Well, we have a fortnight to go before the AP Physics tests and many of the students using my web resources have fewer than 3 fortnights left in their high school careers. Therefore I am going to ask you for your financial support. Many people have told me that my “business model” is crazy. That giving away all of my content for free is foolhardy. That the only way to make money is to sell content. I don’t like their advice.
My theory is that there are many people out there who wouldn’t be able to pay for this content. However, there are enough people who can afford to donate money and who will donate money to outweigh those who can’t. As a teacher, I want to be able to educate as many people as possible, regardless of their ability to support me financially.
So please, if you have learned from me this year, support me financially. If you can’t afford that, there are many other ways to help out.
Good luck on the AP Physics exam and on all your final exams.
Thank you very much for your support, financially and otherwise,