Review of All AP Physics C Topics - Mechanics (Video 1 of 2) - (14:10)
Content Times:
0:38 Vectors vs. Scalars 1:05 The Uniformly Accelerated Motion Equations 2:07 Acceleration 2:42 Velocity 3:03 Derivative and Integral Definitions 4:01 Projectile Motion 4:57 Newton's 2nd Law and Free Body Diagrams 5:41 Newton's 2nd Law using the Derivative 6:19 Impulse 6:59 Conservation of Momentum 7:34 The Force of Static and Kinetic Friction 8:31 The Direction of the Force of Friction 9:29 Work 9:58 Mechanical Energies (Kinetic, Elastic and Gravitational Potential Energy) 10:26 3 Equations involving Mechanical Energies 11:14 Power 11:51 The Conservative Force Equation 12:55 Center of Mass of a System of Particles 13:35 Center of Mass of a Rigid Object |
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