The University of Michigan School of Education MAC Presentation 2013.10.24 (1:22:09)
I was graciously asked by Jeff Stanzler and Rory Hughes to present to the University of Michigan Education 504 class "Teaching with Technology". The class is one that all MAC (Masters of Arts with teacher Certification) students must take and one that I took 14 years ago when I was in the MAC program at U of M. Enjoy the presentation.
Click Times for Content: 0:03 Jeff Stanzler's introduction of me! 1:25 I Introduce myself 5:27 An outline of the presentation and my journey to Flipping Physics 9:42 Talking about an in-class lecture video 12:08 Talking about the first Flipping Physics videos 18:40 The first Flipping Physics handout 27:40 How I film Billy, Bobby and Bo 38:03 2nd Handout: Comparing a Traditional to a Flipped Schedule 44:30 A multitude of student questions 52:00 3rd Handout: Quantitative analysis of the effectiveness of flipping 57:01 Qualitative analysis: student comments 1:00:24 Another multitude of student questions 1:15:59 The Butter Battle Book - A suggestion for any new teacher 1:17:31 In Conclusion - A demonstration to demonstrate why I think flipping is awesome.
Comment posted on YouTube about this video, 2013.11.01: "Thanks for posting this, Mr. Palmer! Not only does it remind me of when I was in you class 4 years ago, but it's also really informative and helpful for me, seeing as I'm studying to become a teacher. It's crazy how I haven't been in your class for some time now...but it just seems natural to have you teaching me again, like I just left yesterday. Your enthusiasm for teaching and your subject is truly inspiring and infectious - thanks again for being awesome! :)" - Cowmoo83