Collaborate with Flipping Physics!
One of my fears when I started Flipping Physics was that I would ostracize myself from society by hiding out in my basement all the time. In an attempt to obviate that, I have invited people to work with me on various projects. If you would like to volunteer to be a part of the process and even be in one of my videos, please let me know: email, tweet, FB message, whatever...
Completed Collaborations:
Completed Collaborations:
- Melanie Kingett, of The APsolute RecAP, was a guest physics teacher in Fluid Pressure - Billy's Still Dreaming about Physics
- Mr. Hanson was a guest physics teacher in Letting Go Of Your Numbers Dependency
- Dr. Jisonna was a guest physics teacher in A “Show All Your Work” Example
- Ms. Langenbrunner was a guest physics teacher in Why "Show All Your Work"?
- Bronson Hoover of dnbstudios composed and performed the music for my #DayofSilence video: A Tale of Three Accelerations.
- Anish, Kevin, and Olivia agreed to be my "stubsitute students" in six videos:
- Simple Harmonic Motion Introduction via a Horizontal Mass-Spring System
- Simple Harmonic Motion - Force, Acceleration, and Velocity at 3 Positions
- Horizontal vs. Vertical Mass-Spring System
- When is a Pendulum in Simple Harmonic Motion?
- Demonstrating the Period of Simple Harmonic Motion
- Triple the Mass in a Mass-Spring System. How does Period Change?
- Raivat Shah participated as a student to learn about Universal Gravitation.
- Christopher Becke starred in another video, this time about Centripetal Force.
- Kit Betts-Masters of Gorilla Physics worked on a video about Centripetal Force.
- Chrisotpher Becke took umbrage with something I did in "Introductory Elastic Collision Problem Demonstration".
- Six of us worked together on a video titled "Six Teacher Approaches to Physics Labs".
- Dan Fullerton is a miniature floating head to help us learn about Elastic Potential Energy.
- Ian Terry of Big Brother 14 fame drops a mass to show Conservation of Mechanical Energy.
- Dan Fullerton of APlusPhysics and I collaborate on Which AP Physics Course Should I Take?
- Two of my nephews, Landon and Graham, pull on a rope to describe the Force of Tension.
- Mrs. Zeller teaches us about Newton's First Law of Motion
- My three brothers Ken, Jim, and Chris pull on a turtle to do a Force Vector Example.
- Kevin Zhang runs into a wall to show Newton's Third Law of Motion
- Marcia pushed a chair to teach us about inertial mass.
- Ken, Ray, Nicole & Audrey are in 9 “Dos” for Making Engaging Flipping Videos
- Jaclyn, Meghan & Cara are in The Basics of Making Engaging Flipping Videos