
Jonathan Thomas-Palmer, a.k.a. mr.p or me: Graduated from the University of Michigan in 1997 with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. After being an engineer for a while I went back to the University of Michigan and graduated with a Master's in Education in 2000. I started teaching High School Physics in the fall of 2000 and taught College Prep Physics for 13 years. In 2001 I taught AP Physics B for 2 years before changing over to AP Physics C both Mechanics and Electricity & Magnetism & I taught AP Physics C for 9 years.
In the fall of 2011 I started video taping all of my classes and providing them for my students online. In October of 2012 I started uploading those In-Class Lecture Videos to YouTube. There are 79 hours and 495 videos posted on the mrthomaspalmer YouTube Channel. I started using those videos to flip my classes in December of 2012.
In February of 2013 I started the FlippingPhysics YouTube Channel because those videos are more clear, concise and comedic. All of the videos that I make from here on out will be of the Flipping Physics variety.
In August of 2013 I resigned my physics teaching position so that I could create more Flipping Physics videos staring Billy, Bobby and Bo. The idea is that other teachers can use these videos to flip their classes.
In January of 2014 I stepped back into the high school physics classroom part-time. It feels good to be back in the classroom and still be able to continue teaching the world physics by making Flipping Physics videos.
Favorite Food: Nachos
Favorite Band: Beastie Boys, Indigo Girls, Led Zeppelin, The Wailin' Jennys, The Accidentals
Favorite Movie: Everything Everywhere All At Once!!
Favorite Cereal: Grape Nuts
Word that best describes me: Perspicacious
Term Cloud that shows all the other cool websites that link to mine!
In the fall of 2011 I started video taping all of my classes and providing them for my students online. In October of 2012 I started uploading those In-Class Lecture Videos to YouTube. There are 79 hours and 495 videos posted on the mrthomaspalmer YouTube Channel. I started using those videos to flip my classes in December of 2012.
In February of 2013 I started the FlippingPhysics YouTube Channel because those videos are more clear, concise and comedic. All of the videos that I make from here on out will be of the Flipping Physics variety.
In August of 2013 I resigned my physics teaching position so that I could create more Flipping Physics videos staring Billy, Bobby and Bo. The idea is that other teachers can use these videos to flip their classes.
In January of 2014 I stepped back into the high school physics classroom part-time. It feels good to be back in the classroom and still be able to continue teaching the world physics by making Flipping Physics videos.
Favorite Food: Nachos
Favorite Band: Beastie Boys, Indigo Girls, Led Zeppelin, The Wailin' Jennys, The Accidentals
Favorite Movie: Everything Everywhere All At Once!!
Favorite Cereal: Grape Nuts
Word that best describes me: Perspicacious
Term Cloud that shows all the other cool websites that link to mine!
Flipping Physics out and about in the "real" world:
- 2022.02.22: Physics gone viral: Ann Arbor teacher finds global audience with colorful physics videos
- 2022.02.08: Vlogbrothers Sponsorship Award Winner
- 2021.11.20: Harvard's PoLS-T Network Talk & Live Q&A Discussion: Jonathan Thomas-Palmer of Flipping Physics
- 2020.07.16: My #FlipTech2020 discussion of Asynchronous Flipped Gameful Mastery Learning.
- 2020.07.03: Article about Flipping Physics.
- 2019.12.16: Officially became a Discovery Education Content Partner!
- 2019.12.04: Officially became a Bo Clips Content Partner!
- 2019.03.25: Interviewed on Podcast Episode 25 of Ask the Flipped Learning Network by Ken Bauer
- 2019.03.20: Video submitted for a Psych Show project: "How does creating YouTube videos affect my mental health?"
- 2018.11.13-14: Presented about Flipped and Gameful Learning and trained physics teachers at the A+ College Ready 2-Day Fall Science Conference
- 2018.10.20: Presented at the Southern Ohio Section of AAPT about Flipped Learning and Gameful Learning
- 2018.04.25: Flipping Awesome Physics with an Asynchronous Flipped Gameful Mastery Learning Classroom
- 2018.02.22: Five YouTube channels every Physics teacher and student should know
- 2017.11.09: Presented about Flipping Education for the University of Michigan Secondary MAC program education students.
- 2017.06.14: Successfully Flip the Physics Classroom - AAPT Webinar
- 2016.12.12: Flipping the Classroom Around the World - Webinar & Picture
- 2016.05.25: Interviewed for Ann Arbor Community Television Network about teaching and Flipping Physics.
- 2015.08.07: Presented about Flipping Education for the University of Michigan Secondary MAC program education students.
- 2015.03.19: Panelist for a MACUL15 presentation. "Learning Live Online: Strategies for Creating an Effective Webinar".
- 2015.01.16: Ann Arbor Independent Article about Me!! "Ann Arbor Man’s “Flipping Physics” Gaining National Recognition".
- 2014.12.30 @ 7 PM: Flipping Physics Premieres on Ann Arbor Community Television Network!
- 2014.12.15: Finalist for an EduBlog Award in "Best Educational Use of Media" (Feel free to enjoy my vote request video.)
- 2014.11.07: Panelist at the University of Michigan School of Education Career Awareness Conference
- 2014.11: I am a University of Michigan Playmaker!
- 2014.08.15: Presented via Google Hangout to Flipping the Classroom participants in Singapore.
- 2014.05.25: Presented at FlipCon14.
- 2014.05.18: Presented webinar about Flipping in Education during the University of Michigan's 4T Virtual Conference.
- 2014.02.28: Gave a breakout presentation at the Mercy High School Tech Talk about How and Why to Flip Your Classroom.
- 2014.02.27: Participated in a taping of American Graduate Community Town Hall television program that aired on Detroit Public Television.
- 2013.10.24: Gave a presentation to student teachers at the Masters of Arts with teacher Certification (MAC) Program at the University of Michigan.
- 2013.05.08: Panelist of Current Flipped Learning Teachers at the Michigan Association of Secondary School Principals Flipped Learning Conference.
The Hair
- There seem to be plenty of questions and comments about the hair. So here you go:
- I cut my hair about every 2.5 years and donate it. I donate my hair to Children with Hair Loss. If you are planning to donate your hair, I do recommend them.
- Also, I am in a long running hair donation battle with Kim Ulrich's daughter. Feel free to join!
I enjoy tie-dye. Perhaps that is an understatement. I really enjoy tie-dye? Hmm. Well, my first tie-dye experience was during my 16th birthday party during which I inexplicable decided it would be fun to have everyone tie-dye, in April, in Michigan. (it's cold.) It was so Rit-dye terrible that I didn't tie-dye again until about 3 years later. And well, I have tie-dyed at least once every summer since. I decided to pull out a good percentage of the tie-dye shirts that I currently have and display them for you here. Over the years I have produced hundreds of tie-dyed items. It's just so much fun. I mean, look at all that tie-dye. Doesn't it make you happy? It makes me happy, and yes, all my tie-dye creations are on hangers in my closet. 😊
I really and truly couldn’t be doing this without my wife. She supports me completely. She supported me when I quit my “real” teaching job to start a company with an amazing vision and no profits. Even though she has never taken a physics class in her life, she watches every minute of every video and gives constructive criticism. She provides a wonderful sounding board and knows how to tell me one of my ideas is terrible without putting me down. We met when I was 16 and we are still in love today. Kate, thank you so much for all your help.