you sir" Swee. zy - YouTube Comment
- 2018.10.03: "Thank you for producing such amazing content!!! Your videos have helped me out quite a bit with studying for the SAT Physics test and applying physics in computer science. With your videos, I have not only been successful in understanding physics from an academic sense, but I also have been able to apply physics in numerous personal programming projects." Owen Bartolf - YouTube Comment
- 2018.10.02: "You've helped me so much with concepts I just couldn't understand without some type of visual/real life example. thank you tons!" Angelina Davidson - YouTube Comment
- 2018.10.01: "You make wonderful and interesting videos... And they are really helpful. .. Good luck. 👍🏻💟 " Kiara Sheldon - YouTube Comment
- 2018.09.30: "I am really thank to you for making physics interesting to me.your videos makes the concept easy and its very useful to us to understand the concept...god bless you." Mohammed Saleem - YouTube Comment
- 2018.09.25: "I love your videos man!! you make learning a very difficult topic a little easier! thanks so much" psolo3 - YouTube Comment
- 2018.09.24: "We are beginning this unit today, so the things we went over in class ended 4 minutes in, but this video was so entertaining I stayed til the end." Brittany Rosenberg - YouTube Comment
- 2018.09.21: "Not only content is accurate and clear. He did go the extra length to play 4 roles .. The professor,the geek, the bored, and the intense scribe. Very nice ! Subbed and liked." George Samaras - YouTube Comment
- 2018.09.20: "THANK YOU FOR SAVING ME IN MY PHYSICS CLASS!!!!" Jesster Mendoza - YouTube Comment
- 2018.09.18: "This is the BEST EXPLANATION EVER!!!! I got all my answers by just seeing them move!! Thanks a lot dude and thanks to ur family for helping us all out👍👍" Laiba Ali - YouTube Comment
- 2018.09.17: "Even though I already finished phyisics I still come to this channel, its amazing what you do in 4 minutes!" Sebastian Cor - YouTube Comment
- 2018.09.15: "You are the best physics teacher in the world...for me you are the father of physics...Thanks from India." Shanur rahman - YouTube Community Comment
- 2018.09.14: "Thank god for your videos!" Mya - YouTube Comment
- 2018.08.31: "I have spent my whole summer break at least one hour a day watching all of your vids and reading the Princeton Review book. Despite last taking honors Physics sophomore year I feel so prepared for AP Physics this upcoming year because of all of your videos. Amazing work and thank you for helping me a lot. The quality of these videos is extremely impressive for a lecture style set up. Keep making amazing content!" Matthew Dwyer - YouTube Comment
- 2018.08.27: "You are an incredibly passionate and funny physics mentor. Love your content and hope I can be as creative and humble as you someday! Keep it up 💪" Ryan Sih - YouTube Community Comment
- 2018.08.26: "So much hard work goes into making these videos and I am thankful to you for doing this. Even though I am pursuing masters in physics I actually enjoy this approach of yours to teach people. I hope you can join 100k club soon. I also make it a point to share your video around my groups." Quahntasy - Animating Universe - YouTube Comment
- 2018.08.24: "Man, I hope your channel keeps growing and hopefully you get an even greater platform than youtube. I have been binge watching your videos for days now and you truly deserve more than you give. There are only so few good you tube educators and I know that the best of the best will get recognized all around the world soon enough and trust me you will be there. Cheers mate :)" E C - YouTube Comment
- 2018.08.21: "You are one of the best mentor. And the most important thing is that you make us visualize things.... Thanks Flipping Physics" Anil Tomar - YouTube Community Comment
- 2018.08.17: "Your teaching style makes u UNIQUE and me watch your videos. LOVE FROM INDIA.✔" and "Dhanyawad. (Means THANKS in hindi). Your FAN from india" Anju Garg - 2 YouTube Comments
- 2018.08.17: "You deserve much more than that, its really sad that people donate for gamers instead of great channels like yours. Your channel literally Worth More than $100 Billion. I hope your channel will turn into a whole organization providing online practices and apps across platforms that is really going to change the future of education forever at least in physics. I Wish you the best, and yes I will donate as soon as I graduate and get a job assuming that my country will support online payment by that time lol😂😂." Nasir Khalid - YouTube Community Comment
- 2018.08.11: "You're the only reason I got a 3 on the test when I had a D in the class. You have no idea how much I am grateful for that." Pranav Ajay Warrier - YouTube Comment
- 2018.07.31: "Never stop creating. You are an inspiration as a teacher and your content is top notch." Joseph Barshay - YouTube Comment
- 2018.07.30: "its all making sense now...something the books never taught me..." Eura Nerd - YouTube Comment
- 2018.07.27: "Even I sometimes don't get how to explain some easier laws in physics which you explains very well and just make it relatable to real world, this is the only thing missing in todays education, teachers are unable to make their students understand, that how physics is important part in our every action. I heartly thank you sir." CHANAKYA SINHA - YouTube Community Comment
- 2018.07.26: "You are contributing a lot to the entire world! Making learning easy and fun and cheap is what people from all countries need and is what you are doing now! By the way, I self-studied AP physics this year and got a 5! Thanks a lot again!" Hunter ZHANG - YouTube Community Comment
- 2018.07.25: "I live in Iraq ( The country of wars) and yes sadly we never done an experiment in school of course Im abset from the crouppted education system but I'm doing my best to educate myself in the right way despite the conditions .I use PHet simulations as a replacement for the lab any You as a replacement for my teacher. I have that feeling that my country will be great again hopefully. Thank you for being my best teacher for the past 2 years." Nasir Khalid - YouTube Comment
- 2018.07.21: "thank you for making science so entertaining and comedic XD and thank you for this video, i was hoping to find elastic potential energy introduction thats easy to get bec. the others are quite complicated. Hope you make more videos! :)" Ren シャン - YouTube Comment
- 2018.07.15: "I swear the MCAT's Chem/Phys section was just so daunting and terrifying to me. Now I finally understand and feel like its possible to master the section. Thanks so much for your help and for making this helpful video series." Akune Chan - YouTube Comment
- 2018.07.10: "Thank you so much!!!! I finally understand this concept! Thank you! :)" Yashaswini Joshi - YouTube Comment
- 2018.07.06: "This is next level teaching right here. Hope you get picked up by major news someday or something gives you the hype you deserve" thebread9 - YouTube Comment
- 2018.07.06: "I just wanted to thank you for your excellent content! Your videos were so helpful to me this year in studying for the AP Physics 1 exam. I took the exam in May, and got a 4! I don’t think I would have scored nearly so well had I not found your channel. Anyway, keep up the great work!" Tara Dubridge - YouTube Comment
- 2018.06.04: "This channel requires a lot of attention from all the physics students across the globe. I have studied so many concepts in physics through this channel from the last 2 years(or more) and now I am doing my bachelors in physics and I still love to watch these videos as they improve my understanding, every time I watch. Thank you sir!" The Time Traveller - YouTube Comment
- 2018.06.01: "Your videos really helped me with my physics this year 😃. I finished with a 92 in that class something that is unheard of 😂.I'm proud to say i survived AP Physics 1 😥..Thank you!!! 😊👍🏽" Lg Marquez - YouTube Comment
- 2018.05.25: "I love this channel. I legitimetely believe the only reason I passed the AP test was cause I used your videos to study instead of just staying confused by my teacher. Unfortunately I couldnt get college credit for it since I'm a science major, but Ive stayed subscribed for 3 years because I know I'll definitely use these videos again when I take college Physics." Lexi Fantz - YouTube Community Comment
- 2018.05.24: "Honestly without you there's no way I would've passed physics c. Thank you!" Isaac Fralish - YouTube Community Comment
- 2018.05.23: "even better than farting monkeys" Nasir Khalid - YouTube Comment
- 2018.05.21: "I just wanted to personally reach out and say thank you for the work you put into your Flipping Physics videos. I have been watching your videos as supplement to my Calculus based Physics I course at Brooklyn College and I can't explain enough the edge that they have given me in this course. I love that you include the calculus proofs as well, as not enough physics videos do this in my opinion. I have to say they are entertaining as well, you do a great job at keeping my attention beyond the fact that I have to master the content to pass my course. Anyway, credit where credit is due, I wanted you to know that the work you put into these videos is not unnoticed, so thank you for your help this semester, and those to come. I'll have you as one of the people to thank for my physics minor a year from now." Evan Russell - Personal Email
- 2018.05.14: "Thank you for doing what you do. You've gotten me through two years of physics and I only wish I had the opportunity to be one of your students. I hope that you know that you are teaching the next doctors and engineers who will each take their own impact on this world. And one of the reasons they did it and got to where they are was because of you :) Thank you so much" wayne peterson - YouTube Community Comment
- 2018.05.14: "Thank u soo much for all the help you offered me through this journey. It was really hard and daunting to self study ap physics c on my own, especially that no tutor was willing to help me at any price, yet you helped me at no price, your videos are truly priceless. Thank u❤❤❤ " Bishoy Youhanna - YouTube Community Comment
- 2018.05.10: "All physics teachers should tell their students about your videos. You explain everything so well, and coherently. Personally I found you through my physics teacher, he said to look you up if we are still confused. Best advice I’ve ever gotten. You got me through most of the units, and your review videos helped tremendously with the AP exam." Big Mac - YouTube Community Comment
- 2018.05.10: "After preparing for the exam using your videos and a little studying and recapping on my own, I feel pretty confident in what I’ve learned!! The exam always comes as a surprise, but these review videos helped me remember the basic concepts behind each problem, which helped a ton, as this is mostly a conceptual test!! Thank you thank you and thank you again :)" Olivia Harshey - YouTube Community Comment
- 2018.05.09: "You sir are the man. Your videos are the perfect combination of educating and entertaining. Your editing is superb and I can’t thank you enough." Vulire - YouTube Community Comment
- 2018.05.09: "You’re videos have helped so much. In both Physics and AP Physics, I’ve regularly watched your videos. Teachers even put your videos on when we are introduced to a new subject. Keep up the great work and continue inspiring us to do the best we can in Physics. As my AP Physics teacher says, 'May the net force be with you'" Flykee - YouTube Community Comment
- 2018.05.09: "Flipping physics saved me on so many topics that I would not have known from the course alone before taking the test. Due to personal complications I had i actually missed about 2 months of my physics class. Although I did work one on one with my teacher a lot these videos were ABSOLUTELY the best outside resource I had. And remembering those need to know equations I think saved me MAJOR frq points. Thank you so much mr p" Nolan Bannon - YouTube Community Comment
- 2018.05.08: "Your videos helped guide me through the course, and were one of the most valuable study resources I had. Thanks to you, im bringing mass to the party this afternoon." Corey Prior - YouTube Community Comment
- 2018.05.07: "I’d like to thank you personally. Throughout the entire year in my AP Physics 1 class you’ve taught me things I never understood. And after watching your videos I feel confident. Thank you once again! Hopefully the test goes well tomorrow 😬" Gabriel N. - YouTube Community Comment
- 2018.05.07: "You don't know how much you have helped me. I would not have survived class without your videos. I get new concepts every time I rewatch a video. I heavily recommended you to my current physics teacher. Thanks for everything!" Nathan Clay - YouTube Community Comment
- 2018.05.07: "Thank you very much. Your videos have helped tremendously, especially the specific reviews on topics. Your teaching style is clean, unique, and easy to follow. My teacher and I praise your videos. I urge you to continue your work, (if you enjoy it), and keep in mind that while there may not be 1,000s of comments with students preaching how you have made a difference in their education, YOU HAVE. Not every person puts their experience into words. For me, it was excellent. +1." Will Hongach - YouTube Community Comment
- 2018.05.07: "This world needs more people like you. Life saver. Truly amazed by your work." JUAN OLIVAN LUMBRERAS - YouTube Comment
- 2018.05.05: "Thank you again for your amazing, entertaining, and extremely educating videos." Isaac Schluesche - YouTube Comment
- 2018.05.03: "I find it funny that you have under 30k subs and when my brother found me watching your videos, he said you were a savior to him. The odds of both of us finding you without telling each other are pretty low 😂. Also, with your style of video, I don’t understand how you don’t have a bigger audience. You seem like a Tyler Dewitt or PatrickJMT caliber guy!" Ben Fils - YouTube Comment
- 2018.05.02: "It's a great thing sir!! You have my support!! I'm so good at fundamentals of physics just because of you!!" Tharun R Prakash - YouTube Comment
- 2018.04.30: "Thanks a lot for your unbelievable time and effort in making these videos. My physics teacher told us that our apparent weight is what other people think our weight is and not your actual weight and he also thinks that weight is the same as mass of course I knew he was wrong So I always watch your videos to get the real concept. I live in Iraq unfortunately our education system is corrupted it's all based on memorizing wrong information like trained monkeys thanks to your channel I'm able to understand physics in an amusing way .You are alive saver thank you again." Nasir Khalid - YouTube Comment
- 2018.04.29: "you do an amazing job of explaining everything and are great on camera. I learn so much from your videos and just wanna say thank you so much for doing what you do. Keep up the amazing work, I'll be sure to watch as many videos of yours as I can!" Matthew Wright - YouTube Comment
- 2018.04.27: "Hey man you are the only online physics professor that I cannot watch at 2.0 speed and understand. you are quick and engaging at regular speed and it's awesome. Props to you. I love the videos haha" Ghost - YouTube Comment
- 2018.04.24: "Hello. Ive been out of school since 2012. I never studied physics in school. I always enjoyed maths and thought I would enjoy physics so in September bought the leaving cert physics book (the leaving cert is the series of exams done at the end of school in Ireland on the subjects you've chosen in order to apply for colleges) to have a structure to my study. You sir have been my teacher. Billy, Bobby and Bo my classmates. Your videos my classroom. I want to say the biggest and most sincere thank you. Your videos are well produced informative and I presume take time put together. They allow me see and make sense of what the textbook is trying to say. You are my first port of call when searching on YouTube. Thank you for teaching me I enjoy learning with you 😊" Aaron Marsh - YouTube Community Comment
- 2018.04.21: "You make Physics so simple! Thank you so much for these videos!" UAH - YouTube Comment
- 2018.04.21: "So amazing! This was so helpful, thanks for taking the time to make videos. It really helped me" Leon Fan - YouTube Comment
- 2018.04.19: "Sir I have got a 5 in AP Physics c mechanics by watching your all videos for it last year when I was in grade 8" Dharmendra Mavani - YouTube Comment
- 2018.04.18: "I really like your videos. They are so informative and entertaining. You made me love physics even more! Keep enlightening students like me, sir! I think more people should know about your channel. I have already suggested to a few friends. They LOVED it too." Keerthana Satheesh - YouTube Comment
- 2018.04.09: "oh brotherrr , i am speechlesssss!!! oh you deserveeeee 1000000000000000000 subs truly , WOW !!!", "not sure where to put my concentration , in his amazing composition skills , teaching skills , student skills and acting skills", "if only i could give you more than one like", and "whoaaa , so much hard work and you do it all alone , most of it , COMPLETELY MIND BLOWN RIGHT NOW !!! God bless you for all of this <3333 you deserve soooo muchhhh for this much hard work .. kEEP IT UP .. you're saving lives <333" Gothian in Four YouTube Comments in Three Hours
- 2018.03.31: "Thanks a lot for precise explanation. Keep up this tremendous work" fahim al huq - YouTube Comment
- 2018.03.28: "This is awesome 👏😎 keep it up." abdullah irfan - YouTube Comment
- 2018.03.27: "Thanks for all you do! I can tell you put alot of time into these and I think they are great! Keep it up!" Cody Smith - YouTube Comment
- 2018.03.27: "ur videos are so so so helpful tq sir ❤from nepal" Sanaya Pathak - YouTube Comment
- 2018.03.27: "Your vids r top notch!! Keep up the phenomenal work :D" Goku17yen - YouTube Comment
- 2018.03.26: "What a legend. I am from the UK and am so glad I found your videos. Keep up the superb work!!!!!" A K - YouTube Comment
- 2018.03.23: "Saved my midterm grade too many times lmao thnx dude" Kelly Zeppeli - YouTube Comment
- 2018.03.21: "These videos were incredibly useful. I've learned so much physics just watching these and taking notes, and they helped me prepare well for my exams some time ago. Thank you so much, and keep up the fantastic work!" Osmaan Shahid - Facebook Review
- 2018.03.14: "Loved it! Very clear and informative, but also funny. Great content as well as the form. Appreciate your work!" Linaiz - YouTube Comment
- 2018.03.13: "I love your videos, they are very useful for my physics class. Thank you!" Davis John - YouTube Comment
- 2018.03.07: "your videos are just awesooomeeee!!!. I really like your videos. Thanks you so much for your hard work. I know you spend a lot of time on it." tsogtgerel gantulhuur - YouTube Comment
- 2018.03.07: "I love your videos they had helped me with my homework’s of physics even my teacher recommended one of your videos to help us to understand better the problems thank you! Keep going like that!" Brenda Lizeth Berlanga Barbosa - YouTube Comment
- 2018.03.02: "What a glorious way of teaching" Be happy #TM - YouTube Comment
- 2018.02.28: "I really appreciate all the work you put into this. I can see your passion, and that inspires me to learn." Vaishnavi Myadam - YouTube Comment
- 2018.02.26: "hey I just wanna say thank you so much for the work u do..... Just want you to know that it is highly appreciated 😄" Priya Edwin - YouTube Comment
- 2018.02.20: "This is amazing!!! You deserve all the physics subs on youtube!" xiaoxi ling - YouTube Comment
- 2018.02.16: "Oh god! Thank you so much! I did not understand a flipping thing in Physics, cause my teacher was talking pretty fast... now, I understand! Thank you, master!" Petrus Pullola - YouTube Comment
- 2018.02.13: "you are literally saving me from failing my physics class right now THANK YOU SO MUCH MR. P" Rachel Prince - YouTube Comment
- 2018.02.08: "My name is Mackenzie and I am currently completing my final year of high school in Australia. Last year I decided that I would swap one of my subjects to pick up physics. This was quite daunting going into units 3/4 physics (year 12) without completing units 1/2 (year 11). My teacher advised me to work on motion and some other fundamental things that would repeat in the year 12 course. I would like to just give you a massive thank you. I spent my summer watching many, many videos from your YouTube channel. Starting from the basics, where I now can complete the work to a high standard. I would just like to thank you and let you know that your hard work & effort that you put into your resources is appreciated!" Mackenzie Bowe - Personal Email
- 2018.02.07: "Wow manz thanks for being like you are, the world needs more people like you, I'm a teenager student from South America and I appreciate your videos, keep it up with the science" Oscar Loch - YouTube Community Comment
- 2018.02.03: "Thank you for helping me get through AP Physics 1 and 2 the last two years. I love your videos!! I’m now happily pursing an engineering degree in college. Keep up the good work!" Megan M - YouTube Community Comment
- 2018.02.01: "Your videos are truly wonderful! I'm a senior and taking my first physics course ever; AP Physics 1. I truly love the class and your videos are a wonderful supplement to my education and career vision. Thank you!" Sidney Boakye - YouTube Community Comment
- 2018.02.01: "Thanks so much for all of your work (and energy!!)😁😁 you have created a tremendous resource for all teachers and students!!you should be very proud!!" Nicholas Ryan - YouTube Community Comment
- 2018.01.28: "I just wanted to say that you're doing a great job. You're so far the best physics teacher I ever had." ujwal k santhosh - YouTube Comment
- 2018.01.25: "My sister was telling me how great ur videos are... and I must say she is right. Thanks." StaryNoon - YouTube Comment
- 2018.01.24: "I'm an A-level student and I really gained a myriad of benefit from ur videos...Hope to solve more problems...Many thanks broo from Egypt!" Dreamer One - YouTube Comment
- 2018.01.18: "thank you this helped me better understand the hardest topic thus far in AP physics 1" TopDogAlex - YouTube Comment
- 2018.01.14: "The new knowledge is accumulating in my mind. thank you Mr. P!" 권조희 - YouTube Comment
- 2018.01.12: "Most underrated channel honestly. Thanks!" Luis Rivera - YouTube Comment
- 2018.01.09: "i wish they didn't chose this stupid vid for my virtual online physics course, bad choice on my teachers part, its hard to learn when all i want to do is strangle this goof" grumpy old man - YouTube Comment (you can't please everybody)
- 2018.01.09: "I'm from India 4 me u r best the physics teacher" Ayushi Garewal - YouTube Comment
- 2018.01.07: "Hello, Mr. P! I am deeply sorry to say this, but my financial situation has changed and I will no longer be able to support Flipping Physics (at least not in 2018). Indeed, $5 is not a lot of money, but it can get up to a 1.4 multiplier in my country. I know it's symbolically discouraging to lose support when the quality of your content has a derivative that approaches infinity, so I am very very sorry! I am going for both a bachelor (for research) and a licentiate (for teaching) degrees simultaneously, so eventually I hope to be able to became a physics teacher, get some decent income and return to your list of patreon with a greater contribution! Thanks for everything!! You already know this, but it never hurts to say: your work is changing the lives of many people!! It changed mine! =)" Renan Alves - Personal Patreon Message
- 2017.12.28: "In terms of 'quality and consistency' there can be no equal to the content you put out. The fact that you take the effort to make not only the content as a lecturer organized but also the responses of students each with the personality stereotype most representative plus adding in humor is a truly honorable feat. The fact that you spend 14 hours in making each video too left me in awe when I saw that time-lapse, it genuinely left me wanting to imbibe those qualities and work ethic. Hats off to you sir!" Ethan9750 - YouTube Community Comment
- 2017.12.26: "I struggled A LOT in AP physics this year but ever since my teacher recommended this channel for me, I’ve been understanding the material a lot better! Thank you!" Diego Rivera - YouTube Community Comment
- 2017.12.23: "Here we see a mad scientist going slowly insane in his basement, with nothing but Algebra and his multiple personalities to keep him company" DiScOrDaNt - YouTube Comment
- 2017.12.21: "You are the reason I am passing AP Physics...thank you!" Jk - YouTube Comment
- 2017.12.21: "Just came to pop back into this video series. Just wanted to say thanks for your review series for Physics 1, as it really helped a lot on my test back in May. These really made a difference in how I performed, and I'm really grateful for the work you do. Keep it up!" ThatKid Matt - YouTube Comment
- 2017.12.19: "you deserve a million subscribers. Your videos are absolutely amazing, enjoyable and informative. I wish our professors are as passionate as you are in teaching us. :)" Joseph Payago - YouTube Comment
- 2017.12.19: "Your channel is like SciShow but with math! I often find myself binge watching your videos because they are all fascinating!! " Cumvers - YouTube Comment
- 2017.12.12: "HOLY COW!! I love how interactive this channel is!!! you're so creative!!! awesome!! !:D" Padmaja Rengamannar - YouTube Comment
- 2017.12.09: "you are seriously the best physics instructor i've ever encountered..." chherryflavored - YouTube Comment
- 2017.12.04: "You are a superb physics teacher. Thank you so much for all your hard work that must go into providing world-class teaching to everyone." Peter Caradonna - YouTube Comment
- 2017.11.28: "Just wanted to stop in and say that your channel is amazing. I am a home school mom and your videos are helping tremendously as we learn Physics this year. My daughter always smiles when it is time to watch. She really likes your episodes, finds them entertaining as well as educational. Who says science has to be boring?" Sheila Vidal - YouTube Channel Discussion
- 2017.11.27: "i wish i knew this existed before i took the quizzes, now im taking my exams tomorrow. THIS IS AWESOME! I'M FINALLY LEARNING THINGS!" Thealee - YouTube Comment
- 2017.11.23: "Hello, I've been studying with your videos for the last school year and it was really helpful. I understood the concepts better with your videos than any other source. Even though I didn't use the AP scores for my applications your videos helped me improve my problem solving skills and it changed my perspective on physics completely. Now I'm currently enrolled in a school for Astrophysics in Europe. I just wanted to show you my gratitude and I wish you luck with your channel, I'm sure you'll do great! 🙂" Barış Kalfa - Personal Facebook Message
- 2017.11.19: "this was one of the most helpful videos i've ever seen" noahie - YouTube Comment
- 2017.11.10: "Very impressed by the presentation of information and how it is nice and compressed to cover everything required. And funny too which actually makes information more memorable. Thanks so much! This saved me from failing Engineering Statics Class" EvoRulz - YouTube Comment
- 2017.11.07: "up until i found your channel, i have been struggling with AP physics 1 and when my teacher showed us this channel, i became much better at physics after watching your videos, I've began to comprehend our lessons better now. So to sum it all up, i thank you for making physics easier to understand." NeonArtz - Hakim C. - YouTube Comment
- 2017.11.07: "This is my first time watching your videos and I quickly press the "subscribe" button. This is seriously wonderful, I was able to understand everything so clearly. Thank you so much!!" Karina Santiago - YouTube Comment
- 2017.11.05: "You are my hero, a modern day Isaac Newton." ItsToolTime - YouTube Comment
- 2017.10.25: "the way you teach physics is awesome love from india" Harsh Agarwal - YouTube Comment
- 2017.10.23: "Damn this video made me so much more enthusiastic to learn physics. This is the best video on youtube" Ralph Marcus - YouTube Comment
- 2017.10.20: "just amazing, word can not exp how good u are" Wahab Alrahbi - YouTube Comment
- 2017.10.20: "You are the best teacher in the world" Vishal gupta - YouTube Comment
- 2017.10.19: "Hell of a video! I've had the misconception recently...and I had a really hard time looking it up on google..but couldn't get a proper explanation...Then I found your video..Now I think my misconception is erased...thanks to your informational video...keep it up" Ashim Rai - YouTube Comment
- 2017.10.18: "This is awesome are really improving education ..." Abhay .v. singh - YouTube Comment
- 2017.10.16: "Bro this was so helpful you are seriously awesome Thanks!!!" Albert Du - YouTube Comment
- 2017.10.16: "Literally you are saving my grade right now. I cannot thank you enough! Ahhhhh <3" Rachel Prince - YouTube Comment
- 2017.10.13: "Great content! Very clear and informative explanations. I cannot tell you how helpful your videos were when it was time for the AP Physics Mechanics test. Thank you and keep up the good work!" Jonathan Bocanegra - YouTube Comment
- 2017.10.12: "Awesome video! You really helped me score well for the AP Physics Mechanics test! Thanks so much." Alston Chan - YouTube Comment
- 2017.10.12: "I know this is really late, but you really helped me understand physics. And you have awesome hair 😊" Crafty Cam - YouTube Comment
- 2017.10.11: "I'm not doing anything AP related, taking a first semester College Physics class and your videos are really awesome review!" Josh Torres - YouTube Comment
- 2017.10.06: "I'm dying. It's 3:30 am and tension had never made any sense up until now and your equation holster joke/analogy is the only thing that kept me from dozing off. Thanks so much for the hard work you guys put into making these videos from the students point of view." Lofi Bytes - YouTube Comment
- 2017.10.04: "Just to let you know, you have helped thousands of Physics students through your videos. These outtakes reflect how you have been diligent in providing content for them in need, and I would like to say thank you for making these." Marcus Equitius Marbidus Secundus - YouTube Comment
- 2017.09.28: "I really appreciate your content. You definitely deserve a huge audience. Your projectile motion videos helped me understand how to go about finding values when being influenced by drag. Definitely helped in the making of my project." NateDaDank - YouTube Comment
- 2017.09.27: "this is one of the best educational videos I've ever seen on youtube" Sameera Khan - YouTube Comment
- 2017.09.24: "This video is BRILLIANT!!! I truly enjoy the way that the instructor played four different versions of himself. Better yet--the delivery of the concepts here is superb! Thank you very much for creating such a helpful video, Flipping Physics! :-)" Lenny Atomz - YouTube Comment
- 2017.09.13: "Great people like you do great jobs really appreciate your work i can claim here your channel going to be Burning 🔥 on YouTube soon 🔜 my challenge 🕶️ - From HINDUSTAN (🇮🇳 INDIA)" Madhav Anand - YouTube Comment
- 2017.09.10: "you got me a 5 in both AP Physics 1 and AP Physics C Mechanics, just came to say thank you." Yihong Sun - YouTube Comment
- 2017.09.10: "Very very very great video .I understood better than our sir explained. Thank you very much." dhananjay rokhade - YouTube Comment
- 2017.09.01: "It is because of you first time I will not fail in entrance exam in physics. I was trying to learn physics since 3 years but I was not able to score good but now first time I scored full in my test thanks" Vishal gupta - YouTube Comment
- 2017.08.28: "Your videos are really awesome ... I m from india and my friends are fan of you... We enjoy learning with you" Raj Cool - YouTube Comment
- 2017.08.19: "Thank you very much for all the Physics content you make - it stands out like a beacon when nothing else fits! They give life and valuable details to otherwise incomprehensible physics content online. Thank you for having such an open mindset - after all, it is (the) contributions that a person can make to society and humanity that matter most!!" Priyanka Dilip - YouTube Comment
- 2017.08.13: "Mr.p is awesome. How can a person be so talented and entertaining at the same time ? Don't know 🙄🙄" Education World - YouTube Comment
- 2017.08.11: "Good Video Mr.P..keep it up..It would really help in my exams..I have watched most of your videos..and they are like eye-opening videos..the idea of presentation is extraordinary...And Flipping Physics really deserves more views and subscribers (Please keep making these contents because one day hopefully you will see a difference..Lots of love" - Hari (From India) - YouTube Comment
- 2017.08.05: "I am Mechanical Engineer that is always trying to learn more and I still find your videos so useful every time I wan to go back to the basics. Thanks for sharing" A Jose Francos - YouTube Comment
- 2017.08.03: "Sir iam loving physics.... Right now.. U r best teacher. Of physics that i have ever seen..... Keep going.... I like ur way of teaching.. U make physics simple. And fun to understand...... I am from india..... I am lucky that i have found u......... I am preparing for a very hard know i feel confident that i can crack that examm...... At last thank u so much sir....... ......" Anuj Mishra - YouTube Comment
- 2017.08:02: "I love your videos 💖 helped me a lot and made physics so much easier for me! " Abida Mahbub - YouTube Comment
- 2017.07.31: "sir ur videos are learning from teacher with student's involvement its a great idea........" Manshi Tomar - YouTube Comment
- 2017.07.30: "That was so amazing and easy to learn.Thank u so much sir!" Pooja Rawat - YouTube Comment
- 2017.07.24: "Ohhh, now I get it !!!" lia freitas - YouTube Comment
- 2017.07.22: If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then this is awesome. Flipping Calculus, an AP Calculus Final Project by Alec Brown. Compete with Manny, Mark, and Moe. Thanks Alec, I am sincerely flattered.
- 2017.07.15: "you are an angel sent by the gods to save me" Nshiime Ernest - YouTube Comment
- 2017.07.15: "Honestly you are amazing at explaining physics, keep it up!" and "I found Master Yoda physics version" Kylee Webb - Two YouTube Comments
- 2017.07.14: "Great resource for both algebra and calculus based physics, whether you are a student or a teacher!" Pamela Word - Facebook Review
- 2017.07.10: "Remember the old time battle between quantity and quality on the internet. Well, you have both sir." Prometheus - YouTube Comment
- 2017.07.05: "hello! thank you so much teacher for making these videos, I don't even feel like studying, just clearing concepts and understanding everything :) greetings from France" Khadija Fayyaz - YouTube Comment
- 2017.06.26: "i love u" amna azhar - YouTube Comment
- 2017.06.25: "You have the charisma and knowledge to be the next Bill Nye, great work saving my life in physics lol" LA PARAGON - YouTube Comment
- 2017.06.21: "I wanted to thank you for these videos. They helped a lot with my AP Physics course in high school and were a big part in me deciding to become a physics major. I just finished up my first year and feel really confident on the higher level physics classes to come. ... thank you very much." Noah Blair - YouTube Channel Comment
- 2017.06.19: "this is wacky and I like it" thomas edgemon - YouTube Comment
- 2017.06.13: "so much easier to watch than videos like khan academy. Love this channel and bozemanscience, the most. Thanks for the content. Using this for my Physics 11, exam review." Claire Meagher - YouTube Comment
- 2017.06.11: "You really get into the groove of Billy, Bobby, and Bo! Good work! Your videos really helped me get through Physics Class!" Bhargav Puttaparti - YouTube Comment
- 2017.06.10: "Honestly the best explanation I've stumbled across, it's really helpful for students. Keep up the great work😄" Faiza Mazhar - YouTube Comment
- 2017.06.02: "Thank you so much! Explanation was fantastic! I've understand completely the theorem. Greetings from Chile :)" Benja Inostroza - YouTube Comment
- 2017.05.29: "Thank you sooo much... i really cant thank this channel enough. I literally spent hours trying to understand binding energy but wasnt getting a thing. and this video explained it within few min...PLEASE KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK AND I LOVE YOUR VIDEOS" maah asgharali - YouTube Comment
- 2017.05.21: "You guys are really doing a greay job.You need more views.Those 3 students really make things a lot fun.I love how they all appear different because of their personalities." Pooja Rawat - YouTube Comment
- 2017.05.16: "Please don't stop making videos. I've learned a lot more from you than crash course, khan academy, and other channels. If I get an A in Physics, it is because of you" Aminoddin Domado - YouTube Comment
- 2017.05.12: "u r Awesome at every thing. .. 😍 this actually make us to love you . Even that much distance doesn't matter 😂😂 love from Pakistan" Egoiistic Prince - Google+ Comment
- 2017.05.11: "The way you explained it was super easy to understand. All the hard work that you put in this video really was worth it! Please keep up the good work!!!" ChristianKid - YouTube Comment
- 2017.05.10: "Thank you!!! Excellent and so easy to understand. Your vids are helping me for my college entrance test review and its easier to understand than these reviewers." Eula Abucayon - YouTube Comment
- 2017.05.09: "Wow! These videos are amazing in science Class and I have such a great time watching all of you educational videos!!" Alexandra Siegel - YouTube Comment
- 2017.05.08: "Dude, watching your videos is equally as informative as it is entertaining. Great stuff man, keep it up :)" Matthew Mallory - YouTube Comment
- 2017.05.07: "This is an amazing review, the concepts are explained thoroughly and common mistakes are identified and corrected. Great teacher!" Jason Wu - YouTube Comment
- 2017.05.06: "This has to be the best and most organized course review I have ever seen! My physics professor has been all over the place and it has been hard to wrap my mind around all of these concepts. Thank you so much for your contribution to physics education. I only wish I had discovered your website sooner. You're the man!" Mikhial Guggemos - YouTube Comment
- 2017.05.05: "Hello.. I'm from Saudi Arabia and your videos are so helpful.. Thank you so much for this wonderful videos" R Fahad - YouTube Comment
- 2017.05.02: "Hi! I'm an international student from South Korea, and I really appreciate you for giving me a wonderful chance to review AP Physics C this simply. I don't know what to say other than this Sorry! But again, Thank you so much. The set of videos is helping me a lot" Heesoo Kim - YouTube Comment
- 2017.05.02: "Omg, i needed to find some good review lessons for tuesdays exam, and you were just perfect. I just finished all your lessons and you gave me enough review information and motivation to hopefully do well on the ap physics exam." Deadeye - YouTube Comment
- 2017.05.02: "honestly dunno why you don't have way more subscribers, all your vides are so well thought out and seem like you put a lot of work into them. Very clear and concise, I wish i'd found them earlier" Rebecca Q - YouTube Comment
- 2017.05.02: "I would like ur videos to be played at my funeral because eventho if i may not be going to heaven, i may atleast be listening to god ! I have already admired ur work more than thousand times and i would like u to know that you are entirely the best !! 😄😄 keep on supprting the world !!" Sabhupa 123 - YouTube Comment
- 2017.05.02: "i love these videos! you explain things very well and also write down the very important things for us visual learners. i also enjoy your classroom theme with bo billy and bobby. its very interactive and informative. thanks for your hard work." inspiringCourage - YouTube Comment
- 2017.05.01: "I'm so nervous for tomorrow...but your videos were AMAZING these past few days leading up to the test for review. I wish I knew about your channel earlier! ... thank you anyways for your hard work!" Maria Urriza - YouTube Comment
- 2017.05.01: "Hi Flipping Physics, your videos are so funny!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, like, you aren't wearing the same color socks :D If I get a five I definitely have you to thank." Elijah Tai - YouTube Comment
- 2017.04.30: "Thank you so much for making these videos, I'm sure they were very time consuming! I'm on my way to watching your whole AP Physics 1 review playlist as my exam is Tuesday! This has served as a great review tool for me. Thank you!" allthewaystartrek - YouTube Comment
- 2017.04.30: "dude seriously you put lots of efforts making these videos ... i really respect you from my heart and accept you as Master" Hamza Noorani - YouTube Comment
- 2017.04.30: "U know what ?U are not good at making videos .U mqke things complicated.And please cut ur hair short .it is really looking awful!!💇💇👻👻👻" Sujata Bhuti - YouTube Comment - Just checking to see you are paying attention.
- 2017.04.29: "These videos are absolutely AMAZING!!! I was needing not just answers, but also EXPLANATIONS to the 1998 test and your videos do such a great job of providing those answers. I feel like I have a better conceptual understanding of physics now. Thanks for all of the hard work you put into these videos - believe me, it really pays off." Srishti Kumar - YouTube Comment
- 2017.04.28: "best videos for physics i have seen uptill now ... i have revised alot from your videos for my Alevel exams ... i wish i could import you to Pakistan ... haha" Hamza Noorani - YouTube Comment
- 2017.04.26: "Thank you so much great work please continue, you are superstar..." ibrahim ismail - YouTube Comment
- 2017.04.24: "I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for all of the assistance you have provided through countless hours of physics homework. I really do appreciate the YouTube videos and all you do for the community, as well as the education of many. It's really awesome to see someone who takes leaps and bounds into the future of education, dedicating so much of your time so that others may understand such a complex topic. Your simple ability to break down material to such a personable, easy to understand level has such a profound impact from a student standpoint. What you do is something I think is very selfless and genuine, and I wanted to let you know that I personally appreciate that. It's such a refreshing and gratifying thing watching you have such a passion for the art of education - Great teachers are hard to come by. Keep the videos coming!! You've prepped me for the exam!" Jarrod Arruda - Personal Email
- 2017.04.24: "This is legit done so well. Covers the content needed without excess, does it quickly, and does it clearly." I'm Infamy - YouTube Comment
- 2017.04.24: "Saving AP Physics scores, one video at a time" Jason Gomez - YouTube Comment
- 2017.04.23: "these videos are amazing. They are really helpful incase of learning and remembering stuff." NEHIR SAHINOGLU - YouTube Comment
- 2017.04.18: "Tysm for these "truly helpful" videos! No other channels give truly useful info like you do! Keep up the great work :D" L Cr0w - YouTube Comment
- 2017.04.17: "This channel is one of the most helpful youtube channels i've ever seen, thank you so much for taking your time to help thousands of lost students :)" J Longworth - YouTube Comment
- 2017.04.12: "Thanks for this amazing knowledge transfer, it means a lot. Keep being awesome !!" A Jose Francos - YouTube Comment
- 2017.04.09: "Thank you so incredibly much for your dedication and your videos.. I am a sophomore and was pushed into taking AP Physics 1 without having taken Algebra 2/Trig or even normal physics. At first I struggled greatly, but now that I discovered your videos I brought my grade from a C to an A and I can't thank you enough. You made me love physics after all <3" taism19Rafaella - YouTube Comment
2017.04.07: "You are so amazing! I am sure if Einstein was still alive he would have pointed to you as an example of someone who can really understand and teach!" Arafe Zawad Sajid - YouTube Comment - 2017.04.01: "Once i was so pessimistic ! I probably had no idea what to do and then i started seeing your videos ! God knows how much i have changed 😍 i have started learning with reasoning rather than taking it as a scientific fact ! Thank you flipping phyics !! Thank you !! You are the best teacher i found on youtube channel !! Keep progressing ! You have the potentiality of changing an abecederian to a genuis one !!!! And to tell you the truth , i like your voice and the way of your teaching ! Perhaps i have been watching all of your youtube videos just to listen your voice and gain free knowledge !!! I really love your videos !! I m literally going to be changed from "belieber" to "flipper" thanks !!!!!!!!!!!! Not only from my side but from the entire world who have changed their status of learning !!!! Thank you !!!!!!!!!! Thank you !!!! I probably have already written a lot but its nothing infront of your valueable teaching !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😊" Sabhupa 123 - YouTube Comment
- 2017.04.01: "Your videos are so amazing you are very best teacher of physics really you give very nice examples i easily understand all of your videos thank you so much with your videos help i got full marks in my school test i am so happy you make physics easy and fun God bless you" Fatima Talpur - YouTube Comment
- 2017.03.27: "WOW!!!!!! I knew most of the stuff but you just made Physics a whole lot more interesting, thanks a lot" Dumile Mneno - YouTube Comment
- 2017.03.26: "I love the fact that you are so precise. I've got books where the displacement is simply denoted by "d", and that annoys the hell out of me." Shoaib Rashdi - YouTube Comment
- 2017.03.26: "you made me love physics!" Rehan Rashid - YouTube Comment
- 2017.03.25: "This is the future of physics education!!!!!!!!! great video!!!!!!!!" EntertainmentIntent _ 1508 - YouTube Comment
- 2017.03.21: "You are saving my life. Thank you so much!!" Remi Klein - YouTube Comment
- 2017.03.20: "TOP NOTCH, all of your videos! Thank you deeply for everything you do." Human Being - YouTube Comment
- 2017.03.16: "Flipping Physics you are being a blessing as you are using your knowledge to be helpful to others..your parents must be so proud to give such a blessing to the world.can't thank you enough...May the ray of happiness pierce through you throughout the days to come" Senali Dias - YouTube Comment
- 2017.03.14: "I'm currently a junior taking AP Physics 1 and started watching your videos about one month ago. Before, when prepping for exams I'd typically just go through my notes and occasionally look through the textbook we were given. This helped me a little bit in the beginning of the year, but once we got to gravitational motion I began doing horrible and received a 69% on a unit test (for me this is really disappointed as I strive for the best and this was not my best). I knew there had to be other sources out there to help improve my understanding and then I stumbled upon your work and energy videos. What a great day that was, I actually enjoyed learning the fundamentals of physics compared to how my teacher was teaching us. Come test day, I felt extremely confident and got a 100!. Nothing feels better than accomplishing something you've struggled with for a long time and I just wanted to give a big thanks for all your time and effort you put in to your videos. Also, I'd like to say how much respect I have for you especially after I heard you quit your job to help people through YouTube etc. Most people are purely in it for the money and could care less about their students, but not you. I can see that you genuinely care about the well-being of your students and you deserve a lot of credit for that. Well again I just wanted to thank you for all the help you've given me and I hope you continue to do what makes you happy!" John Appleseed - Personal Email
- 2017.03.12: "This is great! Khan academy is pretty limited when it comes to going into deeper physics concepts and this really helped! thank you." Fabrice A - YouTube Comment
- 2017.03.11: "Just came here to thank you🙏 for these awesome videos...they are so helpful and fun to watch..😊😊" OkayShef F - YouTube Comment
- 2017.03.07: "Test tomorrow, worth 10%, very stressed. I love you. I do not understand my teacher but you, You are a genius. <3" Riad - YouTube Comment
- 2017.03.06: "Really liked the video and the 3 student format. The change in who is conducting dialogue helps me not zone out, as is my tendency." Giselle Ventura - YouTube Comment
- 2017.02.26: "I love you Mr. P! I really want to help you out with the fund drive but I can't do a thing and I pity myself for that. Nevertheless, thank you for all the sacrifice that you make in every video(after watching your time lapse video). I REALLY appreciate your hard work. May God bless you and one day, everything will payoff." Lorie Ann Almandrez - YouTube Comment
- 2017.02.25: "I hated physics my whole life and here I am enjoying each and everyone of your videos! Not only they are informative but also they are so entertaining. Thank you for such a great contribution for students like me. Cheers man! You are the best teacher ever :D" Arafe Zawad Sajid - YouTube Comment
- 2017.02.25: "I'm in college and your videos are still helping me! They are such great reviews! Physics major woop!" Naomi Tousha - YouTube Comment
- 2017.02.19: "Love your videos! Keep up the amazing work, I am currently an IB student and your videos have helped me so much in clarifying my concepts in physics!" Vulcan Stomedu - YouTube Comment
- 2017.02.15: "Equation holster: I didn't think I'd laugh as hard as I did at that, but now people around me are asking if I'm okay. Thanks for the great teaching, editing, and humor!" Sabrina Outabia - YouTube Comment
- 2017.02.15: "The best physics channel I came across. A thumps up continue the work😀 " Siddharth Nag - YouTube Comment
- 2017.02.12: "These videos are amazing! I saw the time lapse video of making a Flipping Physics video, and I just have to say thank you for dedicating so much time and energy to wayward physics students like me! XD You're a physics genius and an editing genius!" Emma Grace - YouTube Comment
- 2017.02.10: "The best presentation on the subject I've ever seen. So thankful for people like you." Matthew Wilson - YouTube Comment
- 2017.02.09: "Amazing, I'm currently a freshman a Purdue univeristy (sic) and currently taking physics for the first time, this simple video has helped me way more than any of the TA's or any of the lectures that I have had this semester. Keep the videos up!" Antonio Baltzell - YouTube Comment
- 2017.02.05: "After searching for hours for an explanation that made sense of the textbook, I finally found you. Thank you so much! #hero" Bryce Wall - YouTube Comment
- 2017.02.02: "I cannot tell you thank you enough for all of your amazing videos! I am getting ready for the MCAT and I have forgotten much of the physics I learned 6 years ago. These videos are so amazing for keeping my attention during my endless study sessions. ... Anyways, thanks again for everything!" Ashley Canchola - YouTube Comment
- 2017.01.31: "we need more people like you on youtube. thanks for the amazing knowledge you bring to physics students" Arjun Raj - YouTube Comment
- 2017.01.21: "this is an awesome piece of work which clearly reflects Mr. P's intellectual ability (I believe that only a person deeply and truly involved in a discipline can link to something unimaginable, which Mr. p does in this case) and what's more? This one is easy to remember (no velocity -> no momentum)! " Raivat Shah - YouTube Comment
- 2017.01.16: "Your videos are GREAT! Concise, with very good explanation of the concepts, engaging and funny. Thank you so much." Gaby Escobar - Youtube Comment
- 2017.01.15: "God you're amazing I appreciate the work you put on your video editing and I appreciate your fun teaching skill" Abrar Harbi - YouTube Comment
- 2017.01.11: "Thank's man,!............You are the first person to explain inertia in a way that I understand. I have been trying for years to get a example that I can latch on to in my minds eye. Thanks Teach!!" fliss Foster - YouTube Comment
- 2016.12.25: "Amazing =) your better than my Physics teacher, who is supposedly one of the best teachers in Ontario because he is one of the authors for the Nelson Physics Textbook" Faraz x - YouTube Comment
- 2016.12.21: "your creative way of explaining physics concepts is really awesome... keep going.." sunil br - YouTube Comment
- 2016.12.20: "A very interesting and deep explanation, yet very easy to understand. Thanks you for this video. I've been looking for the ways to solve the second order nonlinear differential equations that appear in these kind of questions, but I am not very good at approximation techniques. Euler was a great mathematician and thanks for the numerical methods that he created." yevgeniy simonov - YouTube Comment
- 2016.12.16: "Best thing I've ever seen in my life" Andrea G. U. - YouTube Comment
- 2016.12.13: "My high school AP Physics class use your videos as a means to gather an understanding of these concepts before we are introduced to it by our teacher. As a person who plans on pursuing a career in Physics, I find your videos to be entertaining, and much more educational! Keep up the good work Mr. P!" Paul Beaman - YouTube Comment
- 2016.12.11: "Thank you so much, I appreciate the fact that you have basically taught my physics class for the entire year!" Han Cryothire - YouTube Comment
- 2016.12.11: "Hey ,lots of thanks for teaching in such an interactive , interesting, enjoyable and entertaining way as never before." Ajay Singh - YouTube Comment
- 2016.12.06: "you the reason i love physics soo much,,,you project is building someone confidence so keep it bro" BLESS KWEKU KALE - YouTube Comment
- 2016.12.05: "I have a physics mechanics final tommorow, and your complete review series seriously helped me, and I'm taking a break by appreciating all the hard work you do for us. Thank you so much! :D (btw nice mlg editing skills)" Ronak Shah - YouTube Comment
- 2016.12.02: "this is unbelievably helpful" pizza boy - YouTube Comment
- 2016.12.02: "I'm in a college calculus based mechanical physics class right now and a differential equations class. Although this material is strictly about the AP Physics exam, I still find the material helpful. ... Anyway, great videos!" Luke Pridemore - YouTube Comment
- 2016.11.27: "I LOVE YOU AND YOUR VIDEOS<}" jajinfla - YouTube Comment
- 2016.11.27: "You deserve so much more recognition. You're a great teacher, and a great filmmaker as well! Kudos to your work Mr P. " City Cuber - YouTube Comment
- 2016.11.22: "Amazing editing, quality teaching, and very well done lecturing. Isn't a tad bit boring! Thank you for being a lifesaver in these troubling times!" Danny Dukes - YouTube Comment
- 2016.11.17: "Wow, thank you so very much for this video!! I am really struggling with this concept and you have really cleared it up for me!!! Thanks again for the dedication and hard work you put into these videos!!:D" tali :3 - YouTube Comment
- 2016.11.13: "Thank you!! AP Physics 1 is kicking my butt lol but these help make concepts more clear!! ps love the hair !!" Margo Renee - YouTube Comment
- 2016.11.08: "AP Physics just got a lot easier and cooler. :) Thanks" Dalton Salinas - YouTube Comment
- 2016.11.02: "I love you man, all four of you for this video" Deependra Verma - YouTube Comment
- 2016.11.01: "I wish I could do what you do; it's really impressive. You should be proud of yourself for putting so much work into this and for helping me not fail my physics class :D +1 respect man!" Ryan McEnroe - YouTube Comment
- 2016.11.01: "This was EXACTLY what I was looking for, thanks so much!" Selim Hassairi - YouTube Comment
- 2016.10.31: "I love your videos! They make everything so much easier to understand." Trey Beason - YouTube Comment
- 2016.10.27: "Hey I just started physics this semester in college and these videos are simply incredible. They are entertaining to the point where I don't really feel like I'm studying but still provide an excellent foundation for me to think about going to practice problems. Also, the editing on these videos is on point, great work man." Nick Philip - YouTube Comment
- 2016.10.25: "thanks for all of this hard work of yours and what I can do is just thank you very much for these flipastic, flipawesome, videos you just........ flipingly changed the understanding of physics how we learn." Ritesh Ranjan - YouTube Comment
- 2016.10.23: "Great Video! Thank you for explaining everything thoroughly! My physics teacher uses a lot of your videos to help us learn!" s mishra - YouTube Comment
- 2016.10.11: "You make us feel the physics....and this is the result of ur hard work....Thanx ... These heart touching videos are amazing!!! :)" Fun Living (Satvik) - YouTube Comment
- 2016.10.10: "In college to become a Physicist, and you are my physics teacher (I gave up on the one I am paying tuition for a month ago). ... Hidden gem of physics videos, I watch you and Prof Walter Lewin side by side. Why can't physics be taught in the classroom as a source of joy, like it is meant to be, and as you clearly do? Anyway, you are helping me marry my love of pure math to the applied math that is physics ;) ... You helped me work through my lab problems which weren't explained by my teacher or book! You, sir, are a living contradiction to charges that videos can't really teach. I stop the video and work the problem ahead of your student-clones, and it helped me watch for pitfalls and truly understand what I was doing, not just plug numbers into formulas. Thank you!" Jennifer Larsen - YouTube Comments from Three Different Videos
- 2016.10.10: "most effective study aid video i've ever seen. you are a gifted teacher" bradley morgan - YouTube Comment
- 2016.10.05: "I love you, Mr.P!" JusaStronomer - YouTube Comment
- 2016.09.29: "Thank you IMMENSELY for providing these videos for free. You are a god at what you do." Adriana Rodriguez - YouTube Comment
- 2016.09.29: "Hey! I'm taking AP Physics at my high school and we're watching your videos for study and note purposes. You're really awesome in what you do!" Alex Lam - Blog Comment
- 2016.09.28: "Wow i was always confused about this part and lost marks for it. Finally decided to figure it out and i stumbled upon your video. Explained it so clearly. Thank you." Matt Monterrey - YouTube Comment
- 2016.09.21: "you should teach professors on how to teach physics." Yafet Hailu - YouTube Comment
- 2016.09.19: "'Try not to have a good time... this is supposed to be educational.' -Charles M. Schulz (but the literal motto of most physics professors... except for this guy!) Thanks man" Wesley Baxter - YouTube Comment
- 2016.09.15: "Mr. P, I just wanted to comment & say how much I genuinely appreciate your effort that you put into your videos. Algebra based physics is by far one of THE hardest classes I have ever had , and thanks to your videos the subject is slowly but surely coming around. Please keep making more they're fantastic! :)" Kristina Sormaz - YouTube Channel Discussion Comment
- 2016.09.11: "the best short and concise physics tutorial in the universe." Napi Alex - YouTube Comment
- 2016.09.09: "dude you are amazing. i was getting really frustrated with this concept but your video totally chilled me out and even made me laugh. thank you so so so much!!!" Ashley Bowen - YouTube Comment
- 2016.09.09: "Thanks!!! I bet you put a lot of work into that and it REALLLLLLY helped! Subscriber for life!" Emily Doogan - YouTube Comment
- 2016.09.08: "Your videos make me laugh while educating me. Thank you XD" JDKillZone - YouTube Comment
- 2016.09.04: "Pajama day XD, what i LOVE about your videos are that they're not JUST educational, they're entertaining too! keep up the awesome job mr.p " TheFat KnightReturns - YouTube Comment
- 2016.08.23: "This. is. BRILLIANT ... (and physics is awesome.) " Shaun Struwig - YouTube Comment
- 2016.08.14: "Hey thanks for these videos, why don't you have like 23777883222 subs?? ... i still can't believe that there's a person doing all this,teaching with in a certainly funny way" vishwas hablani - YouTube Comment
- 2016.07.27: "I love you" Valentina RZ - YouTube Comment
- 2016.07.10: "this is what I love real physics with so much visualisations .thanks ,wanted this since my childhood " Aman Rubey - YouTube Comment
- 2016.07.01: "these videos are amazing, your hard work will not go unnoticed I guarantee it. I believe with some time this channel will become very popular!!" ryan - YouTube Comment
- 2016.07.01: "this video is awesome...........books are irritating me when i try to understand this,...............but your video awaken me from the sleep, so thanx a lot.......keep doing this like videos.......for students" Sara Queen - YouTube Comment
- 2016.06.29: "I am a 15 year shop teacher going back for his MS science license. I ran into trouble taking a physics class this summer and your videos have helped a ton. Your videos are some of the best examples of teaching I have ever seen. I know the work is hard, but keep it up! Not sure if you work in the public ed side, but if you do you have my vote for teacher of the year! Good luck in the future!" Jeffrey Rhodes - Personal Email
- 2016.06.19: "Professor, I would like to say that I'm astonish with your job,- seriously." suicideideias - YouTube Comment
- 2016.06.14: “I really enjoyed your website and creativity. Your dedication, enthusiasm and commitment to your students is evident in your videos. Thank you for making science fun and interesting and for being an inspiration to your students!”
Debbie Stabenow - United States Senator - 2016.06.13: "Dear Mr. Palmer, I just wanted to take a second to thank you SO SO SO much for all your videos online. I am currently taking a physics course at UNC chapel hill and when I started, I got a 60 on my first exam. After finding your videos I started watching them religiously and you have basically been my teacher for this entire course. I am proud to say that so far I am on track for an A in the class thanks to you. I now show up to class completely prepared for whatever topic the teacher is "trying" to teach to us and I would be failing without your videos- I don't know how long it must take you to film, but Billy , Bobby, and Bo's questions have been some of the exact critical mistakes that I was making and that no one took the time to explain to me. My last exam was on SHM and one of the highest point questions was one that stumped everyone because he didn't give us the mass. When I laid out the problem I stared at it for quite awhile until all of a sudden the eye of the tiger started playing in the back of my head once I realized that "Everyone brought mass to the party. " I was so excited and would not have been able to get that 90% ( average was a 60% hehehe) without you! Thank you for all you do!!!!!!" Cam Dengler - Personal Facebook Message
- 2016.06.13: "Hey. I love your videos. They're really helping me in prepping for my courses I have in the Fall. Thank you so very much. P.S. Love the hair " Samuel Fortini - YouTube Comment
- 2016.06.05: "This is so informative! I now have a much better idea of how to run my flipped classes. Thank you so much for making this available to inspire those of us trying to break into flipped classroom teaching." Alicia Woody - YouTube Comment
- 2016.06.05: "Thank you for ALL your videos ... they are all amusing, entertaining and EDUCATIONAL!! :) I know it takes alot of work to record THREE times when you have your Triplets involved. You make physics seem so easy.... maybe physics IS easy and we learners haven't realized that yet.. Congrats on being among the ELITE Presenters on Youtube." Philip Y - YouTube Comment
- 2016.05.27: "Simply AWESOME!!!!!!!!!" Naveen Rawat - YouTube Comment
- 2016.05.20: "I already passed physics 1&2 with an A, and now i just watch your videos for fun." Carlos Negron - YouTube Comment
- 2016.05.14: "Thank you man! You helped me understand this in 4 minutes meanwhile my teacher try to explain it in 20 minutes!
Keep up!" DNDSH - YouTube Comment - 2016.05.13: "I know for certain that I passed my physics class because of a lot of these videos!! THANK YOU!" Bella - YouTube Comment
- 2016.05.13: "you made me love physics!" nehal elgayar - YouTube Comment
- 2016.05.11: "What an amazing teacher" soheil rasekhi - YouTube Comment
- 2016.05.09: "This channel should have 1 million subscribers already" GrotiusMaximus - YouTube Comment
- 2016.05.03: "Just wanted to thank you again, Sir!! I watched all your videos (literally ALL of them, even the Physics C classroom ones LOL) and I must say you were the reason I found the FRQ easy today. You are the BEST teacher anyone could ask for. I hope your students know the advantage they have. I had to teach myself AP Physics because my teacher did not find it necessary to go through the concepts in class :/ but you were a great help. I've told everyone about your videos, and all of my friends who are planning to take it next year. I will talk to my school to see if they can somehow use your videos... THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!" Sh P - YouTube Comment
- 2016.05.03: "Your videos are incredible and I recommend them to everyone, they helped me so much today on the exam and I still watch them because they are interesting. Thank you so much." Connor Dolan - YouTube Channel Comment
- 2016.05.03: "Really just want to say these videos have been incredibly helpful! The insight, format, and content is all top quality, and I definitely appreciate it! Thanks a ton, and keep up the incredible awesome work!!!" Teen Tesla - YouTube Comment
- 2016.05.03: "YOU HAVE THE BEST EXPLANATIONS OUT THERE. all those other videos leave me confused, but your explanations are so clear, and entertaining. THANK YOU SO MUCH. this helps immensely. pressed the thumbs up button." Ashley Fong - YouTube Comment
- 2016.05.03: "I have watched all the videos I think I needed to and you truly have helped me have a much better understanding of how everything works the way it does and why the equations and such are why they are. I wish I had you for my high school teacher! Thank you so much for helping out all of us struggling physics students!" Maddie Tobes - YouTube Comment
- 2016.05.03: "These videos have taught me more in two hours than what my teacher taught me in an entire year. You're doing the work of legends. Keep up the amazing work and the awesome hair." Jmatt Begley - YouTube Comment
- 2016.05.03: "These videos are my new favorite thing. It's not just a lecture! It's a frickin production- the characters are my favorite. Thank you. I might be laughing because of sleep deprivation from late-night studying - but also I was not expecting there to be characters!!!! THANK YOU!!!!" Shir Kalati - YouTube Comment
- 2016.05.02: "These videos take a concept that I couldn't understand in three weeks of teaching and review it in a way where 8 minutes is magic.. Might actually pass the exam tomorrow!" Carolina Kerber - YouTube Comment
- 2016.05.02: "Thank you so much dude!! I've been so nervous about the test and these videos have given me the confidence I needed to go into the test and pass it. Also, I love the whole student thing, it's hilarious. Love your work dude!!!" Kyle Tarrant - YouTube Comment
- 2016.05.01: "I can never stop smiling when you say "I enjoyed learning with you"! Thank you for all the great videos and wish me luck please :))" Sh P - YouTube Comment
- 2016.05.01: "I don't usually comment on videos but I just wanted to say that you are the man for uploading these videos. You are fun to watch, deliver a lot of content and extremely easy to understand in just 10 minutes. This deserves a lot more views. One of the best teaching channels in YouTube!" Deniz Akıncı - YouTube Comment
- 2016.05.01: "does anyone else sing along to the flipping physics song in the beginning or is it just me lol" 16supercute - YouTube Comment
- 2016.04.30: "Thank you so much for this AP physics one review series. I'm not the type of student who learns much from review books so this series was extremely helpful in refreshing my memory for the test. Wish me luck, I'll be taking it this Tuesday!!!! Thanks again, God bless!!" AndyMan - YouTube Comment
- 2016.04.29: "I really appreciate the time you put in to make these videos. They have been very beneficial to my success in the class and I believe they will help me to be successful on the big exam in 2 days!" Emilee Cantrell - YouTube Comment
- 2016.04.28: "I LOVE YOU MR.P!" NarcolepticStorm - YouTube Comment
- 2016.04.27: "Me and my class love your videos and I've pointed out how they can contribute, especially in this pre-AP Exam freak-out period.
ps- I hope you don't mind the Everybody Brought Mass is my ringtone." AyalaMrC - YouTube Comment - 2016.04.26: "As of spring 2016, I'm a freshman student in college who is gearing up for the PHYS final. Thank you for this awesome video that I have completely watched & reviewed. Revisiting and recalling the very basic fundamentals is always a good idea." Nathaniel Jensen - YouTube Comment
- 2016.04.25: "This is a great review based on that it is concise while giving all info needed. Not to mention that its not boring. Thanks!" Sergio Momo - YouTube Comment
- 2016.04.24: "You are my savior. Thank you!!!! I love your videos" Tanisha Martheswaran - YouTube Comment
- 2016.04.24: "I don't know how you do it but you manage to make physics so much fun to watch. I cracked up so much ... I can't believe it but I'm actually watching physics videos...for fun." Logan Cable - YouTube Comment
@FlippingPhysics dude! Thank you so much. I'm studying for my college physics class for my Navy course and your vids are a huge help.
— Andrew Downie (@islandownie) April 23, 2016
- 2016.04.20: "This video is sooo cool and I'm pretty sure it'll help a lot for AP! Thanks!" Shurui Yang - YouTube Comment
- 2016.04.20: "You have got a TEAM ! which is U,U,U and U ...and yeah bro its grt ! simple and great !" Atul Saswat - YouTube Comment
- 2016.04.20: "Thanks for the videos you are uploading on you tube. i haven't seen any channel like this. you are doing great job dude." Prismart Mikkili - YouTube Comment
- 2016.04.13: "it's channels like these that give me hope for humanity. If only everyone would stop fighting over nonsense and see the knowledge available at their fingertips. It's fun learning with you!" Kimberly R - YouTube Channel Discussion
- 2016.04.10: "Thanks so much for the great videos. I'm going to give these questions to my students and I always think seeing someone else go through them is good for both my students and myself. Seriously love what you do!" Joseph Rao - YouTube Comment
- 2016.04.07: "Love these videos. They present the topics as they should be presented everywhere: fun and engaging!" Jason Starlight - YouTube Comment
- 2016.04.05: "I've learned more in watching a few of your videos than I have in almost the entire school year. The explanations are straight forward and I have an easy time understanding. Thank you so much!!!" iArtificialMoron - YouTube Comment
- 2016.04.05: "omg the ap test is in a few weeks, and i can't believe i've only just found this channel and website, thank you so much, this is gonna be so very helpful!" clew 3 - YouTube Comment
- 2016.03.31: "you are a great teacher. the effort you put in making these videos is priceless..thank you :)" Quantum Cat - YouTube Comment
- 2016.03.30: "u did that all by urself .. that's awesome sir .. I really like watching n learning from your videos...n the best part is when u ask questions to your those 3 imaginary students n they answer in their own different style n n respect to u sir" Hamza Quraishi - YouTube Comment
- 2016.03.29: "I really appreciate your good effort on these videos! My teacher gives packets to solve but he never gives a concise explanation. He expects us to learn on our own and solve complex problem like finding mass of an object given Mu and kinetic friction on a ramp. But how can I do it without a good foundation? Your videos are very interactive! And I learned a ton!!!! Thank you!" Ritvik Kumaran - YouTube Comment
- 2016.03.28: "I love how you address many common misconceptions, such as with angular velocity and translational velocity ... You're awesome man!" Necking - YouTube Comment
- 2016.03.24: "That kicked butt! Mr P, your videos and teaching style are the Best! Great addition" KICKING RUSTY - YouTube Comment
- 2016.03.24: "How come this guy isn't a superstar on YT?" Mateo Agudelo Toro - YouTube Comment
- 2016.03.19: "These are the best physics videos on YouTube. Incredibly helpful! Thank you so much!" Connor Andreatidis - YouTube Comment
- 2016.03.16: "Thanks Mr P, I came from another country a year and a half ago, and your way to explain things is so clear and concise... You are a great teacher! Btw those 3 students are a great way to make your videos interesting, awesome job on this video like the other ones 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼" AlvaroMuto - YouTube Comment
- 2016.03.15: "KUDOS!!! The way you teach Physics is incredible. Your way should be the standard way. You are not only teaching, but also inspiring teachers. Well Done. God Bless you. Thank You." Anuj Sharma - YouTube Comment
- 2016.03.06: "Mr.P you are extremely radical. I want to minor in physics in college and since I have attended a small arts school for all of high school, I never got to take advanced physics. These lessons help prepare me for what is to come!" Maia Lund - YouTube Comment
- 2016.03.02: "OMG THANK YOU. The clone students were actually pretty good, it gave me a little bit of confidence to speak freely so that the teacher could correct how I think about the topic. I wish you were my Physics teacher lol." PhantasyJL - YouTube Comment
- 2016.02.28: "Wow! Watching this just made me gain a real appreciation for what you are doing. Where is the GoFundMe, or donate button???? Thanks a lot. You have helped me SO much!! More than you will ever know. And you are so clear!" Bella - YouTube Comment
- 2016.02.26: "Hey, i really like your videos and they are really helpful!! I've been struggling a lotttttt in my AP Physics class, but your lectures make perfect sense and you really simplified the problems!! You deserve one million subscribers!!! :DDD" Erica Hu - YouTube Comment
- 2016.02.22: "[These are] the 'awesomest' tutorial videos i have seen on youtube now. The speed is neither fast nor slow. Furthermore the way of representing of the material is very entertaining thus more likely for a student to remember it. And yeah, 'awesomest' is the word that fits best haha!" Nikola Milushev (Ricardo) - YouTube Comment
- 2016.02.21: "this was insanely helpful for me. i greatly appreciate this video, seriously." Heli Copter - YouTube Comment
- 2016.02.04: "sir, your way of teaching is fantastic.." Abhishek Kumar - YouTube Comment
- 2016.02.02: "these videos are so amusing that i can actually learn. Thank you so much, i have hope i wont fail AP physics!!" Amanda Freda - YouTube Comment
- 2016.01.26: "I'm a Biology teacher and about to teach Physics in the last quarter of our school year. I find it hard to relate and understand physics concepts since I'm used to biology. So I kept on watching your videos and somehow it enlightened me a lot. Thank you." RJ Atibula ت - YouTube Channel Comment
- 2016.01.19: "amazing videos.... i come to know about your channel today itself... and I'm watching your videos from last 4 hours... very well explained and demonstrated... and by relating problems with physical world... really all of your videos are awesome... keep it up... you are a good explainer... thank you so much for providing a quality education to everybody... i appreciate your work." Deepak singh ola - YouTube Comment
- 2016.01.13: "Showing this to my students to get ready for their energy exam at the end of the week, thanks!" Dan Fullerton of APlusPhysics - YouTube Comment
@FlippingPhysics is probably the only reason I passed my first quarter of physics <3
— $ (@yungmorbid) January 10, 2016
- 2016.01.05: "the way you teach is awesome" rogergordon63 - YouTube Comment
- 2016.01.03: "Its really nice to see Youtube authorities on high school Physics/Physics education collaborating for the good of the student.
Keep up the good work guys!" Nuwan Karunaratne - YouTube Comment - 2015.12.31: "You made physics quite fun and interesting! It has such a different vibe than a simple, relatively-boring lecture. Thanks for all the help! ^-^ " formul8r10101 - YouTube Comment
- 2015.12.27: "Thanks again for your amazing helpful lectures! I will once again be able to do homework without breaking any pencils!! ^_^;; " Jennifer Smogert - YouTube Comment
- 2015.12.14: "Very well done as always!!! Perefct (sic) for studying and learning when your the type of person a classroom and or text books cause anxiety and in turn a lack of focus. Your "students" cover many common questions and more. Videos are put together better than any I have come across, in any subject. They look fun to make. Is there anything you can't do? ... I wish you had videos covering all subjects. I really think this is they way of the future." TheCannanthemannan - YouTube Comment
- 2015.12.12: "Keep up the good work. Your attention to detail is excellent. Initially your videos come off as just another of many physics sequences. However as I have watched more I am realizing that they are thorough and reliable and cover many of the details that people miss." Clayton Handleman - YouTube Comment
- 2015.12.06: "It's unbelievable how well you teach the material . When I watch your videos the concepts are conveyed so easily. Can't thank you enough!" Anti Photon - YouTube Comment
- 2015.11.27: "This teacher puts every physics teacher and professor I've had in college and high school to shame." MattygFTW - YouTube Comment
- 2015.11.23: "thank you for the awesome videos!! After 5 years studying human sciences in college, with the shy desire of one day becoming a physicist, your videos have boosted my inspiration to to pursue my dream! Even though we will, probably, never meet, I will always consider you my Physics Master! I will, also, always consider Billy, Bobby and Bo my precious classroom collegues and mentors! =]" 77katsumoto - YouTube Comment
- 2015.11.19: "your videos are great!! Informative, yet entertaining, funny, yet packed with physics material! I watch videos on subjects I haven't even learned yet because you make physics fun to watch." Matthew - YouTube Comment
- 2015.11.19: "I would just like to say, I am an engineering student at a top tech school in the US and I'm taking my first class on statics and I wish my professor could have taught this as clearly as you. It's truly a pleasure to see someone who understands how to convey material in English, engage a class, and make the subject matter easy to learn and remember. Thank you for this video and I can only say I hope your students know how lucky they are to have such a great teacher, not everyone has the ability to teach, but you most definitely do." MattygFTW - YouTube Comment
- 2015.11.16: "This is a really amazing job you did. If more people spent time making clear, well made educational youtubes on topics such as chemistry , calculus, and other subjects, this could revolutionize the educational system as we know it. There would be less of a need to print out the requisite 300 page physics textbook which , lets face it, most students don't read anyway. This is a very engaging and immersive first step into the subject, i will recommend it to my peers struggling with physics. I'm going to watch all your physics videos. Looking forward to seeing future subjects. p.s. i sent a donation " Ok Ok - YouTube Comment
- 2015.11.11: "I'm moved by your dedication to create videos and the amount of effort/editing that goes into each one! The fact that you spend so much time working to help people understand physics through your videos (including a student like me) I just have one thing to say; That you. Are awesome. There is more weight to those words than you know, but you are doing a good thing. An amazing thing. Your teaching style and easy to understand methods helps clear up misunderstandings and things like that. You're great." Justin Luu - YouTube Comment
- 2015.11.10: "I super duper 100% appreciate every second of your effort. People change the world day by day. As an adult college student, I see this potential constantly. Its easy to distinguish between people who are doing "work" and those that are shaping the world around them. Thanks alot Mr. P. You wouldn't want to come and teach at my campus by chance?? If it were up to me and my tuition statements, you would totally have the gig." Angie - Blog Comment
- 2015.11.08: "Sir i just wanted to take a moment to personally thank you for all the hard work you put in your videos, they're awesome. i go to a school in Saudi Arabia, and we use your video all the time. again, thank you for making this difficult subject easier and enjoy your day. You're awesome." An anonymous Facebook message.
- 2015.11.04: "You're one of great physics teacher I've ever known. I've watched most of your videos. They're brilliant! They make me understand physics better than I was in high school (I couldn't get good grades for physics during university because of my poor basic high school skill in physics.). Your videos also answer many of my curiosity in physics. I really appreciate your attempt and your goal to educate people online, no matter where they live. I also like your taching style, the flipping class, because it lets students to learn by themselves and get to know what they don't understand first before having time to discuss their questions with the teacher. My mom agrees with me as well and want to thank you because your videos make me prepare myself a lot better for the exam I'll take at the end of this year....And I want to thank your family or anyone relating to flipping physics too that they support you to create many wonderful videos for free education. I look forward to your new videos! (me: a student of your filpping physics from Thailand)" Angela Duangchit - YouTube Comment
- 2015.11.02: Emre Kabasakal, a student in Istanbul, Turkey, enjoyed my extemporaneous "The Physics Works" song in my video Dropping A Ball from 2.0 Meters so much he decided to make his own version of it. Thank you for making my day Emre!
Please enjoy Emre's version of "The Physics Works" - 2015.11.01: "been watching these lectures. so much amazingness. sometimes i like to imagine a world where you are my physics teacher. flipping thank you (; <--- [smiling and crying face]" PengyGoy - YouTube Comment
- 2015.11.01: "You are the biggest help in the world, im barely staying afloat in ap physics 1 right now but these videos will help me improve for my next assessment! Just know you have made a difference in someone life!" Brenda Benitez - YouTube Comment
- 2015.10.27: "Excellent video Flipping Physics! Thank you so much for not only going through how to do it step-by-step, but also explaining the common mistakes that students make-- that part was the most valuable for me. Thanks for your clear and humorous help!" christian lin - YouTube Comment
- 2015.10.18: "thanks to this, im no longer solving problems blind. i have been solving problems with just inputting the values to the formula without understanding what it meant. thank you very much!" Chris Wass - YouTube Comment
- 2015.10.15: "All your videos are clear, concise, sometimes cringeworthy which makes for an awesome way to remember too. Just started my Physics degree after being out of education for about 4 years so this is a great help for me to catch up, even if i am studying in London. Thanks so much" TheProkage - YouTube Comment
- 2015.10.04: "Monterrey, MX is where I was Born :D.. love these videos.. im taking Phyisics in a University and when my Professor teaches it, it just goes over my head.. but you explain better and the visuals help. Paying hundreds of dollars for a physics class and im just ending up learning it on Youtube for free :/" hottxlatina - YouTube Comment
- 2015.09.30: "Hi Mr. Palmer!! I don't know if you remember me, but I had you for physics about 4 years ago 😃 I'm a junior in college now and am taking physics this semester. I've actually really been struggling to learn physics in my class, but then I remembered how clearly you taught all of us the concepts back in high school! That's when I found your page, and I've been able to watch a couple videos so far and will be watching lots more soon! I just want to thank you for posting these videos online. And for being such a great teacher to me and others. Physics isn't one of my strong points, but you made it a little less scary and a lot easier to understand! it's such a relief to know that I can be super confused in my physics class but watch one of your videos and completely get it. I can't thank you enough!" Juliana Lim - Facebook Message
- 2015.09.30: "I freaking love this guy, he makes so much sense!!!!!!!! Why couldn't he be my physics teacher!?!?! I love your videos, you remind me why I love physics!!!" John Miguel Pantalone - YouTube Comment
- 2015.09.30: "This was GREAT! I really got how the slower vehicle looks like it's going backwards. I had read this, but couldn't visualize it before. I realize that I see this all the time when I'm driving. But because I KNOW that the slower cars I pass are not going backwards, I compensate in some way and see them as going forwards." Alexandra Hopkins - YouTube Comment
- 2015.09.27: "I just want to say thanks so much for these EXTREMELY educational videos. I'm currently taking Mechanics and it's kicking my [buttocks]! in addition to reading and trying the homework problems, I use your videos to supplement my study and they definitely do help. i love how much time and effort you put into these and please keep them coming! thank you so much, i've spread the word of Flipping Physics to my fellow students so hopefully they can use is as a tool as well." Anthony - YouTube Comment
- 2015.09.25: "This video is so funny! I was recently searching for a video on Physics and stumbled upon this one. You are a creative genius. I know this took some technical skill and trickery to create this video but you pulled it off very well. I was laughing the whole time while watching this video as well as learning the material. Thanks for your informative and very entertaining help. Keep up the great work!" Jrosado8 - YouTube Video
- 2015.09.14: "better than khan academy physics. Man you explain everything so ... perfectly. You will get bigger and more popular, i know it." Leonel Ramos - YouTube Comment
- 2015.09.10: "My honors physics class this year introduced the "flipped learning" concept. This means that all of our learning is done completely at home online watching lecture videos and time in class is spent doing labs and what would be homework. Our teacher assigns us to watch a specific one of these videos almost every night as they go along with the book we use. These videos are great and really help me learn what the topics are about!" Mike Boyer - YouTube Comment
- 2015.09.08: "How could someone dislike this?" Karim Chammaa - YouTube Comment
- 2015.07.19: "I received my AP scores a few days ago. I got a 5 for the AP Physics C:Mechanics exam! I did not take any AP Physics classes in my high school and the only studying material was all your lecture videos and the released exams that I printed out! Much appreciated and quite impressed with both the quality of your work, and my results. I hope you'll keep on with your hard work- you should recognize that your hard work is worth it!" Jongwon Lee - YouTube Comment
- 2015.07.15: "I am blown away by this video. You really do such a great job of showing how this works - the side-by-side overhead shots, the cross-sectional area comparisons of the cylinder, dropping the cylinder in the fish tank. The visuals are so well-done and are invaluable. They so clearly show and explain the principles you are trying to convey. Excellent job!" MisterGazda - YouTube Comment
- 2015.07.13: "hey just wanted to thank you so much for helping me get 5's of the physics C mechanics and electricity and magnetism exams. I self-studied these exams with your videos and I would not of been able to accomplish this goal and challenge without you. Keep being awesome Mr. Palmer. Thanks!" Brendan Zotto - YouTube Comment
- 2015.06.20: "Of all the subjects taught in high school, i would say physics is the hardest to teach and to learn. You sir, are an amazing teacher and I wish I had you in high school." kangsu suh - YouTube Comment
- 2015.06.13: "best teaching i have ever seen." pushkar soni - YouTube Comment
Twitter fail! Some student fans are included! RT @FlippingPhysics Do I get to see you modeling the T-shirt?
— Stephen C. Tighe (@PhysicsGuyTighe) March 25, 2015
- 2015.05.12: "I truly appreciate your videos and the effort that you have put into these amazing videos. I finished watching all the AP Physics 1 Flipping Physics format videos, and it was truly amazing to see myself being equipped with more physics knowledge everyday." John Kim - YouTube Comment
- 2015.05.11: "This is what teachers should be like! You're awesome <3" STSfoxface L - YouTube Comment
- 2015.05.06: "my friends and i just found your vids and youre honestly one of the best if not the best that we've seen. i hope you know you're appreciated and behalf of us all thank you for all the effort you put into make these, it helped us a lot 😄👌" Jayesh Sharma - YouTube Comment
- 2015.05.05: "This stuff is so helpful, thanks so much for putting the effort into making these videos. Helped me remember all the stuff I forgot and I'm talking about all your videos not just this one! Just want to let you know that my entire class is using your videos to help study for the ap physics test and how much of a huge help it's been." Potato God - YouTube Comment
AP Physics 1 tomorrow. Good thing we have @FlippingPhysics and his multiple personality disorder #thankyou
— JohnJack Murphy (@JohnThePizzaMon) May 5, 2015
- 2015.05.04: "THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THESE VIDEOS!!! They have helped me so much in studying for the AP Physics test on Wednesday. Your videos cover everything and are helping me understand what I didn't get the first time around. Honestly I wish you taught my AP Physics 1 class this year." Peter Fortunato - YouTube Comment
- 2015.05.04: "This is going to save me. Thank you so much. This clears up all the knowledge that I've gained all year and enables me to use it. Now I know what to do with all this stuff in my notes." Mrdenverfan01 - YouTube Comment
- 2015.05.03: "Thank you so much for posting these!!! You're saving lives! (The lives of the juniors who are going to take the AP Physics exam)" catgoesmeow07 - YouTube Comment
- 2015.05.03: "i wish i knew about these videos when i was struggling in class months ago, this is a godsend!" Awsuman Dayal - YouTube Comment
- 2015.05.01: "thank you so much man! it definitely helped me study for my test, and it helped me understand this unit better. Your videos are cool!!! Thank you again!" rose - YouTube Comment
- 2015.04.12: "really, really, really appreciate this. Thank you so much for all the time you put into helping kids like me learn and enjoy physics. You are truly a remarkable teacher (on and off the internet)." MopTopRock - YouTube Comment
- 2015.04.09: "Great video! ... The quality of these review videos are amazing!" Incramus - YouTube Comment
- 2015.04.09: "I'd like to thank you for the efforts. These videos are helping me tremendously with my college Physics course. I have made many of the mistakes that are shown here and the videos have helped me in getting good habits... "translate the info into Physics... always use the right units... an equation is always a good place to start..." etc." Rafael Montecristo - YouTube Comment
- 2015.02.25: "these videos have really inspired me to pursue and understand physics in college, before your lectures i considered the subject matter boring and fairly tedious. The amount of enthusiasm and passion you show towards physics is really contagious and I can say with certainty it has changed my life. Sorry if this sounds melodramatic, but honestly thank you for your content and hopefully returning to the classroom has the same effect on other students." Brendan Zotto - YouTube Comment
- 2015.02.18: "Your video just tickled me to the core! Your kids are precious! Thank you so much for taking the time to clear up a very confusing concept for me. I love my Physics class though the concepts tend to go way over my head. Videos like these are a Godsend! Kudos!" Sweetie Pies - YouTube Comment
- 2015.02.16: "I've learned so much from watching your physics videos ... Thank you so much for posting such high-quality videos that are also entertaining!" blackfoxmp5 - YouTube Comment
- 2015.02.15: "Hi, I just wanted to say, I really appreciate your videos! Makes me feel like I'm sitting right in class there. Keep doin' what you're doin'!" NbOaAsHtola - YouTube Comment
- 2015.02.12: "You Sir, are an amazing human. Thank you for all this goodness!" Michael Martins - YouTube Comment
- 2015.01.13: "Hello Sir. I am a chemistry teacher from the Philippines. I know very little about physics. But because of your videos, i was enlightened. I sometimes argue with other physics teachers about the difference between the velocity and speed when in a circular motion, because speed = d/t and velocity is x/t. I mean Δx/Δt. ^_^" Deo Monroyo - YouTube Channel Discussion
- 2015.01.13: "Thank you so much for making these videos! You saved my life! God Bless you, keep on making these videos" Subhan Khan - YouTube Comment
- 2015.01.12: "I am a graduate (masters) student studying for the Physics GRE and have found your videos to be immensely helpful!! The AP-C level is perfect for the majority of topics covered on the exam!! Not to mention, your teaching style as well as enthusiasm has made the learning process for this test enjoyable (not to mention its made me jealous I didn't have such a great highschool professor!!)...thank you for this awesome resource!!!! have a very clear way of explaining things from which the freshman college undergraduate curriculum could learn a thing or two. I am very grateful for your will to put these online and your effort in promoting a quality of future potential physicists :) thanks from all the physics students studying for the pgre at Texas state" eric welch - YouTube Comment
- 2014.12.31: "You guys are doing an outstanding job educating students about physics. I am very^2 impressed! Keep up the great work, creativity, enthusiasm and professional presentation. All the Best." Tom of The Physics Classroom - FaceBook Post
- 2014.12.16: "I've been a regular user of Khan Academy for a long time, and their videos don't even come close to being as fun or engaging. Good stuff." Adarsh Denga - YouTube Comment
- 2014.11.10: "You're one of the best teachers i've ever seen! and now i'm a 1st year college student and still watching your videos! your videos are very helpful for me, Thank you Mr.p" Hawre Balak - Facebook Comment
- 2014.11.02: "That was amazing, I've been hung up on so many components of kinematics and I would spend hours trying to understand the WHY. Among other things, I spent all of calculus 2 and college level physics mindlessly following the right hand rule because I did not understand it, You spent two minutes explaining it with the wheel and now I have a firm grasp of the rule. You are a great teacher" Humza Qureshi - YouTube Comment
- 2014.09.24: "By a clear mile this is the best online resource I have found for any class! I love the combination of cheesiness, humor, and focus on material. Thank you so much for making these! Keep up the incredible work, I will refer you to everyone I know!" Roman Kouznetsov - YouTube Comment
- 2014.09.12: "After viewing all of module one and now beginning with a great video from module two, there is no reason at all why these videos should not have more views. Thousands of students struggle with physics each year and this could be their refuge. These clips even top Kahn Academy in quality, simplicity, and overall enjoyment. Luckily I was told about these videos because one of the top physics dogs at our university had told his students about them. I have recommended all of these tutorials to my classmates as we stumble through our career in physics. Thank you for making such a helpful aid and I cannot wait for more questions to arise in class that will be swiftly answered by your videos." Evan Black - YouTube Comment
- 2014.09.09: "Thank you so much for all your hard work in these videos, I dont know why you dont have hundreds of thousands of views! They're explained so well, and I'm watching these while in College Algebra based physics!" Bayooneh1 - YouTube Comment
- 2014.09.05: "I sincerely wish to thank you for your excellent services in teaching physics to students. It is your passion that makes the difference. I was searching for a good online website to teach physics for my son. Many sites including the paid ones, school sites, etc. were not that much interesting nor effective. I finally found your videos and instantly they were impressing me. My son learns effectively though watching videos & not through reading text books. That is why I was keen to find one good web site. I will start to use from today and hope to see good progress in his learning. In this process I will also watch all your videos. Once again, I thank you from bottom of my heart. People like you make this world a better place to live…. “ Venkatesan Srinivasan - Personal Email
- 2014.08.12: "Bravo. A piece of educational art. Keep them coming!" We Are Showboat - YouTube Comment
- 2014.08.03: "You are such a great teacher … I like how you use what I call the K.I.S.S. method, "Keep It Simple & Structured”. I hope that when I finish up my Schooling to be a professor, I will be able to communicate ideas as well as you do.” Salon Mark Lares - Personal Email
- 2014.07.23: "I want to thank you for posting such amazing videos! You are literally a life-saver!" Nathan Jones - YouTube Comment
- 2014.07.09: "THANK YOU SO MUCH for being a part of my studying, I'm not the smartest guy, kinda like the guy in the middle desk. Just thank you thank you :,)" Darin Howell - YouTube Comment
- 2014.06.10: "first you helped with electricity and magnetism for my university physics class. now you're helping for the MCAT. thanks man!!" Camilo Martinez - YouTube Comment
- 2014.05.19: "haha this makes studying more fun" MsDJ619 - YouTube Comment
- 2014.05.12: "I would just like to thank you for this video and all the other ones that you've made. You are capable of explaining it all so clearly and directly. You sure helped me a lot and please don't stop making these videos so you can help all future Mechanics C students!" Voodoo Hunter - YouTube Comment
- 2014.05.12: "I just learned more in about 30 minutes than I did the entire year from my AP Physics class. Thank you so much" Non Ame - YouTube Comment
- 2014.05.12: "@FlippingPhysics is the savior of AP physics students all across the globe!! Trumie 4 life 💜💛💚💚💚❤" Tweet from @biggameJames28 (Yung Nerd James)
- 2014.05.11: "The helpfulness and quality of this video is astounding. Thanks so much." SharKCS11 - YouTube Comment
- 2014.05.11: "I am SO MAD I didn't find out about your videos sooner! They are so helpful and you explain things so well! Thank you so much you are a lifesaver " Amanda Nguyen - YouTube Comment
- 2014.05.11: "I would just like to express my gratitude for your videos. I've watched every single one of your in-class lecture videos and I am blown away by your teaching ability. Thank you for explaining common student mistakes in problems. I cannot even begin to tell you how much that has helped my conceptual understanding of physics." Will Morgan - YouTube Comment
- 2014.05.11: "thank you, this video was unbelievably helpful, it reviewed all important topics and reminded me exactly what I need to review for the test. your a saint." Caleb Hille - YouTube Comment
- 2014.05.10: "Thank you so much for making these videos! I am currently studying for my AP exam on monday and trying out the the test first then watching these videos has been very helpful!" Geraldine Vasquez - YouTube Comment
- 2014.05.10: "I really wish I had discovered your channel earlier in my high school career. This is really helpful thank you!" Emilio Barreiro - YouTube Comment
- 2014.05.09: "BLESS YOU for making these!!!!! <3 loveeeeeeee" heeteepee - YouTube Comment
- 2014.05.04: "This is extremely helpful! The solutions are extremely thorough and there's alternate solutions/extra tips for some problems too. Thanks for putting this together!" Maria Khan - YouTube Comment
- 2014.04.23: "Really enjoying these videos and they are very helpful keep up the good work =)" Robbie Bierach - YouTube Comment
- 2014.04.23: "Wow you are amazing" GrangeSide Qs - YouTube Comment
- 2014.04.22: "First of all, I'd like to thank you personally for posting these videos! ... You make physics even more fun (didn't think that was even possible!), and I'm able to follow you in a concise yet quirky fashion. Your 'flipped classroom' idea truly caters to students with passion and drive, and I find that your work specifically is geared to my strengths--I'd much rather learn on my own time, and ask questions during class. I feel that this style of teaching also prepares students for college and beyond! I applaud you for that. Thank you for being so awesome. " Matt Johnson - Google+ Comment
- 2014.04.21: "This is awesome, exactly what I needed! Thank you!" Kyle Watkins - YouTube Comment
- 2014.04.17: "This video is great. I like how you get straight to the point and commend you on your speed. A great refresher on concepts learned throughout the year." Hunter Olsen - YouTube Comment
- 2014.04.10: "used this in my physical science class. Loved it." Emma Manning - YouTube Comment
- 2014.03.31: "This is awesome! Thanks for sharing." Jason Graham - YouTube Comment
- 2014.03.27: "Thanks for your help and for all your awesome videos!!" lightvsdark21 - YouTube Comment
- 2014.03.24: "I appreciate all your videos thank man!" Miguel Pugmire - YouTube Comment
- 2014.03.22: "i am very thankful that you upload such videos :)" valentass88 - YouTube Comment
- 2014.03.19: "This was a great help. Informative and entertaining!" Hello - YouTube Comment
- 2014.03.19: "BEST EXPLANATION EVER..Sir your videos are miracle!!!!!! :D" Mashrukul Huque - YouTube Comment
- 2014.03.05: "Awesome!:D" morgan Abbotts - YouTube Comment
- 2014.03.05: "Great video! thanks :)" Lana BB - YouTube Comment
- 2013.03.04: "Not only amazingly instructive, but also hilariously funny!" Hubert Rast - YouTube Comment
- 2014.03.03: "best video ever, thanks you man!!" M Maani - YouTube Comment
- 2014.03.01: "Helping me with my University of Michigan college physics class!! More helpful than any lecture I have gone to." Shannon Lohman - YouTube Comment
- 2014.02.20: "I will watch all your videos kind sir" diablomaniac734 - YouTube Comment
- 2014.02.06: "i love you" Fan Yang - YouTube Comment
- 2014.02.05: "Don't stop doing what you're doing. You are very helpful, and I just had to say thanks!" Anthony Costagliola - YouTube Comment
- 2014.02.03: "these videos deserve so much more views and likes. amazing job" Manuel Thomas - YouTube Comment
- 2014.02.03: "wow ! thank you very much Sir. your students are lucky" Teppei Moon - YouTube Comment
- 2014.02.01: "dude your good lol" Narin gopaul - YouTube Comment
- 2014.01.22: "quite honestly, it's the best resource for me I've found on the web...even better than Khan Academy." John Clark - excerpt from a personal FaceBook message. The full message can be read on my blog.
- 2014.01.22: "You're a lifesaver. This is awesome, keep up the good work!" ALlen Chen - YouTube Comment
- 2014.01.21: "Very helpful. Goofy enough to help me pay attention, too. Thanks guy!" Nicky Hales - YouTube Comment
- 2014.01.21: "Thank you so much, that really helped ! And it was fun to watch as well..." 1DMiddleEast - YouTube Comment
- 2014.01.18: "You are an inspiration! Keep up the good work!" Deb Hobson Bird - Personal FaceBook Message
- 2014.01.18 "Thank you so much! This video helped a lot, I've been lost in my physics class since we started this lesson and this helped clear it up a bit. Thanks." bunnyboo486 - YouTube Comment
- 2013.12.08: "I wish I had you for physics!" Olivia W - YouTube Comment
- 2013.12.08: "Really outstanding. Each video gets better and better!" We Are Showboat - YouTube Comment
- 2013.11.29: "You're such an amazing teacher!! Ah, teachers like you is what we need!!" Litcy Barreto - YouTube Comment
- 2013.11.21: "Please, please, do not stop! You are absolutely great and you have given me a chance to fulfill my dream to become an astrophysicist." Bogdon - This is an excerpt from a FaceBook message I received. The entire message can be read on my blog.
- 2013.11.19: "wow u make Physics a joy to embrace!!!" juliet n rocko - Blog Comment
- 2013.11.06: "thank you so much! :D" Robert Orozc - YouTube Comment
- 2013.11.06: "Wonderful Guy" Mohamed Saleh - YouTube Comment
- 2013.10.31: "I don't know why your videos are so underviewed, they are AWESOME! so clear and precise and brief! i logged in to my youtube account just to tell you. I will be showing everyone in my physics class. thanks again!" Vikram Gupta - Personal YouTube Message
- 2013.10.28: "My students have stated that they like your (videos) the best since you are both informative AND entertaining." Dr. John Antinora a current physics teacher in a flipped class - Personal Email
- 2013.10.16: "The classroom feeling makes the video interesting. Nice work" megh abhyankar - YouTube Comment
- 2013.10.16: "Awesome teacher!" Mumfin - YouTube Comment
- 2013.10.08: "you put a lot of effort into this great job man" Akash Desai - YouTube Comment
- 2013.10.07: "please can you come to morocco and teach them how to be cool while teaching :)" Jawad Afellat - YouTube Comment
- 2013.09.26: "These are awesome dude! NICE job!" N3urotic - YouTube Comment
- 2013.09.26: "These are really well done and very watchable. Good job, keep making these!" We Are Showboat - YouTube Comment
- 2013.09.23: "Your website is BOSS! Thank you for your knowledge and enthusiasm :]" Allison L - YouTube Comment
- 2013.09.19: "Love your videos, especially your teaching style :)" Mr. Lolrus - YouTube Comment
- 2013.09.16: "I must admit, this 9 minute video is a lot better than my college professor's hour long lecture on the same topic..." blackmamba1261 - YouTube Comment
- 2013.09.09: "I don't know who Mr. Palmer is, but he gets kudos for dancing the Macarena on Youtube. Oh, and the physics lecture is entertaining as well." BEM684 - YouTube Comment
- 2013.08.28: "You have to be a genius to know how to work with big equations and have a love for physics." d wang - YouTube Comment
- 2013.08.13: "Hahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha oh my god hahahahahaahahaahahahahaha" - Rex Thered, YouTube Comment
- 2013.08.11: "Although I have never met you in person, I would like you to know that I've watched through most of your Physics C classroom videos in order to supplement my independent study of the course. Your teaching ability is quite incredible and I have to say I've really been inspired by what you have done for your students. Thank you for making such a rigorous class become so enjoyable." - Kevin Le, Blog Comment
- 2013.07.06: "Cool idea, having "students" to talk to and trying to make the video fun, and making it real with the actual darts." - WeAreShowboat, YouTube Comment
- 2013.06.01: "I just finished my Mechanics of Solids and Fluids class a few days ago. I started the semester with a D on my first test. Soon after by pure luck I found your physics videos on youtube. I continued the semester to watch both your algebra and calculus videos and thought I would be lucky to pass the class with a "C". Today I received my final scores and to my surprise not only did I ace my final exam but I was one of the few who earned an "A" in the class. I really appreciate your relentless style of teaching and want to thank you for providing your videos for all to see." - Chris Bass, Personal Email
- 2013.05: "The Flipping video reviews are flipping amazing. Thanks for posting those. My students enjoyed seeing how much we have covered this year, and they really enjoyed your humor and clever comments." - John Tilson, Personal Email
- 2013.05: "Your four videos for the ap exams saved me. Thanks man" - Arlind Mara, YouTube Comment
- 2013.05: "thank god this exists.." - Nick Morin, YouTube Comment
- 2013.04: "your videos are so helpful; you explain things better than my professor does. thank you for making them!" - sjfhiuvnrisdja, YouTube Comment
- 2013.04: "Brilliant." - Akshay Tiwary, YouTube Comment
- 2013.03: "This is so awesome!!" - Mukul Mod, YouTube Comment
- 2013.03: "I think a teacher cannot get more awesome than this!" - Litcy Barret, YouTube Comment
- 2013.02: "So awesome. I wish I had a teacher like this when I was at school." - Avalon Jane, YouTube Comment
- 2013.02: "Super cool and interesting! I love it when science is made so engaging." - Kat Standfield, YouTube Comment
- 2013.02: "Why is your hair so glamorous?" - octoberbreez, YouTube Comment
- 2013.02: "I'm taking a complicated course and the examples in here are much better at explaining things than my book!" - toolazytocreateaname, YouTube Comment